powershell winform searchbox shows results incorrect [duplicate] - powershell

I'm using Powershell to set up IIS bindings on a web server, and having a problem with the following code:
$serverIps = gwmi Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
| Where { $_.IPAddress }
| Select -Expand IPAddress
| Where { $_ -like '*.*.*.*' }
| Sort
if ($serverIps.length -le 1) {
Write-Host "You need at least 2 IP addresses for this to work!"
$primaryIp = $serverIps[0]
$secondaryIp = $serverIps[1]
If there's 2+ IPs on the server, fine - Powershell returns an array, and I can query the array length and extract the first and second addresses just fine.
Problem is - if there's only one IP, Powershell doesn't return a one-element array, it returns the IP address (as a string, like "") - the string has a .length property, it's greater than 1, so the test passes, and I end up with the first two characters in the string, instead of the first two IP addresses in the collection.
How can I either force Powershell to return a one-element collection, or alternatively determine whether the returned "thing" is an object rather than a collection?

Define the variable as an array in one of two ways...
Wrap your piped commands in parentheses with an # at the beginning:
$serverIps = #(gwmi Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
| Where { $_.IPAddress }
| Select -Expand IPAddress
| Where { $_ -like '*.*.*.*' }
| Sort)
Specify the data type of the variable as an array:
[array]$serverIps = gwmi Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
| Where { $_.IPAddress }
| Select -Expand IPAddress
| Where { $_ -like '*.*.*.*' }
| Sort
Or, check the data type of the variable...
IF ($ServerIps -isnot [array])
{ <error message> }
{ <proceed> }

Force the result to an Array so you could have a Count property. Single objects (scalar) do not have a Count property. Strings have a length property so you might get false results, use the Count property:
if (#($serverIps).Count -le 1)...
By the way, instead of using a wildcard that can also match strings, use the -as operator:
[array]$serverIps = gwmi Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -filter "IPEnabled=TRUE" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty IPAddress | Where-Object {($_ -as [ipaddress]).AddressFamily -eq 'InterNetwork'}

You can either add a comma(,) before return list like return ,$list or cast it [Array] or [YourType[]] at where you tend to use the list.

If you declare the variable as an array ahead of time, you can add elements to it - even if it is just one...
This should work...
$serverIps = #()
gwmi Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
| Where { $_.IPAddress }
| Select -Expand IPAddress
| Where { $_ -like '*.*.*.*' }
| Sort | ForEach-Object{$serverIps += $_}

You can use Measure-Object to get the actual object count, without resorting to an object's Count property.
$serverIps = gwmi Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
| Where { $_.IPAddress }
| Select -Expand IPAddress
| Where { $_ -like '*.*.*.*' }
| Sort
if (($serverIps | Measure).Count -le 1) {
Write-Host "You need at least 2 IP addresses for this to work!"

Return as a referenced object, so it never converted while passing.
return #{ Value = #("single data") }

I had this problem passing an array to an Azure deployment template. If there was one object, PowerShell "converted" it to a string. In the example below, $a is returned from a function that gets VM objected according to the value of a tag. I pass the $a to the New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment cmdlet by wrapping it in #(). Like so:
New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName $RG -Name "TestVmByRole" -Mode Incremental -DeploymentDebugLogLevel All -TemplateFile $templatePath -TemplateParameterObject $TemplateParameterObject -verbose
VMObject is one of the template's parameters.
Might not be the most technical / robust way to do it, but it's enough for Azure.
Well the above did work. I've tried all the above and some, but the only way I have managed to pass $vmObject as an array, compatible with the deployment template, with one element is as follows (I expect MS have been playing again (this was a report and fixed bug in 2015)):
foreach($vmObject in $vmObjects)
#$vmTemplateObject = $vmObject
$asJson = (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $vmObject -Depth 10 -Verbose) #-replace '\s',''
$DeserializedJson = (New-Object -TypeName System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer -Property #{MaxJsonLength=67108864}).DeserializeObject($asJson)
$vmObjects is the output of Get-AzureRmVM.
I pass $DeserializedJson to the deployment template' parameter (of type array).
For reference, the lovely error New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment throws is
"The template output '{output_name}' is not valid: The language expression property 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ResourceStack.Frontdoor.Expression.Expressions.JTokenExpression'
can't be evaluated.."

