I have a two docs, one is english version another is chinese
the folder tree is like this
--- docs
--- en
--- zh-CN
--- packages
and i'm using vitepress to build my docs, so what should i do to build these?
working in a monorepo with this structure
# ...
# ...
# ...
example/ -> examples/foo/
where the example in packages/foo
is a deep link to examples/foo/
that contains a demo app called foo_example
I'm encountering a problem during melos bootstrap
Run melos bootstrap
melos.yaml: Multiple packages with the name `foo_example` found in the workspace, which is unsupported.
To fix this problem, consider renaming your packages to have a unique name.
The packages that caused the problem are:
- foo_example at packages/foo/example
- foo_example at examples/foo
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
I would like to keep the folders for examples and packages separated
while providing an example readily available for https://pub.dev/
is there a way to exclude the packages/**/example/ folders from melos?
this is how I'm pointing at the packages right now
name: <my_mono_repo>
- examples/**
- packages/**
# ...
always read the docs :)
this does the job
# e.g. ignore example apps
- "packages/**/example"
I'm trying to add an external library into my project.
My projectstructure looks like this:
-- main
--- main.c
--- displayfunctions.c (where i implement my Displayfunctions based on the library)
--- 2 other .c files which got nothing to do with my Display
--- CMakeLists.txt
-- components
--- displaylibrary
---- CMAKELists.txt
---- all displayrelevant librarys pngle.c fontx.c etc..
---- include
----- all corresponding header files pngle.h fontx.h etc.
my CMakeLists.txt file in project/components/displaylibrarys looks like this:
idf_component_register(SRCS "pngle.c" "decode_jpeg.c" "decode_png.c" "fontx.c" "ili9340.c"
INCLUDE_DIRS "include" )
when i try to compile my project I get the following Error Message:
../components/Displaylibrarys/fontx.c:7:10: fatal error: esp_spiffs.h: No such file or directory #include "esp_spiffs.h"
so apparantly my compiler does not link the in my external library included esp-idf library with an actual esp-idf library. I tried it with this approach too
idf_component_register(SRCS "pngle.c" "decode_jpeg.c" "decode_png.c" "fontx.c" "ili9340.c"
INCLUDE_DIRS "include"
REQUIRES esp_spiffs)
but without a result. How should i properly tell my compiler that it knows this library?
The ESP-IDF build system works with components. Your library is a component, and so are many parts of the ESP-IDF library.
As part of the component approach, your component needs to declare what other components it depends on. That's what the REQUIRES clause is for.
You almost got it right except the the component is called spiffs instead of esp_spiffs.
idf_component_register(SRCS "pngle.c" "decode_jpeg.c" "decode_png.c" "fontx.c" "ili9340.c"
INCLUDE_DIRS "include"
REQUIRES spiffs)
I usually check the ESP-IDF components directory to figure out the correct name. The component and directory name are the same: https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/tree/master/components
I have a Metacello configuration like ConfigurationOfAthens and I want to know which packages provides, the result would be :
I tried
(GoferConfigurationReference name: 'ConfigurationOfAthens') packages.
but it is not understood by the system.
It this supported in Pharo 4?
If you want just the package names you could use helper classes to query from a Configuration. And so your query would be
newFromVersion: (ConfigurationOfAthens project version: #development)
inConfiguration: ConfigurationOfAthens) dependenciesFilteredBy: MTPackage.
These MT classes - which sounds like they should belong to Metacello - are not in Metacello package, but currently in Versionner (included by default in Pharo images).
Diving into results reveals that some "MTPackages" has not their corresponding "RPackage" (this could be a bug, or some weird feature in the package representation models). So you would need further filtering:
newFromVersion: (ConfigurationOfAthens project version: #development)
inConfiguration: ConfigurationOfAthens) dependenciesFilteredBy: MTPackage)
select: [ :pkgName |
(RPackageOrganizer default
packageNamed: pkgName name asSymbol
ifAbsent: []) notNil ]
Eclipse: "Luna" Release 2 (4.4.2) [20150219-0600]
Sonar: 5.1 (under Java 1.7.0_76)
Sonar Eclipse plugin:
We have a large Enterprise system with many projects, and for various non-negotiable reasons we create our Eclipse projects in a local workspace directory but use Eclipse links to point to the sources in another directory.
