Extrapolate Coordinates form Leaflet map - leaflet

I'm planning a climbing trip and I wanted to retrieve the climbing locations from a leaflet map.
I thought I could use chromedriver and selenium to get the information I wanted but I'm having difficulty scanning through all markers since I can't understand where all the informations are stored.
Could someone guide me through how I could get the information? (also without using selenium)
The map in question is: https://www.climbingsardinia.com/topos/maps/
Thank you in advance.

in that page you will see a global variable called cttm_markers, it contains all markers informations and relative coordinates.
For example, cttm_markers[0][[0].additionalData.title evaluates "M.te Arci – Trebina Longa".Further, cttm_markers[0][[0]._latlng is an object {lat,lng} that contains coordinates.
Try to open console and paste this: JSON.stringify(cttm_markers[0].map(c=>({title:c.additionalData.title,latlng:c._latlng}))), it will print a json.

One way to do it is to get some information on one of the markers and use this to search the request reponses made by the page (you can do this in the debug tools, usually opened with F12). One of the markers for example reveals the location "Grighini". The base request redirects to (in my case) https://www.climbingsardinia.com/topos/maps/?doing_wp_cron=1651158093.0027918815612792968750
Searching the response, reveals that in line 1908 there's the string "Grighini". This line contains a serialized JSON array, containing the markers.


How to add maps to one simulator?

I am using one simulator and wanted to add my own maps. So I looked into this website https://mygeodata.cloud/ which can provide me with the wkt files of maps.
The problem is I am not able to get these to work, can someone provide some details on how to add a town's map with maybe bus routes etc to ONE Simulator?
The error I'm getting is "SimMap is not fully connected. Only 1057 out of 1113 map nodes can be reached from Nt2#(-1.15,52.95). E.g. Nt2#(-1.14,52.95) can't be reached"
The default roads.wtk files have linestrings like this
LINESTRING (2551683.6644129306 6674375.029443317, 2551528.069902012
While my linestrings of Nottingham,England are this
LINESTRING (-1.1525824 52.9518235,-1.1524917 52.9517354,-1.1519975 >
52.9511418,-1.1517313 52.9508255)
It seems that your input map has around 50 nodes that can not be reached from other map nodes. The ONE Simulator needs to have the map fully connected (i.e., all nodes need to be reachable). Check out the map source (e.g., using OpenJUMP) and look for nodes or map segments that are not connected to each other and delete them or connect them with new line segments. The error message gives you a hint where to look at.
For an example on how to add bus routes, check out the Helsinki map and the tram/bus route files: https://github.com/akeranen/the-one/tree/master/data
that is because there is a broken node there should be a check again for the existing map input because some moves do not want any broken lines there can make messages from open strapmaps then edit using open jump

Selecting object in WorldScaleARexample

I am working on an AR app in Unity and want to display information of an object. To display said information, the user has to be able to click/select that object.
I cannot find the line of code that creates the objects.
I have tried to use a snippet of the ARTabletopKit that handles the user's input to select an object.
If I am correct, the problem is that I cannot use the DebugCanvas-GameObject of the WorldScaleAR example as it does not contain any of the actual game objects.
As far as I can see the objects are created and placed here:
unityTile.Initialize(_map, tileId, _map.WorldRelativeScale, _map.AbsoluteZoom, _map.LoadingTexture);
PlaceTile(tileId, unityTile, _map);
At last I expect the method EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject() to return true.
You'll need to add a [GameObjectModifier][1] to handle the onClick. You can configure the modifiers to be added at runtime on the game objects in the Map Features area of the AbstractMap.cs script.
I would take a look at how it's implemented on the Data Explorer example.

Getting routes on openstreetmaps using OSRM

I've been trying to get a list of co-ordinates in a route from point A to B using OSRM with the following request:
GET http://router.project-osrm.org/viaroute?hl=en&loc=47.064970,15.458470&loc=47.071100,15.476760
However, on opening the url, i find the 'via_points' tag containing only two co-ordinates. Surely, that can't be the entire route? Anything I'm missing here? Is there any other way of generating the list of route co-ordinates with OSRM? Thanks
The route is contained in the route_geometry object. It is an encoded polyline. If you don't want to uncompress it yourself you can disable compression via compression=false:
Not sure what the via_points contains. OSRM's documentation seems to be outdated. Maybe they are just your start and end points snapped to the nearest road or something similar.

