Copy Postgres Production RDS Database to Development RDS Instance - postgresql

I'm trying to figure out an efficient way to copy data directly from my AWS RDS Production Postgres Instance to my AWS RDS Development Instance.
Right now I do a pg_dump on my local machine of the production instance. Then do a pg_restore on my local machine to the development RDS instance.
How can I copy the data directly from the Production RDS Postgres Instance to the Development RDS Postgres Instance?


Query data between two servers of postgres?

I am trying to query data between two servers of postgres. One is posgtres RDS of AWS and one is a aurora DB postgres. This posgtres RDS of AWS is a backup of the main aurora DB. I need to copy few rows from this backup to the main aurora Db instance.
i tried using dblink to connect two servers but it is not successful
I tried using dblink and it did not work. My postgres version is latest and above 13.6 and it is aurora serverless V2.

How to take Amazon RDS postgresql dump if not publicly accessible

I am new to AWS RDS. I have my db in amazon rds postgresql. I want to take dump of the database but my database in not publicly accessible. Can anyone help me to take dump

Copy a single database from one RDS instance (Postgres) to another

I have 2 RDS instances with Postgres.
I need to transfer one of the databases from RDS instance A to RDS instance B.
How am I supposed to do it, if pg_dump is not accessible outside a bash shell and you can't access bash shell from an RDS instance?
Some advice would be appreciated.

How do i sync the postgres db to AWS EC2 db instance via S3?

I would like to syn Postgres data between my server to AWS EC2 DB instance via S3.

Obtain aws cli command to create RDS instance from existing database

Is there a way to automatically generate the database creation string for an empty database with settings from an existing database?
I created an AWS RDS postgresql database instance using the console in my browser. I selected all kind of setting in my browser and launched the instance. Now I want to replicate this database (empty) with a command for programmatic use. I would like to delete the existing RDS instance so a raw command would be preferred (no reference to another RDS) but something like:
aws create-db-instance --db-name database02 --allocated-storage 200 --engine postgres etc.
You'll need to create a snapshot of the source Database, instance or cluster and then create a new database based on that snapshot. You can delete the source database after the snapshot is complete.
aws rds create-db-snapshot
--db-snapshot-identifier mydbsnapshot
--db-instance-identifier mydb
aws rds restore-db-instance-from-db-snapshot
--db-instance-identifier mynewdbinstance
--db-snapshot-identifier mydbsnapshot