MAUI Project Works on Android But Crashes on IOS - maui

I have a project using RC1 of MAUI that is running fine on the Android emulator. When it runs on an emulated iOS device, it always crashes. The code in question is based in the constructor for a form. I need some code I need to run async (which you can't do in a constructor), so my code kicks it off like this:
Task.Factory.StartNew( () =>
All the code is doing right now is creating a globally scoped variable's property, then setting the binding context, like this:
BindingContext = App.Status;
I get a dialog on the Mac where the emulator is running that says it "quit unexpectedly" with a bunch of crash dump details. On the Android emulator, it all just works. So looking for suggestions on what to do here, i.e. is there someplace I can or should upload the dump file, or does iOS just not deal with async code, or ??

It might be safer to set BindingContext on Dispatcher’s thread (MainThread):
Dispatcher.Dispatch(() =>
BindingContext = ..
If you want to use await on Main thread:
Dispatcher.Dispatch(async () =>
await ...;
BindingContext = ...
If you have async code that you'd rather run on background thread:
Task.Run(async () =>
// On background thread.
await ...;
Dispatcher.Dispatch(() =>
// On Main thread.
BindingContext = ..


is there a way to check if the PWA was launched through a file or not?

I'm using the file handle API to give my web app the optional capability to launch through double-clicking files in the file explorer.
Writing the code below, I expected if (!("files" in LaunchParams.prototype)) to check if a file was used to launch the app, but apparently, it checks if the feature is supported. OK, that makes sense.
After that, I thought the setConsumer callback would be called in any launch scenario, and files.length would be zero if the app was launched in other ways (like by typing the URL in the browser). But on those use cases, the callback was not called at all, and my init logic was never executed.
if (!("launchQueue" in window)) return'a welcome text');
if (!("files" in LaunchParams.prototype)) return'a welcome text');
launchQueue.setConsumer((launchParams) => {
if (launchParams.files.length <= 0) return'a welcome text');
const fileHandle = launchParams.files[0];;
I've also followed the Launch Handler API article instructions and enabled the experimental API.
The new code confirms that "targetURL" in LaunchParams.prototype is true, but the setConsumer callback is not executed if the user accesses the web app through a standard browser tab.
function updateIfLaunchedByFile(textRecord) {
if (!("launchQueue" in window)) return;
if (!("files" in LaunchParams.prototype)) return;
'"targetURL" in LaunchParams': "targetURL" in LaunchParams.prototype,
// this is always undefined
console.log({ "LaunchParams.targetURL": LaunchParams.targetURL });
// setConsumer does not trigger if the app is not launched by file, so it is not a good place to branch what to do in every launch situation
launchQueue.setConsumer((launchParams) => {
// this never run in a normal tab
console.log({ setConsumer: launchParams });
if (launchParams.files.length <= 0) return;
const fileHandle = launchParams.files[0];;
This is the result...
Is there a universal way to check if the web app was launched through a file?
Check out the Launch Handler origin trial. It lets you determine the launch behavior exactly and lets your app detect how the launch happened. This API works well together with the File Handling API that you already use. You could, for example, check the LaunchParams.targetURL to see how the app was launched. Your feedback is very welcome.
Since I was not able to guarantee that the setConsumer callback was called in every situation (especially when the app is launched in a regular browser tab), I hacked it through setTimeout:
function wasFileLaunched() {
if (!("launchQueue" in window)) return;
if (!("files" in LaunchParams.prototype)) return;
return new Promise((resolve) => {
let invoked = false;
// setConsumer does not triggers if the app is not launched by file, so it is not a good place to branch what to do in every launch situation
launchQueue.setConsumer((launchParams) => {
invoked = true;
if (launchParams.files.length <= 0) return resolve();
const fileHandle = launchParams.files[0];
setTimeout(() => {
console.log({ "setTimeout invoked =": invoked });
if (!invoked) resolve();
}, 10);