There is a way to deal with your situation. Leave most of you code as-is, just change the way to deal with the $serverIps object. This code can deal with $null, only one item, and many items.
$serverIps = gwmi Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
| Where { $_.IPAddress }
| Select -Expand IPAddress
| Where { $_ -like '*.*.*.*' }
| Sort
# Always use ".Count" instead of ".Length".
# This works on $null, only one item, or many items.
if ($serverIps.Count -le 1) {
Write-Host "You need at least 2 IP addresses for this to work!"
# Always use foreach on a array-possible object, so that
# you don't have deal with this issue anymore.
$serverIps | foreach {
# The $serverIps could be $null. Even $null can loop once.
# So we need to skip the $null condition.
if ($_ -ne $null) {
# Get the index of the array.
# The #($serverIps) make sure it must be an array.
$idx = #($serverIps).IndexOf($item)
if ($idx -eq 0) { $primaryIp = $_ }
if ($idx -eq 1) { $secondaryIp = $_ }
In PowerShell Core, there is a .Count property exists on every objects. In Windows PowerShell, there are "almost" every object has an .Count property.


Powershell Pipeline - return a new Object, that was created within pipline

I keep running into the same problem again, and i have my default way of handling it, but it keeps bugging me.
Isn't there any better way?
So basicly i have a pipline running, do stuff within the pipline, and want to return a Key/Value Pair from within the pipline.
I want the whole pipline to return a object of type psobject (or pscustomobject).
Here is the way i do it everytime.
I create a hashtable at the beginning of the pipline and add key/Value Pairs from within the pipline to this hashtable using the .Add() method.
Afterwards i create a psobject by passing the hashtbale to New-Object`s -Property Parameter. This gives me the desired result.
Get-Process | Sort -Unique Name | ForEach-Object -Begin { $ht = #{} } -Process {
$key = $_.Name
$val = $_.Id
# Add Entry to Hashtable
# Create PSObject from Hashtable
$myAwesomeNewObject = New-Object psobject -Property $ht
# Done - returns System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject
But this seems a bit cluncky, isn't there a more elegant way of doing it?
Something like this:
[PSObject]$myAwesomeNewObject = Get-Process | Sort -Unique Name | ForEach-Object -Process {
$key = $_.Name
$val = $_.Id
# return Key/Val Pair
# Failed - returns System.Object[]
This unfortunally dosn't work, since the pipe returns an array of hashtables, but i hope you know now what iam trying to achieve.
Not sure if this is more elegant but just another way of doing it, this uses an anonymous function so $ht will no longer be available after execution, and casts to [pscustomobject] instead of using New-Object:
[pscustomobject] (Get-Process | Sort -Unique Name | & {
begin { $ht = #{ } }
process {
$key = $_.Name
$val = $_.Id
# Add Entry to Hashtable
$ht.Add($key, $val)
end { $ht }
You can also use the -End parameter to convert the final hash table to a pscustomobject as part of the pipeline, without needing to set the whole thing to a variable
$ht[$key]=$val is also a nice shorthand for $ht.Add($key,$val):
Get-Process |
Sort -Unique Name |
Foreach -Begin { $ht = #{} } -Process {
$ht[$_.Name] = $_.Id
} -End {[pscustomobject]$ht} |
## continue pipeline with pscustomobject
Thanks to #Santiago Squarzon and #Cpt.Whale answers, i were able to combine them to create a solution that pleases me:
$myAwesomeNewObject = `
Get-Process | Sort -Unique Name | & {
begin { $ht = #{} }
process {
$key = $_.Name
$val = $_.Id
# Add Entry to Hashtable
end {[pscustomobject]$ht}
# Success - System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject
# And helper Hashtable is NULL thanks to the
# anonym function
$null -eq $ht
Thanks alot Guys
Alternatively you may create a hashtable using Group-Object -AsHashTable:
# Store the PIDs of all processes into a PSCustomObject, keyed by the process name
$processes = [PSCustomObject] (Get-Process -PV proc |
Select-Object -Expand Id |
Group-Object { $proc.Name } -AsHashtable)
# List all PIDs of given process
Common parameter -PV (alias of -PipelineVariable) makes sure that we can still access the full process object from within the calculated property of the Group-Object command, despite that we have a Select-Object command in between.
The values of the properties are arrays, which store the process IDs of all instances of each process. E. g. $processes.chrome outputs a list of PIDs of all instances of the chrome process.

Issue with Powershell custom table

I'm trying to create a custom table based on two other tables (csv-imported) - some kind of a VLOOKUP, but I can't seem to find a solution. I've come up with the following (failing) code:
$DrawPlaces | select Module, Workplace, #{ Name = "IPaddress"; Expression = {$Workstations.workstation.where($_.WorkPlace -eq $Workstations.Workplace)}} -First 15
Both Drawplaces and $Workplaces are PSCustomObject. The result of this would then go to another variable.
I'm not even sure the logic or syntax is correct, but the result table has the IPaddress column empty. I've also tried with -match instead of -eq.
This doesn't make sense: $Workstations.workstation.where($_.WorkPlace -eq $Workstations.Workplace)
.where() requires a scriptblock parameter like .where({}).
Keeping in mind that inside the where-statement $_ is refering to the current object in the $workstations.workstation-loop, your where-statement is testing ex. $workstations.workstation[0].workplace -eq $workstations.workplace. Is that really what you want?
Are you trying to achieve this?
$DrawPlaces |
Select-Object -First 15 -Property #(
#{ Name = "IPaddress"; Expression = {
#Save the Workspace-value for the current object from $DrawPlaces
$wp = $_.WorkPlace;
#Find the workstation with the same workplace as $wp
$Workstations | Where-Object { $_.WorkPlace -eq $wp} | ForEach-Object { $_.Workstation }

