PySpark convert Dataframe to Dictionary - pyspark

I got the following DataFrame:
| User Hash ID| Word|sum(Total Count)|rank|
|00095808cdc611fb5...| errors| 5| 1|
|00095808cdc611fb5...| text| 3| 2|
|00095808cdc611fb5...| information| 3| 3|
|00095808cdc611fb5...| department| 2| 4|
|00095808cdc611fb5...| error| 2| 5|
|00095808cdc611fb5...| data| 2| 6|
|00095808cdc611fb5...| web| 2| 7|
|00095808cdc611fb5...| list| 2| 8|
|00095808cdc611fb5...| recognition| 2| 9|
|00095808cdc611fb5...| pipeline| 2| 10|
|000ac87bf9c1623ee...|consciousness| 14| 1|
|000ac87bf9c1623ee...| book| 3| 2|
|000ac87bf9c1623ee...| place| 2| 3|
|000ac87bf9c1623ee...| mystery| 2| 4|
|000ac87bf9c1623ee...| mental| 2| 5|
|000ac87bf9c1623ee...| flanagan| 2| 6|
|000ac87bf9c1623ee...| account| 2| 7|
|000ac87bf9c1623ee...| world| 2| 8|
|000ac87bf9c1623ee...| problem| 2| 9|
|000ac87bf9c1623ee...| theory| 2| 10|
This shows some for each user the 10 most frequent words he read.
I would like to create a dictionary, which then can be saved to a file, with the following format:
User : <top 1 word>, <top 2 word> .... <top 10 word>
To achieve this, I thought it might be more efficient to cut down the df as much as possible, before converting it. Thus, I tried:
>>> df.groupBy("User Hash ID").agg(collect_list("Word")).show(20)
| User Hash ID| collect_list(Word)|
|00095808cdc611fb5...|[errors, text, in...|
|000ac87bf9c1623ee...|[consciousness, b...|
|0038ccf6e16121e7c...|[potentials, orga...|
|0042bfbafc6646f47...|[fuel, car, consu...|
|00a19396b7bb52e40...|[face, recognitio...|
|00cec95a2c007b650...|[force, energy, m...|
|00df9406cbab4575e...|[food, history, w...|
|00e6e2c361f477e1c...|[image, based, al...|
|01636d715de360576...|[functional, lang...|
|01a778c390e44a8c3...|[trna, genes, pro...|
|01ab9ade07743d66b...|[packaging, car, ...|
|01bdceea066ec01c6...|[anthropology, de...|
|020c643162f2d581b...|[laser, electron,...|
|0211604d339d0b3db...|[food, school, ve...|
|0211e8f09720c7f47...|[privacy, securit...|
|021435b2c4523dd31...|[life, rna, origi...|
|0239620aa740f1514...|[method, image, d...|
|023ad5d85a948edfc...|[web, user, servi...|
|02416836b01461574...|[parts, based, ad...|
|0290152add79ae1d8...|[data, score, de,...|
From here, it should be more straight forward to generate that dictionary However, I cannot be sure if by using this agg function I am guaranteed that the words are in the correct order! That is why I am hesitant and wanted to get some feedback on maybe better options

Based on answers provided here - collect_list by preserving order based on another variable
you can write below query to make sure you have top 5 in correct order
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
grouped_df = dft.groupby("userid") \
.agg(F.sort_array(F.collect_list(F.struct("rank", "word"))) \
.alias("collected_list")) \
.withColumn("sorted_list",F.slice(F.col("collected_list.word"),start=1,length=5)) \

First of all, if you go from a dataframe to a dictionary, you may have to face some memory issue as you will bring all the content of the dataframe to your driver (dictionary is a python object, not a spark object).
You are not that far away from a working solution. I'd do it that way :
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
df.groupBy("User Hash ID").agg(
F.collect_list(F.struct("Word", "sum(Total Count)", "rank")).alias("data")
This will create a data column where you have your 3 fields, aggregated by user id.
Then, to go from a dataframe to a dict object, you can use for example toJSON or Row object method asDict