For example, assume that my Foo project is based in "C:/EclipseWorkspace/Foo" and has an "src" link at the top level like this:
C:/EclipseWorkspace/Foo/src -> C:/CodeRepository/Foo/src
I wanted to have the following very simple setup for the plugin:
sonar.sources = C:/CodeRepository/Foo/src
The problem is, the Sonar Eclipse plugin does not appear to support using an absolute path. When I run an analysis I get the following error on the console:
Retrieve remote issues of project Foo...
Start SonarQube analysis on Foo...
INFO: SonarQube Server 5.1
17:16:18.565 INFO - Incremental mode
17:16:18.609 INFO - Load global repositories
17:16:18.862 INFO - Load global repositories (done) | time=253ms
17:16:18.863 INFO - Server id: 20150910100331
17:16:18.865 INFO - User cache: C:\Users\eryq\.sonar\cache
17:16:18.870 INFO - Install plugins
17:16:18.894 INFO - Include plugins:
17:16:18.894 INFO - Exclude plugins: devcockpit, buildstability, pdfreport, report, buildbreaker, views, jira
17:16:19.375 ERROR - Invalid value of sonar.sources for Foo
Exception in thread "main" org.sonar.runner.impl.RunnerException: Unable to execute Sonar
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The folder 'C:/CodeRepository/Foo/src' does not exist for 'Foo' (base directory = C:\EclipseWorkspace\Foo)
at org.sonar.batch.scan.ProjectReactorBuilder.checkExistenceOfPaths(ProjectReactorBuilder.java:427)
at ...
Notice that last line:
The folder 'C:/CodeRepository/Foo/src' does not exist for 'Foo' (base
directory = C:\EclipseWorkspace\Foo)
Since the Eclipse plugin does not allow me to override the projectBaseDir, how do I make it understand that the sonar.sources are actually in another directory outside that tree? This seems like a plugin bug: if I need to point to a list of sources directories, the plugin should let me specify absolute paths if needed.
Thanks in advance,
This is not specific to SonarQube Eclipse and not related to absolute path: any SonarQube analysis requires to have source folders located under the project baseDir.
Allowing you to override sonar.projectBaseDir is an easy fix. But I'm not sure this would not lead to other issues later when issues are mapped to Eclipse resources... Feel free to test and submit a pull request.
If I upgraded from DNN version 4.4 to version 4.9.5 and then to version 6.1.2 then it gives me the error
Error: Buying is currently unavailable.
DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: The type
initializer for 'DotNetNuke.Modules.Html.DataProvider' threw an
exception. ---> System.TypeInitializationException: The type
initializer for 'DotNetNuke.Modules.Html.DataProvider' threw an
exception. ---> System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of
type 'DotNetNuke.Modules.HTML.SqlDataProvider' to type
'DotNetNuke.Modules.Html.DataProvider'. at
DotNetNuke.Modules.Html.DataProvider.CreateProvider() at
DotNetNuke.Modules.Html.DataProvider..cctor() --- End of inner
exception stack trace --- at
DotNetNuke.Modules.Html.DataProvider.Instance() at
PortalID) at
DotNetNuke.Modules.Html.HtmlTextController.GetWorkflow(Int32 ModuleId,
Int32 TabId, Int32 PortalId) at
DotNetNuke.Modules.Html.HtmlModule.OnInit(EventArgs e) --- End of
inner exception stack trace ---
For HTML module only
Like Devjosh said, it appears your HTML module was incorrectly installed. You will need to replace the DotNetNuke.Modules.Html.dll file in your DotNetNuke installation's "bin" folder. If you can login to the site, you can also try re-installing the module by going to the Host > Extensions page, clicking the "Available Extensions" tab, expanding the "Modules" section, then clicking the "Install" button next to the HTML module.
I would suggest looking in the App_Code folder, if you still have an HTML module folder in there, delete it.
Check your BIN folder for DLLs that have HTML in the name, there should only be one I believe, called dotnetnuke.modules.html.dll