Powershell passing variable as a filter string

I'm trying to write a script to retrieve the username of logged in users from servers, (This is an exercise in working with unformatted string data I'm aware of other methods to get this data so please don't suggest them)
I'm trying to pass a numeric string from a WMI query into a where-object filter
This is reading the WMI output from the Win32_LoggedOnUser class
$Name | where {$_.Dependent -like $ID } | select Antecedent
the problem seems to be in reading the ID variable, I've tried several variations which is a value concatenated with some wildcards for the filter format, I was tipped off to this when I converted the string to CSV format so I could more easily do a [regex]::Split, I get an error that the InputObject is null, If I run the above line alone I just get back a null result, if I manually enter the filter string I get the output I want.
[String]$ID = "'*"+$UserSessions.LogonId+"*'"
If I do a write-host I just get back '146771' which is what I seem to want,and get-member shows it to be a [System.String]
then I'm throwing this to a split that grabs the last token which is the username the whole script works fine if I manually enter the filter string just not with the variable in any format I've tried
${ID} ($ID) ""$ID"" $($ID)
Here's the full script for reference
$UserSessions = GWMI Win32_LogonSession | where { $_.LogonType -eq 2}
[String]$ID = "'*"+$UserSessions.LogonId+"*'"
$Name = GWMI Win32_LoggedOnUser
$Results = $Name | where {$_.Dependent -like $ID } | select Antecedent
$Split = $Results | ConvertTo-Csv
$Splat = [regex]::Split($Split, """")[9]
Write-Host "User = $Splat"
gwmi Win32_LogonSession may produce more than one result, so you need to account for that. Also, splitting produces less fields than you expect.
This worked for me:
gwmi Win32_LogonSession | ? { $_.LogonType -eq 2 } | % {
$ID = "*$($_.LogonId)*"
gwmi Win32_LoggedOnUser | ? { $_.Dependent -like $ID } | select Antecedent
} | % {
$name = ($_.Antecedent -split '"')[3]
Write-Host "User = $name"

How can I force Powershell to return an array when a call only returns one object?

I'm using Powershell to set up IIS bindings on a web server, and having a problem with the following code:
$serverIps = gwmi Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
| Where { $_.IPAddress }
| Select -Expand IPAddress
| Where { $_ -like '*.*.*.*' }
| Sort
if ($serverIps.length -le 1) {
Write-Host "You need at least 2 IP addresses for this to work!"
$primaryIp = $serverIps[0]
$secondaryIp = $serverIps[1]
If there's 2+ IPs on the server, fine - Powershell returns an array, and I can query the array length and extract the first and second addresses just fine.
Problem is - if there's only one IP, Powershell doesn't return a one-element array, it returns the IP address (as a string, like "") - the string has a .length property, it's greater than 1, so the test passes, and I end up with the first two characters in the string, instead of the first two IP addresses in the collection.
How can I either force Powershell to return a one-element collection, or alternatively determine whether the returned "thing" is an object rather than a collection?
Define the variable as an array in one of two ways...
Wrap your piped commands in parentheses with an # at the beginning:
$serverIps = #(gwmi Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
| Where { $_.IPAddress }
| Select -Expand IPAddress
| Where { $_ -like '*.*.*.*' }
| Sort)
Specify the data type of the variable as an array:
[array]$serverIps = gwmi Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
| Where { $_.IPAddress }
| Select -Expand IPAddress
| Where { $_ -like '*.*.*.*' }
| Sort
Or, check the data type of the variable...
IF ($ServerIps -isnot [array])
{ <error message> }
{ <proceed> }
Force the result to an Array so you could have a Count property. Single objects (scalar) do not have a Count property. Strings have a length property so you might get false results, use the Count property:
if (#($serverIps).Count -le 1)...
By the way, instead of using a wildcard that can also match strings, use the -as operator:
[array]$serverIps = gwmi Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -filter "IPEnabled=TRUE" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty IPAddress | Where-Object {($_ -as [ipaddress]).AddressFamily -eq 'InterNetwork'}
You can either add a comma(,) before return list like return ,$list or cast it [Array] or [YourType[]] at where you tend to use the list.
If you declare the variable as an array ahead of time, you can add elements to it - even if it is just one...
This should work...
$serverIps = #()
gwmi Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
| Where { $_.IPAddress }
| Select -Expand IPAddress
| Where { $_ -like '*.*.*.*' }
| Sort | ForEach-Object{$serverIps += $_}
You can use Measure-Object to get the actual object count, without resorting to an object's Count property.
$serverIps = gwmi Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
| Where { $_.IPAddress }
| Select -Expand IPAddress
| Where { $_ -like '*.*.*.*' }
| Sort
if (($serverIps | Measure).Count -le 1) {
Write-Host "You need at least 2 IP addresses for this to work!"
Return as a referenced object, so it never converted while passing.
return #{ Value = #("single data") }
I had this problem passing an array to an Azure deployment template. If there was one object, PowerShell "converted" it to a string. In the example below, $a is returned from a function that gets VM objected according to the value of a tag. I pass the $a to the New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment cmdlet by wrapping it in #(). Like so:
New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName $RG -Name "TestVmByRole" -Mode Incremental -DeploymentDebugLogLevel All -TemplateFile $templatePath -TemplateParameterObject $TemplateParameterObject -verbose
VMObject is one of the template's parameters.
Might not be the most technical / robust way to do it, but it's enough for Azure.
Well the above did work. I've tried all the above and some, but the only way I have managed to pass $vmObject as an array, compatible with the deployment template, with one element is as follows (I expect MS have been playing again (this was a report and fixed bug in 2015)):
foreach($vmObject in $vmObjects)
#$vmTemplateObject = $vmObject
$asJson = (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $vmObject -Depth 10 -Verbose) #-replace '\s',''
$DeserializedJson = (New-Object -TypeName System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer -Property #{MaxJsonLength=67108864}).DeserializeObject($asJson)
$vmObjects is the output of Get-AzureRmVM.
I pass $DeserializedJson to the deployment template' parameter (of type array).
For reference, the lovely error New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment throws is
"The template output '{output_name}' is not valid: The language expression property 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ResourceStack.Frontdoor.Expression.Expressions.JTokenExpression'
can't be evaluated.."
There is a way to deal with your situation. Leave most of you code as-is, just change the way to deal with the $serverIps object. This code can deal with $null, only one item, and many items.
$serverIps = gwmi Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
| Where { $_.IPAddress }
| Select -Expand IPAddress
| Where { $_ -like '*.*.*.*' }
| Sort
# Always use ".Count" instead of ".Length".
# This works on $null, only one item, or many items.
if ($serverIps.Count -le 1) {
Write-Host "You need at least 2 IP addresses for this to work!"
# Always use foreach on a array-possible object, so that
# you don't have deal with this issue anymore.
$serverIps | foreach {
# The $serverIps could be $null. Even $null can loop once.
# So we need to skip the $null condition.
if ($_ -ne $null) {
# Get the index of the array.
# The #($serverIps) make sure it must be an array.
$idx = #($serverIps).IndexOf($item)
if ($idx -eq 0) { $primaryIp = $_ }
if ($idx -eq 1) { $secondaryIp = $_ }
In PowerShell Core, there is a .Count property exists on every objects. In Windows PowerShell, there are "almost" every object has an .Count property.

PowerShell: Convert an object to a string

We have Exchange Info Stores that begin with UsersA-B, UsersC-D, etc., and then some that are outside that naming convention.
$allIS = Get-MailboxDatabase |
Where { $_.name -notlike "*Users*" } |
Select Identity
I'll lookup a current user's info store, and then try to do a comparison on the $allIS array. If it matches, do some action.
When I output the value of $allIS[0] for instance, it returns #{Identity=MSCCR\CEO\CEO}.
I'd like to throw those converted strings into a different array, and then do the comparison. This would be to have a dynamic list of information stores to compare against. But maybe this isn't the best, most efficient way. What would be the best way to try to do this comparison, as right now I'm comparing apples to oranges here?
It is hard to tell if that could be optimized without seeing the second part...
But it's pretty easy to get a flat array of identities. Either use -ExpandProperty on select, or use foreach { $_.Identity } instead of select:
$allIS = Get-MailboxDatabase | ? { $_.name -notlike "*Users*" } | select -expand Identity
$allIS = Get-MailboxDatabase | ? { $_.Name -notlike '*Users*' | foreach { $_.Identity}
The PowerShelly way
$isNames = #()
$allIS = Get-MailboxDatabase |
Where { $_.name -notlike "*Users*" } |
Select Identity |
%{ $isNames += $_.name }
It pipes the output to a foreach loop using % instead.
A more procedural way
$isNames = #()
foreach ($is in $allIS)
$isNames += $is.identity
That gives you a simple array of only the names of the information stores, as strings instead of objects.
When you try to use "property dereference operator" '.' for a property that is not a member of the array class, it will dereference each element of the array instead.
$allIS = (Get-MailboxDatabase | ? { $_.name -notlike "*Users*" }).Identity