spark scala transform a dataframe/rdd

I have a CSV file like below.
I want to transform this into the following.
Basically I want to create the an new column called idx in the output dataframe which will be populated with the same value "n" as that of the row following the key=idx, value="n".
Here is one way using last window function with Spark >= 2.0.0:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{last, when, lit}
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
val w = Window.partitionBy("PK").rowsBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, 0)
df.withColumn("idx", when($"key" === lit("idx"), $"Value"))
.withColumn("idx", last($"idx", true).over(w))
| PK| key| Value| idx|
|100| col1| val11|null|
|100| col2| val12|null|
|100| idx| 1| 1|
|100|icol1|ival11| 1|
|100|icol3|ival13| 1|
|100| idx| 2| 2|
|100|icol1|ival21| 2|
|100|icol2|ival22| 2|
|101| col1| val21|null|
|101| col2| val22|null|
|101| idx| 1| 1|
|101|icol1|ival11| 1|
|101|icol3|ival13| 1|
|101| idx| 3| 3|
|101|icol1|ival31| 3|
|101|icol2|ival32| 3|
The code first creates a new column called idx which contains the value of Value when key == idx, or null otherwise. Then it retrieves the last observed idx over the defined window.

Spark withColumn working for modifying column but not adding a new one

Scala 2.12 and Spark 2.2.1 here. I have the following code:
myDf.withColumn("rank", myDf("rank") * 10)
myDf.withColumn("lastRanOn", current_date())
println("And now:")
When I run this, in the logs I see:
| 2| 5| 1440370637| 128|
| 2| 5| 2114144780|1352|
| 2| 8| 199559784|3233|
| 2| 5| 1522258372| 895|
| 2| 9| 918480276| 882|
And now:
|fizz|buzz|rizzrankrid| rank|
| 2| 5| 1440370637| 1280|
| 2| 5| 2114144780|13520|
| 2| 8| 199559784|32330|
| 2| 5| 1522258372| 8950|
| 2| 9| 918480276| 8820|
So, interesting:
The first withColumn works, transforming each row's rank value by multiplying itself by 10
However the second withColumn fails, which is just adding the current date/time to all rows as a new lastRanOn column
What do I need to do to get the lastRanOn column addition working?
Your example is probably too simple, because modifying rank should also not work.
withColumn does not update DataFrame, it's create a new DataFrame.
So you must do:
// if myDf is a var
myDf = myDf.withColumn("rank", myDf("rank") * 10)
myDf = myDf.withColumn("lastRanOn", current_date())
println("And now:")
or for example:
myDf.withColumn("rank", myDf("rank") * 10).withColumn("lastRanOn", current_date()).show(5)
Only then you will have new column added - after reassigning new DataFrame reference

Pyspark groupBy Pivot Transformation

I'm having a hard time framing the following Pyspark dataframe manipulation.
Essentially I am trying to group by category and then pivot/unmelt the subcategories and add new columns.
I've tried a number of ways, but they are very slow and and are not leveraging Spark's parallelism.
Here is my existing (slow, verbose) code:
from pyspark.sql.functions import lit
df = sqlContext.table('Table')
#loop over category
listids = [x.asDict().values()[0] for x in"category").distinct().collect()]
dfArray = [df.where(df.category == x) for x in listids]
for d in dfArray:
#loop over subcategory
listids_sub = [x.asDict().values()[0] for x in"sub_category").distinct().collect()]
dfArraySub = [d.where(d.sub_category == x) for x in listids_sub]
num = 1
for b in dfArraySub:
#renames all columns to append a number
for c in b.columns:
if c not in ['category','sub_category','date']:
column_name = str(c)+'_'+str(num)
b = b.withColumnRenamed(str(c), str(c)+'_'+str(num))
b = b.drop('sub_category')
num += 1
#if no df exists, create one and continually join new columns
all_subs = all_subs.drop('sub_category').join(b.drop('sub_category'), on=['cateogry','date'], how='left')
all_subs = b
#Fixes missing columns on union
diff_columns = list(set(all_cats.columns) - set(all_subs.columns))
for d in diff_columns:
all_subs = all_subs.withColumn(d, lit(None))
all_cats = all_cats.union(all_subs)
diff_columns = list(set(all_subs.columns) - set(all_cats.columns))
for d in diff_columns:
all_cats = all_cats.withColumn(d, lit(None))
all_cats = all_cats.union(all_subs)
except Exception as e:
print e
all_cats = all_subs
But this is very slow. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!
Your output is not really logical, but we can achieve this result using the pivot function. You need to precise your rules otherwise I can see a lot of cases it may fails.
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql.window import Window
| date| category|sub_category|metric_sales|metric_trans|
|2018-01-01|furniture| bed| 100| 75|
|2018-01-01|furniture| chair| 110| 85|
|2018-01-01|furniture| shelf| 35| 30|
|2018-02-01|furniture| bed| 55| 50|
|2018-02-01|furniture| chair| 45| 40|
|2018-02-01|furniture| shelf| 10| 15|
|2018-01-01| rug| circle| 2| 5|
|2018-01-01| rug| square| 3| 6|
|2018-02-01| rug| circle| 3| 3|
|2018-02-01| rug| square| 4| 5|
df.withColumn("fg", F.row_number().over(Window().partitionBy('date', 'category').orderBy("sub_category"))).groupBy('date', 'category', ).pivot('fg').sum('metric_sales', 'metric_trans').show()
| date| category|1_sum(CAST(`metric_sales` AS BIGINT))|1_sum(CAST(`metric_trans` AS BIGINT))|2_sum(CAST(`metric_sales` AS BIGINT))|2_sum(CAST(`metric_trans` AS BIGINT))|3_sum(CAST(`metric_sales` AS BIGINT))|3_sum(CAST(`metric_trans` AS BIGINT))|
|2018-02-01| rug| 3| 3| 4| 5| null| null|
|2018-02-01|furniture| 55| 50| 45| 40| 10| 15|
|2018-01-01|furniture| 100| 75| 110| 85| 35| 30|
|2018-01-01| rug| 2| 5| 3| 6| null| null|

