Convert a hexadecimal string into list of integers - flutter

Similar to this question here but for flutter/dart: Easier / better way to convert hexadecimal string to list of numbers in Python?
I have a string with hexadecimal value like 09F911029D74E35BD84156C5635688C0 and I want to return [9, 249, 17, 2, 157, 116, 227, 91, 216, 65, 86, 197, 99, 86, 136, 192]. In python I can just use list(binascii.unhexlify('09F911029D74E35BD84156C5635688C0')). Is there such a function for flutter/dart?

Try the Package convert to decode or encode your hex values into desired values
var hex = 09F911029D74E35BD84156C5635688C0;
var result = hex.decode(hex);
also import 'package:convert/convert.dart';
let me know if this works .


Convert from decimal to ASCII the data present in a column of a .csv file

i should convert the data of a column of a csv file in powershell
This data is often in decimal and I would need to convert it to ASCII as in the example
80, 77, 79, 32, 83, 50, 52, 50, 45, 86, 70, 67 -> to Ascii > PMO S242-VFC
the table is composed as follows
80, 77, 79, 32, 83, 50, 52, 50, 45, 86, 70, 6
65, 99, 101, 114, 32, 86, 50, 52, 54, 72, 76
this is the result
Acer V246HL
You need to iterate your CSV file rows, and check each row, if the row is a Byte Data row, convert it using: [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString
So for example:
foreach ($row in Import-Csv c:\filepath.csv)
if ($row.Modello -is [array] # just an example, needs more validation
[System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString([byte]$Row.Modello) # save it somewhere
As you did not provided any code or showing your work, I'm just showing an example of what you can probably do,

How can I extrapolate the reversed hex string with Flutter?

through flutter I am reading a series of beacons with nfc_manager, the string I read is the one reported in the log below, how can I extrapolate the reversed hex string to be able to print it from the string represents in the log?
Flutter Code:
NfcManager.instance.startSession(onDiscovered: (NfcTag tag) async {
Log print:
{nfca: {identifier: [4, 7, 255, 82, 190, 78, 129], atqa: [68, 0],
maxTransceiveLength: 253, sak: 0, timeout: 618},
mifareultralight: {identifier: [4, 7, 255, 82, 190, 78, 129],
maxTransceiveLength: 253, timeout: 618, type: 1}, ndefformatable: {identifier: [4, 7, 255, 82, 190, 78, 129]}}
Decode the json string like
var convert = json.decode(;
Then you can use String.fromCharCodes like the following
List<int> charCodes = convert['nfca']['identifier'];
print(new String.fromCharCodes(charCodes));

How can I convert a compressed .gz file that I'm getting from a bluetooth Low-energy device to an actual decompressed file in Swift 4.2, using gzip?

I am very new to Xcode and iOS, I have a device, let's call it Brains, that I'm connecting to via Bluetooth LE using an app I built with Swift 4 and Xcode 10 on my iPhone 5, call it Body. Brains is similar to an arduino board, but not exactly. I can connect and get all the data with BLE with no problems, until I tried to get a compressed file filled with json strings.
I am receiving the compressed bytes but I can't seem to know what to do next. How can I get the compressed file, decompress it and read the data inside?
I have tried many things from using the Modules: GzipSwift,
DataCompression and SSZipArchive
I have used gunzipped(), gunzip() and decompress() but none of them seem to work.
I have read this thread: iOS :: How to decompress .gz file using GZIP Utility? and it say that I have to get all the compressed bytes stream and convert that to NSData and then decompress it, trouble is he's Using objective-c and I cant seem to translate into swift 4.
I'm getting the bytes from the Bluetooth LE characteristic in a [UInt8] array, in this function:
func received_logs(data: [UInt8]) {
let data_array_example = [31, 139, 8, 8, 16, 225, 156, 92, 2, 255, 68, 97, 116, 97, 0, 181, 157, 107, 110, 220, 56, 16, 6, 175, 226, 3, 248, 71, 63, 73, 234, 44, 193, 222, 255, 26, 171, 30, 35, 192, 90, 20, 18, 121, 182, 11, 112, 16, 35, 48, 10, 31, 154, 197, 22, 135, 34, 227, 95, 191, 76, 244, 16, 183, 248, 252, 48, 137, 229, 38, 242, 249, 161, 231, 87, 156, 127, 207, 113, 126, 227, 159, 31, 231, 183, 110, 223, 255, 200, 239, 47, 203, 252, 253, 173, 255, 231, 159, 235, 235, 108, 105, 110, 101, 48, 47, 50, 48]
for data_byte in stride(from: 0, to: data_array_example.count, by: 1) {
let byte = String(data_array_example[data_byte])
sourceString = sourceString + byte //getting all the bytes and converting to string to store in a variable
let text = sourceBuffer
do {
try text.write(to: path!, atomically: false, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)
catch {
print("Failed writing")
} //dump the var into a txt file
var file_array : [UInt8] = []
let byte2 = NSData(data:
let asc_array = Data(bytes:
let decompressedData: Data
do {
try decompressedData = asc.gunzipped()
print("Decom: ", String(data: decompressedData, encoding: .utf8))
catch {
print(error) //Gives me the "unknown compression method error"
I expect to see the Uncompressed file's contents but I only get:
GzipError(kind:, message: "incorrect header check")
Maybe I'm just making it more complicated than It needs to be. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you very much :)
I created a .gz file and used the both the gunzipped() and gunzip() functions and both of them worked.
Tried to directly convert the data to NSData and then gunzip() but now getting the error:
GzipError(kind:, message: "unknown compression method")
The updated example data has a correct gzip header, and so would not be giving you an incorrect header check if you are feeding the data correctly to the gunzipper.
I solve my issue. Turns out I was miscounting the bytes and some of them were in the wrong order. Thank you guys for your help!

Hash is not working on Array<UInt8> datatype in swift

I'm trying to convert a payload using CBOR.encode method from SwiftCBOR which gives me a result in Array<UInt8> format and when the result is being hashed its gives the result in Array<UInt8> format but i need the hash of it
payload = {productName:"Philips Hue White A19 4-Pack 60W Equivalent Dimmable LED Smart Bulb"}
let payloadBytes = CBOR.encode(payload)
print("payloadbytes:",payloadBytes); // payloadbytes: [120, 83, 123,..., 98, 34, 125]
print("hashed payload",payloadBytes.sha512()); //[176, 26, 154,..., 85, 75, 77]
the expected output of hashing the payloadbytes is

ZXing truncading negative bytes

In ZXing i'm creating a string of a binary data using the encode "ISO-8859-1"
but somehow negative bytes in the data get truncated to byte 63 when reading the produced QR code
Example: String before QR code (as bytes)
-78, 99, -86, 15, -123, 31, -11, -64, 77, -91, 26, -126, -68, 33
String read from QR code:
63, 99, 63, 15, 63, 31, 63, 63, 77, 63, 26, 63, 63, 33
How do I prevent that without using base64?
For some reason ZXing assembles the QR matrix with the correct data, it's the reading that truncates the bytes. I ended up sidestepping the problem by encoding my binary data to base64 and dealing with the increased message size