Compare nested maps in Scala - scala

val mapa = Map("a" -> Array(Map("b" -> "c", "d" -> Array("e"))))
val mapa2 = Map("a" -> Array(Map("b" -> "c", "d" -> Array("e"))))
Is there way how to get key and value from both same maps and compare them?
or how to get all key from map with such structure?


How to transform a List[Map[String, String]] in Scala

I have a Scala List of Map[String, String] like this:
val data: List[Map[String, String]] = List(Map("key" -> "123", "fname" -> "Alice", "lname" -> "Baker"), Map("key" -> "456", "fname" -> "Bob", "lname" -> "Lotts"))
I want to transform this to a List like this: List(Map(id -> 123, name -> Alice Baker), Map(id -> 456, name -> Bob Lotts)). Basically, I need to change the key to id and concatenate the fname and lname to name.
I tried the below code. It works, but I am sure there should be a better way of doing this. Can anyone please suggest?
val modData: List[Map[String, String]] = => Map("id" -> d.getOrElse("key", ""), "name" -> s"${d.getOrElse("fname", "")} ${d.getOrElse("lname", "")}"))
I would do it in steps, and use default for the map to make it more readable:
val keys = Seq("key", "fname", "lname")
.map(_.withDefault(_ => ""))
.collect { case Seq(id, fname, lname) => Map("id" -> id, "name" -> s"$fname $lname") }

Filter Seq[Map[k,v]] given a Seq[String]

I have this Seq[Map[String, String]] :
val val1 = Seq(
Map("Name" -> "Heidi",
"City" -> "Paris",
"Age" -> "23"),
Map(("Country" -> "France")),
Map("Color" -> "Blue",
"City" -> "Paris"))
and I have this Seq[String]
val val2 = Seq["Name", "Country", "City", "Department"]
Expected output is val1 with all keys present in val2 (I want to filter out the (k,v) from v1 that have keys that are not present in val2) :
val expected = Seq(Map("Name" -> "Heidi", "City" -> "Paris"), Map( "Country" -> "France")), Map("City" -> "Paris"))
Age and Color are strings that are not in val2, I want to omit them from val1 map.
I'm not sure if what you propose is a right approach but nevertheless, it can be done like this: {
case (key, value) => val2.contains(key)
It seems you want something like this:
(note that I used a Set instead of a List to make contains faster)
def ensureMapsHaveOnlyValidKeys[K, V](validKeys: Set[K])(data: IterableOnce[Map[K, V]]): List[Map[K, V]] =

Scala: How to print a list of map using scala

I am writing below code,
val maplist=List(Map("id" -> "1", "Name" -> "divya"),
Map("id" -> "2", "Name" -> "gaya")
val header=maplist.flatMap(_.keys).distinct
val data=maplist.flatMap(_.values)
I am getting the below output,
List(id, Name)
List(1, divya, 2, gaya)
however I am expecting output as below,
id Name
1 Divya
2 gaya
here in this case I am having only 2 header but in my map it may contain more than 2 headers how to display all in rows. Please help me.
val maplist=List(Map("id" -> "1", "Name" -> "divya"),
Map("id" -> "2", "Name" -> "gaya")
val header=maplist.flatMap(_.keys).distinct
println(header.mkString(" "))
data.foreach(x => println(x.mkString(" ")))

How to print the list of map values using scala

I have written the following code
val list = List(
Map("empid" -> "12", "empName" -> "Rohan", "depId" -> "201"),
Map("empid" -> "13", "empName" -> "swathi", "depId" -> "202")
val mapRDD= sc.parallelize(Seq(list))
val columns=mapRDD.take(1).flatMap(a=>a.keys)
val columnval=mapRDD.take(2).flatMap(a=>a.keys)
val list=value.values.toList
i am expecting the below output,
| 12| Rohan| 201|
| 13|SWATHI|202 |
but i am getting only,
| 13|SWATHI|202
Please let me know where i am doing the mistake.
The problem lies in your first line only,
scala> val list = List(
| Map("empid" -> "12", "empName" -> "Rohan", "depId" -> "201"),
| Map("empid" -> "13", "empName" -> "swathi", "depId" -> "202")
| ).flatten.toMap
// list: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,String] = Map(empid -> 13, empName -> swathi, depId -> 202)
Your list actually ends up becoming a Map. And a Map can have only 1 value for each key.
Let's do the first line step by step,
So, first you created a list of maps,
scala> val listOfMaps = List(
| Map("empid" -> "12", "empName" -> "Rohan", "depId" -> "201"),
| Map("empid" -> "13", "empName" -> "swathi", "depId" -> "202")
| )
// list: List[scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,String]] = List(Map(empid -> 12, empName -> Rohan, depId -> 201), Map(empid -> 13, empName -> swathi, depId -> 202))
Then, you flattened the maps inside the listOfMaps which will result in a list of key-value pairs.
scala> val flattenedListOfMaps = listOfMaps.flatten
// flattenedListOfMaps: List[(String, String)] = List((empid,12), (empName,Rohan), (depId,201), (empid,13), (empName,swathi), (depId,202))
Now, you are converting it to a Map using toMap, which will keep on overriding the values of keys and result in a Map with unique keys,
scala> scala> val yourMap = flattenedListOfMaps.toMap
// yourMap: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,String] = Map(empid -> 13, empName -> swathi, depId -> 202)
As already pointed out in the previous answer and comment, at the moment your list variable is actually a map (which is confusing at least).
What you probably want initially as input is a list.
Hence what you need is:
get rid of .flatten.toMap:
val list = List(
Map("empid" -> "12", "empName" -> "Rohan", "depId" -> "201"),
Map("empid" -> "13", "empName" -> "swathi", "depId" -> "202")
Also when calling sc.parallelize you don't need to create a separate Seq from original input (in fact, otherwise you would have a compile error).
So you also need to change it like this:
val mapRDD = sc.parallelize(list)
After making only those two changes you will receive expected result, i.e. 2 records shown in console output.

Convert string with nested delimiters into a map

I want to turn this String:
into this:
Map(1 -> "a", 2 -> "b", 3 -> "c")
I have a procedural method that works, but it seems there ought to be a more functional approach.
val a = [YOUR STRING]
a.split('|').map(_.split(':')).map(a => (a(0) -> a(1))).toMap
val s = "1:a|2:b|3:c"
"(\\d+)\\:(\\w+)".r.findAllMatchIn(s).map( m => ( -> ).toMap