Iterate a spark dataframe with static list of values using withcolumn [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I add a new column to a Spark DataFrame (using PySpark)?
(10 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I am bit new on pyspark. I have a spark dataframe with about 5 columns and 5 records. I have list of 5 records.
Now I want to add these 5 static records from the list to the existing dataframe using withColumn. I did that, but its not working.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Below is my sample:
for a in range(0,len(dq_results)):
print lit(dq_results[a])
Create one data frame from list dq_results:
Add one column for df_list id (it will be row id)
df_list_id = df_list.withColumn("id", monotonically_increasing_id())
Add one column for dataFile_df id (it will be row id)
dataFile_df= df_list.withColumn("id", monotonically_increasing_id())
Now we can join the both dataframe df_list and dataFile_df.
So dataFile_df is final data frame
withColumn will add a new Column, but I guess you might want to append Rows instead. Try this:
df1 = spark.createDataFrame([(a, a*2, a+3, a+4, a+5) for a in range(5)], "A B C D E".split(' '))
new_data = [[100 + i*j for i in range(5)] for j in range(5)]
| A| B| C| D| E|
| 0| 0| 3| 4| 5|
| 1| 2| 4| 5| 6|
| 2| 4| 5| 6| 7|
| 3| 6| 6| 7| 8|
| 4| 8| 7| 8| 9|

Find and replace not working - dataframe spark scala

I have the following dataframe:
| createdon|count|
|2017-06-28| 1|
|2017-06-17| 2|
|2017-05-20| 1|
|2017-06-23| 2|
|2017-06-16| 3|
|2017-06-30| 1|
I want to replace the count values by 0, where it is greater than 1, i.e., the resultant dataframe should be:
| createdon|count|
|2017-06-28| 1|
|2017-06-17| 0|
|2017-05-20| 1|
|2017-06-23| 0|
|2017-06-16| 0|
|2017-06-30| 1|
I tried the following expression:
df.withColumn("count", when(($"count" > 1), 0)).show
but the output was
| createdon| count|
|2017-06-28| null|
|2017-06-17| 0|
|2017-05-20| null|
|2017-06-23| 0|
|2017-06-16| 0|
|2017-06-30| null|
I am not able to understand, why for the value 1, null is getting displayed and how to overcome that. Can anyone help me?
You need to chain otherwise after when to specify the values where the conditions don't hold; In your case, it would be count column itself:
df.withColumn("count", when(($"count" > 1), 0).otherwise($"count"))
This can be done using udf function too
def replaceWithZero = udf((col: Int) => if(col > 1) 0 else col) //udf function
df.withColumn("count", replaceWithZero($"count")).show(false) //calling udf function
Note : udf functions should always be the choice only when there is no inbuilt functions as it requires serialization and deserialization of column data.