Xamarin.Forms Taking picture with Plugin.Media not working

I'm using the Plugin.Media from #JamesMontemagno version 2.4.0-beta (which fixes picture orientation), it's working on Adroind 4.1.2 (Jelly Bean) and Marshmallow, but NOT on my Galaxy S5 Neo with Android version 5.1.1.
Basically when I take a picture it never returns back on the page from where I started the process; always returns back to the initial home page.
On devices where it works, when I take a picture, I see that first of all the application fires OnSleep, then after taking the picture fires OnResume.
On my device where is NOT working it fires OnSleep and after taking the picture doesn't fire OnResume, it fires the initialization page and then OnStart.
For this reason it doesn't open the page where I was when taking the picture.
What should I do to make sure it fires OnResume returning to the correct page and not OnStart which returns on initial fome page ?
In addition, when I take a picture it takes almost 30 seconds to get back to the code after awaiting TakePhotoAsync process, and it's too slow!
Following my code:
MyTapGestureRecognizerEditPicture.Tapped += async (sender, e) =>
//Display action sheet
String MyActionResult = await DisplayActionSheet(AppLocalization.UserInterface.EditImage,
//Execute action result
if (MyActionResult == AppLocalization.UserInterface.TakePhoto)
//Take photo
await CrossMedia.Current.Initialize();
if (!CrossMedia.Current.IsCameraAvailable || !CrossMedia.Current.IsTakePhotoSupported)
await DisplayAlert(AppLocalization.UserInterface.Alert, AppLocalization.UserInterface.NoCameraAvailable, AppLocalization.UserInterface.Ok);
var MyPhotoFile = await CrossMedia.Current.TakePhotoAsync(new Plugin.Media.Abstractions.StoreCameraMediaOptions
Directory = "MyApp",
Name = "MyAppProfile.jpg",
SaveToAlbum = true,
PhotoSize = Plugin.Media.Abstractions.PhotoSize.Small
if (MyPhotoFile != null)
//Render image
MyProfilePicture.Source = ImageSource.FromFile(MyPhotoFile.Path);
//Save image on database
MemoryStream MyMemoryStream = new MemoryStream();
byte[] MyArrBytePicture = MyMemoryStream.ToArray();
await SaveProfilePicture(MyArrBytePicture);
if (MyActionResult == AppLocalization.UserInterface.PickPhoto)
//Pick photo
await CrossMedia.Current.Initialize();
if (!CrossMedia.Current.IsPickPhotoSupported)
await DisplayAlert(AppLocalization.UserInterface.Alert, AppLocalization.UserInterface.PermissionNotGranted, AppLocalization.UserInterface.Ok);
var MyPhotoFile = await CrossMedia.Current.PickPhotoAsync();
if (MyPhotoFile != null)
//Render image
MyProfilePicture.Source = ImageSource.FromFile(MyPhotoFile.Path);
//Save image on database
MemoryStream MyMemoryStream = new MemoryStream();
byte[] MyArrBytePicture = MyMemoryStream.ToArray();
await SaveProfilePicture(MyArrBytePicture);
Please help!! We need to deploy this app but we cannot do it with this problem.
Thank you in advance!
It is perfectly normal to have the Android OS terminate and restart an Activity. As you are seeing, your app's Activity it will be automatically restarted when the camera app exits and the OS returns control to your app. The odds are it just needed more memory in order to take that photo with the Neo's 16MP camera, you can watch the logcat output to confirm that.
Restarted – It is possible for an activity that is anywhere from paused to stopped in the lifecycle to be removed from memory by Android. If the user navigates back to the activity it must be restarted, restored to its previously saved state, and then displayed to the user.
What to do:
So on the Xamarin.Forms OnStart lifecycle method you need to restore your application to a valid running state (initializing variables, preforming any bindings, etc...).
Plug code:
The Android platform code for the TakePhotoAsync method looks fine to me, but remember that the memory for that image that is passed back via the Task will be doubled as it is marshaled from the ART VM back the Mono VM. Calling GC.Collect() as soon as possible after the return will help (but your Activity is restarting anyway...)
public async Task<MediaFile> TakePhotoAsync(StoreCameraMediaOptions options)
var media = await TakeMediaAsync("image/*", MediaStore.ActionImageCapture, options);
In turn calls:
this.context.StartActivity(CreateMediaIntent(id, type, action, options));
Not much less you can really do within the Android OS to popup the Camera.
In addition, when I take a picture it takes almost 30 seconds to get back to the code after awaiting TakePhotoAsync process, and it's too slow!
Is that on your Neo? Or all devices?
I would call that very suspect (ie. a bug) as even flushing all the Java memory after the native Camera Intent/Activity and the restart time for your app's Activity should not take 30 seconds on a oct-core 1.6 GHz Cortex... but I do not have your device, app and code in front of me....

