I'm getting an 'RDFa is not defined' error - google-chrome-devtools

I'm trying to run a MERN app and I'm getting the following error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: RDFa is not defined
The file referenced as the source of the error is VM216 content.js:
extract # VM216 content.js:165
(anonymous) # VM216 content.js:450
I can see the VM216 content.js file in the Chrome debugger but I could not find it in the filesystem. I searched for RFDa online and discovered they are techniques to help search engines understand web content using semantic web structures. I believe these are Chrome-specific errors because I don't see them in the Firefox debugger.
I'm using Chrome version 101.0.4951.41 (Official Build) (64-bit)


Vscode : Command 'CMake: Configure' resulted in an error (No usable generator found)

When I am configuring the CMake for vscode,I encounter a very puzzling problem.I follow the steps of Microsoft's vscode official documentation to configure CMake for vscode,and everything is good.I can finish the 'F5' debugging operation and running the project in the vscode.
However,later while configuring vscode for cmake with "cmake.generator": "Ninja" and using the CMake:Configure command, vscode generates an error——
Unable to determine what CMake generator to use. Please install or configure a preferred generator, or update settings. json, your Kit configuration or Path variable
The following output[1] of the CMake Tools Extension indicated that it tried to find the new CMake generator but not found.
Command 'CMAKE:Configure' result in an error (No usable generator found.)
[rollbar] Unhandled exception: Unhandled Promise rejection: configure Error: No usable generator found.
I read the CMake official doucument,searched the problem in google but I can't find out why.
[1] the detailed error prompts

Uncaught ReferenceError: _flutter is not defined - Flutter web application release

I'm trying to release a flutter web application. It is working fine while running from the IDE or running on a local server (on python server/ Nginx etc) and also working fine even on firebase hosting.
When trying to deploy it as a containerized application on AWS and getting the following response while loading the application on the browser. Has anybody faced a similar kind of issue on release?
GET https://url/flutter.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (index):46 Uncaught ReferenceError: _flutter is not defined at (index):46:7 (anonymous) # (index):46 load (async) (anonymous) # (index):44 manifest.json:1 GET https://url/manifest.json 404 manifest.json:2 Manifest: Line: 2, column: 1, Syntax error.
I alse encountered this problem, here is the solution:
Edit index.html
Find the following Text:
<base href="/">
Change to this:
<base href="./">

Single-spa not working on browser Chrome and Edge, but it works on Firefox browser

I do practice Single-spa based on the blog. https://lazypandatech.com/blog/Microfrontend/10/Create-Microfrontend-Application-using-Single-SPA-framework.
the problem is the application loading of single-spa only works well on Firefox. but it has issue on Chrome and Edge with below Error:
zone.js:209 ==> Uncaught Error: application 'single-spa' died in status LOADING_SOURCE_CODE: undefined
Main.js:1 ==> Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED*
How to enable it and can be view on Chrome and Edge? Does any security issue on chrome & edge on handling the single-spa js files?

Build Error using IL2CPP: "System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The specified executable is not a valid application for this OS platform."

I've run into some trouble when changing the Scripting Backend from Mono to IL2CPP to support Android x64 since Google says it's necessary.
I've tried to search all over the internet for a fix, but couldn't find anything.
The error:
il2cpp.exe didn't catch exception: System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The specified executable is not a valid application for this OS platform.

Nativescript RadSideDrawer gives symbol not available at run time error

I am following nativescript RadSideDrawer doc at:
http://docs.telerik.com/devtools/nativescript-ui/Controls/Angular/SideDrawer/getting-started, but once I started the app in ios emulator, I am getting this error:
CONSOLE ERROR file:///app/tns_modules/#angular/core/./bundles/core.umd.js:1052:24: ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): ReferenceError: Metadata for "TelerikUI.TKSideDrawerView" found but symbol not available at runtime.
I tried several times and always got the same error.
What's wrong with this? Is the documentation having errors here?
It looks like there may be inconsistency and incompatibility in the used dependencies in your package.json. You can take a look at the sdkAngular repository that showcases many scenarios for using the RadSideDrawer and the other components of the nativescript-telerik-ui-pro plugin here.
Other things that you can try is to clean the project, by deleting the platforms and node_modules folders and running tns run ios after that.