What does the parameter "cvid" in Bing search engine stands for?

As I searching something with Bing and I open the Chrome development tools. Here is the request url:
So, what does the parameter "cvid" stands for? It seems if i don't set a cvid,i can't get the complete result html in my program.
By the way, the cvid is calculated by the browser automaticlly, so how to calculate?
In the Bing search context, cvid represents the JavaScript parameter ConversationId. Bing uses this key to identify your search result collection as its reply to your query, q. Similarly, pq is PartialQuery. These and other parameters may also apply to different kinds of searches, such as image or video searches.
Next, qs is your query's SuggestionType, sc shows your SuggestionCount, and from the suggestion list (dropped down, if enabled), sp shows the SuggestionPosition you chose. In your case, you did not select a suggestion, so &sp=-1. Toward the end of your string, sk is the SkipValue, because you might skip through your result pages, first tells the issuer how many results belong on the first page, and I'll let you figure out what FORM means. ;)
Navigate to Bing, conduct a search, choose some options, change your displays, and change some search types. Next, open file explorer and navigate to your Windows OS equivalent of the following path.
Next, you may need to adjust your View temporarily to "Show hidden files, folders, and drives." View tab > Options > Change... > View tab again, and click the bullet to "Show...".
In File Explorer's Search pane at the upper right, enter *.js to find all JavaScript files. It may point you several subfolders deeper, and the folder names may be hashed. Choose a JavaScript file you find interesting, right-click the file, and open it with Notepad, your favorite IDE, or some similar editor. You should see something akin to this (truncated; may not run independently):
var AutoSuggest,__extends,Bing,sa_inst;(function(n){var t;(function(n){var t,i,r,u,f,e;(function(n){n.User="SRCHHPGUSR"})(t=n.CookieNames||(n.CookieNames={})),function(n){n.AutoSuggest="AS"}(i=n.CrumbNames||(n.CrumbNames={})),function(n){n.CursorPosition="cp";n.ConversationId="cvid";n.SuggestionCount="sc";n.PartialQuery="pq";n.SuggestionPosition="sp";n.SuggestionType="qs";n.PreviewPaneSuggestionType="qsc";n.SkipValue="sk";n.PreviewPaneSkipValue="skc";n.Ghosting="ghc";n.Css="css";n.Count="count";n.DataSet="ds";n.SessionId="sid";n.TimeStamp="qt";n.Query="q";n.ImpressionGuid="ig";n.QFQuery="qry";n.BaseQuery="bq";n.FormCode="form";n.HashedMuid="nclid";n.RequestElToken="elvr";n.ElTokenValue="elv";n.AppId="appid";n.History="history";n.NoHistory="nohs";n.ApiTextDecoration="textdecorations";n.ClientId="clientid";n.Market="mkt";n.Scope="scope";n.CountryCode="cc";n.HomeGeographicRegion="hgr";n.SetLang="setlang";n.ZeroInputSerp="zis"}(r=n.QueryParams||(n.QueryParams={}))
I hope that helps someone! :D
I'm also trying to find out what this is :)
I'm pretty sure it's an encryption mechanism for bing a la public key cryptography, though I could be wildly wrong. There is another field called pq - and p's and q's are used a lot in crypto theory.
The field is 32 nibbles (e.g. 8D0E519A91024A08B075654D006C0A14) which equals 128 bits. This number results in some arithmetic operation with the binary value of your search and bing's private key - thus making url generation quite difficult.

Getting distance between 2 markers

I would like to get the distance between 2 markers but not as a direct line, more as a real path like it goes in this plugin -
I didn't find anything about using this plugin in the directive: angular-leaflet-directive,
if someone can guide how to make it done, it would be very appreciated.
I am not sure if you specifically want to use leaflet routing machine to get distances... but if you do, maybe this info can get you started:
Set up a route on your map based on this example by the leaflet routing machine author:
If you look at that example, there is an array called routes. Each route has some basic statistics associated with it, generated by OSRM. You can pull them by calling for example:
Then you can do whatever you want with them. If you dig through the code on GitHub you can see more about how the data are moved around within the plugin and why the array is arranged that way: