Qliksense display by default Previous and current year via trigger - triggers

I would like to apply by default a trigger (select multiple values )that showed data of the previous and the current year and apply the same filter on all year fields


Power BI too current date filter / dynamic bookmark

So I have a sales KPI's page in power bi with 2 full years of data and the current year which is updated monthly / daily, So in order to display data up to the current month we have data for and compare them with prior years I currently have to select all the months individually so for this month I have to make 11 clicks on a month slicer to not be comparing a skewed amount of data with the prior full years..
so my question would be, is there a way to make a slicer or button for an entire page to click just once and show data for only up to the completed dates of data in the current year, just to help efficiency for the end user. I don't want a measure to add to every single visual, just a button or slicer on the page to turn off and on.
I want to stay away from relative date filters that do not update automatically, I don't want to have to go in every month and change it on my end, I want the end user to just push an action button.
Thank you!
You have two options that will fit your use case.
Use the relative date filter, that will show the data for the current year
In this example the relative date filter is set for this year, and will only show the date in that range. The dataset does contain values from 2019 to 2021, but only shows 2021.
The second option is to create a calendar table with items such as 'Current Month', 'Current Year', 'Current Day' etc to drive that filtering if the relative date filter doesn't fit your use case. This example works out the current year
You can set the page filter to filter on items in the current date range, every time the dataset refreshes, it will update the range to take into account the current day, year, month or what ever you define

Month filter to be defaulted to current month whenever user opens the report

I have a month column in the data and I am adding this as a filter so that user can filter whichever month he wants.
I want the month filter to be defaulted to current month whenever user opens the report and then he can change the month based on his needs. Is this possible in spotfire?
You can create the calculated column with the following definition and pick current month as a filter.
If(Month([Date])=Month(DateTimeNow()),"Current month",String([Date]))

Exclude current week in Tableau automatically

I have set of data that is automatically updated each day with new lines.
On the other hand my graphs shows weekly/monthly data.
Is there any way to exclude current week/month, so that the graph can be automatically updated on the server, without me manually excluding and including weeks/months each time I have data for full week/month?
Here's another option which I use regularly in my reports.
Index your date field by week, with a calculated field:
STR(DATEDIFF('week', [Date], today(), 'monday'))
Note that here I have specified my weeks start on Monday, your requirement may be different.
Drag this field onto filters and exclude the value 0, as in the index the current week will always be 0, last week will be 1 etc.
This is an untested example of a calculated field to exclude current week:
IF DATETRUNC('week',[your date field]) = DATETRUNC('week',NOW()) THEN
'filter me'
'leave me'
Drag that calculated field to filters. In case you couldn't guess, exclude the 'filter me' value :)
make a copy of your date field. Drop on filter, select condition tab, select by formula and drop this in the field:
datetrunc('week',[Order Date (copy)]) <> datetrunc('week',today())

tibco Spotfire Set filter to last 8 days by default

Can I have a filter that is set to current date - 8days by default. So, whenever a user opens it on the webplayer the filter should show data in the last 8 days and then the user can change the filter around.
you can accomplish this by setting a Data Limiting Expression with an expression like
[Date] >= DateAdd("day", -8, DateTimeNow())

How to create default date set on a calendar in Tableau

I have one vertica query in my tableau,
select * from mytable where Date(sometimestamp) between
start_date and end_date
As you can see data varies as per change in date range.
My issue is to set start_date as default to current_date - 90 and end_date as current_date.
There is not issue in making end_date as current_date but no idea about how to set start_date as current_date-90 in tableau.
I tried making calculated fields etc but none helps.
Could you please guide me on how to do that.
Note - Both, start_date and end_date should be calendar component not dropdowns or slider.
You can accomplish this by adding a filter to your data source -- note that you won't be able to control this filter from the dashboard (if that's what you want to do, you'll need to create a calculated field and let the users interact with it), rather, this is a datasource level filter.
Go to the data source and click "Add" under the filters text in the top right, then click "Add"
Click the "Relative dates"
Then, select Relative Dates, Months, Last 3 (Or select Days and enter 90 under the "Last" radio button) and press OK.
You said you have the end date handled, but you can create another data source filter to handle the end date if you want.