KDB copy one table's schema (meta) to another table's - kdb

I'm trying to map one table's schema to another table,
For instance, I have t1 and t2, which have exact column names and order but different datatype, but I want (meta t2)~meta t1. //1b.
My idea is to copy datatype string of t1 using meta, say it's "SFFFFFJJJ". Then store t2 to .csv and read it with "SFFFFFJJJ". This works but not smart, could anyone come up with better ideas?

You could use the meta of one table to cast the other table:
t2:flip(exec upper t from meta t1)$string flip t2

This is based on the same principle as you mention, without the need to save the csv-formatted table:
{(upper (0!meta y)`t;enlist",")0:","0:x}[t1;t2]
This will return the table t1 but with the schema of t2.
Here, ","0:x is Prepare Text which converts the table into a list of strings, with data delimited by commas. The (...;...)0: is Load CSV where the types are being supplied t2's meta table.


Is there a way to treat a csv like a table to match keys and import data to appropriate rows in postgres?

We have multiple data sources we're trying to merge into a DB table that are not ordered and may not even have matching records. We have a column that is common to both that we'd like to match up and merge the records. I'm looking to find a command that we can write that will do something like:
if column1.table = column1.csvfile then update table set column2.table = column2.csvfile WHERE column1.table = column1.csvfile
Scanning through each row of the CSV.
COPY assumes that your data is in order.
file_fdw is made precisely for this requirement.
Define a foreign table on the CSV file, then you can query it like a regular table.
An easy way to do this is to create a temporary table (let's call it table2) with a structure that matches your CSV file, and COPY the file to there. Then you can run a simple update:
UPDATE table1
SET column2 = table2.column2
FROM table2
WHERE table1.column1 = table2.column1;
And then drop table2 when you're done.

How to get the describe tables from the Redshift and ALTER it

I have create a redshift cluster and created a db inside.
My schema is new_schema
I have created 2 tables inside two tables inside table1, table2
My Question.
I want to list the datatypes of table1
I need to change the datatype of description which is inside the table1 which is of VARCHAR to TEXT
I have tried to list the datatypes of table1 with below query but nothing listing
SELECT * FROM PG_TABLE_DEF WHERE schemaname = 'new_schema';
A few possibilities as to why you are not seeing the expected results. Most likely is that new_schema isn't in your search_path. Pg_table_info only return info for tables in your search_path - see: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/dg/r_PG_TABLE_DEF.html
Another possibility is that the tables have no data rows (no blocks assigned) and this can lead to incomplete info from some system tables.
Another possibility is that the tables were not committed by the creating session and being checked by a different session. Since you say that you are creating a new db this comes to mind.
Are the tables visible in svv_table_info?
Also the premise of changing varchar to text is a bit off. From https://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/dg/r_Character_types.html#r_Character_types-text-and-bpchar-types
You can create an Amazon Redshift table with a TEXT column, but it is
converted to a VARCHAR(256) column that accepts variable-length values
with a maximum of 256 characters.
So it seems like the objective you are trying to achieve is a bit off.

Handling the output of jsonb_populate_record

I'm a real beginner when it comes to SQL and I'm currently trying to build a database using postgres. I have a lot of data I want to put into my database in JSON files, but I have trouble converting it into tables. The JSON is nested and contains many variables, but the behavior of jsonb_populate_record allows me to ignore the structure I don't want to deal with right now. So far I have:
CREATE TABLE raw (records JSONB);
COPY raw from 'home/myuser/mydocuments/mydata/data.txt'
create type jsonb_type as (time text, id numeric);
create table test as (
select jsonb_populate_record(null::jsonb_type, raw.records) from raw;
When running the select statement only (without the create table) the data looks great in the GUI I use (DBeaver). However it does not seem to be an actual table as I cannot run select statements like
select time from test;
or similar. The column in my table 'test' also is called 'jsonb_populate_record(jsonb_type)' in the GUI, so something seems to be going wrong there. I do not know how to fix it, I've read about people using lateral joins when using json_populate_record, but due to my limited SQL knowledge I can't understand or replicate what they are doing.
jsonb_populate_record() returns a single column (which is a record).
If you want to get multiple columns, you need to expand the record:
create table test
select (jsonb_populate_record(null::jsonb_type, raw.records)).*
from raw;
A "record" is a a data type (that's why you need create type to create one) but one that can contain multiple fields. So if you have a column in a table (or a result) that column in turn contains the fields of that record type. The * then expands the fields in that record.

select all columns except two in q kdb historical database

In output I want to select all columns except two columns from a table in q/kdb historical database.
I tried running below query but it does not work on hdb.
delete colid,coltime from table where date=.z.d-1
but it is failing with below error
ERROR: 'par
(trying to update a physically partitioned table)
I referred https://code.kx.com/wiki/Cookbook/ProgrammingIdioms#How_do_I_select_all_the_columns_of_a_table_except_one.3F but no help.
How can we display all columns except for two in kdb historical database?
The reason you are getting par error is due to the fact that it is a partitioned table.
The error is documented here
trying to update a partitioned table
You cannot directly update, delete anything on a partitioned table ( there is a separate db maintenance script for that)
The query you have used as fix is basically selecting the data first in-memory (temporarily) and then deleting the columns, hence it is working.
delete colid,coltime from select from table where date=.z.d-1
You can try the following functional form :
c:cols[t] except `p
?[t;enlist(=;`date;2015.01.01) ;0b;c!c]
Could try a functional select:
Here the last argument is a dictionary of column name to column title, which tells the query what to extract. Instead of deleting the columns you specified this selects all but those two, which is the same query more or less.
To see what the functional form of a query is you can run something like:
parse"select colid,coltime from table where date=.z.d"
And it will output the arguments to the functional select.
You can read more on functional selects at code.kx.com.
Only select queries work on partitioned tables, which you resolved by structuring your query where you first selected the table into memory, then deleted the columns you did not want.
If you have a large number of columns and don't want to create a bulky select query you could use a functional select.
?[table;();0b;{x!x}((cols table) except `colid`coltime)]
And show all columns except a subset of columns. The column clause expects a dictionary hence I am using the function {x!x} to convert my list to a dictionary. See more information here
As nyi mentioned, if you want to permanently delete columns from an historical database you can use the deleteCol function in the dbmaint tools https://github.com/KxSystems/kdb/blob/master/utils/dbmaint.md

Replace Text of a field from a different table in SQL

I have two data buckets using a cryptic naming convention.
Am I able to update the data in the fields on the main table where the record entry is equal to the primary key on the other table?
Something like Table1 has 5 columns, t1A t1B t1C t1D t1E
and Table2 has 2 columns description, and Table1code.
Am I able to switch the data in Table1 with the description field in Table2?
I have tried doing a sql update/case statement but kept getting non-boolean errors when I would run it.
Any help would be appreciated.
You need to do an update with a join. Have a read of this http://www.bennadel.com/blog/938-Using-A-SQL-JOIN-In-A-SQL-UPDATE-Statement-Thanks-John-Eric-.htm