Akavache not working in Windows 8.1 Universal App

I’m trying to make work Akavache in a Windows Universal Application (8.1 for now, using ReactiveUI 6.5).
To make sure that it is not related to my architecture, I did an empty solution that has all the necessary packages and requirements (VC++ for both platforms), and I still get the same issue. This is a blocker for me since I want all my queries to be cached.
Here's the code:
BlobCache.ApplicationName = "MyApp"; // In AppBootstrapper`
// In My ViewModel
SubmitCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateAsyncTask(async _ =>
var isTrue = await BlobCache.UserAccount.GetOrFetchObject("login_credentials",
async () => await Task.FromResult(true)
// My Code never goes further than this
if (!isTrue)
throw new Exception("I'm false!");
return isTrue;
SubmitCommand.Subscribe(isTrue => {
Debug.WriteLine("I got a new value!");
SubmitCommand.ThrownExceptions.Subscribe(ex => {
UserError.Throw(ex.Message, ex);
// In The View
ViewModel = new MainPageViewModel();
this.BindCommand(ViewModel, x => x.SubmitCommand, x => x.SubmitCommand);
public MainPageViewModel ViewModel
get { return (MainPageViewModel)GetValue(ViewModelProperty); }
set { SetValue(ViewModelProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty ViewModelProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("ViewModel", typeof(MainPageViewModel), typeof(MainPage), new PropertyMetadata(null));
object IViewFor.ViewModel
get { return ViewModel; }
set { ViewModel = (MainPageViewModel)value; }
Edit After some debug, Windows Phone 8.1 Silverlight works, not Jupiter.
So what's missing?
I'm using RXUI 6.5 (latest) with a Windows Phone 8.1 (Jupiter) (with shared Universal Projects)
Updated: Akavache.Sqlite3 is causing the issue. InMemoryCache is working (removing Akavache.Sqlite3 "fixes" the problem), but not Sqlite3.
Also, registering BlobCache's different types of cache (copy paste from is working apparently.. so I suppose the Registration class aren't working properly and calling
new Akavache.Sqlite3.Registrations().Register(Locator.CurrentMutable); is not working.
Edit: My temporary solution is to copy paste this into my application, and I invoke it after BlobCache.ApplicationName. It works, but I shouldn't technically have to do that.
Thanks for your help

Transition from Launchpad to application sets focus on SearchField

we have the problem that a transition from the SAP Fiori Launchpad into our application sets the focus on the SearchField of the Master view.
It's a problem, because on mobile devices it triggers the activation of the keyboard which blocks the list view entries.
Any idea how to prevent that behaviour?
Directly entering the application is not creating this problem.
It's also happening in another Master/Detail application we created.
Across Android and iOS devices, replicated on Safari, Chrome, and Firefox.
Kind regards,
A bit late to the party but we had the same problem. Using onAfterRendering does work only once because that lifecycle hook gets only called once. To solve the issue do the following:
onInit: function () {
// onAfterShow hook gets called every time the view is shown
this.getView().addEventDelegate({onAfterShow: this._afterShow}, this);
_afterShow: function () {, this, function () {
Hope that helps.
This is a workaround (the easiest solution I could Find as of now)
since I couldn't reproduce your issue :(
onDataLoaded() or in onAfterRedering() methods
//basically set the focus on something like this.. OR just create any SAPUI5 element and setVisible(false) and set the focus()
UPDATE: Catch hold of search in getHeaderFooterOptions()
getHeaderFooterOptions: function () {
var _this = this;
var objHdrFtr = {
//sI18NMasterTitle: "YOUR_TITLE",
onRefresh: function (searchField, fnRefreshCompleted) {
_this._searchField = searchField;
return objHdrFtr;
this._searchField.onAfterRendering = function() {
Let me know if this works or not!
I will delete the answer.

Upgrade home launcher app from .apk file

I am trying to upgrade home app from .apk file stored in external sdcard. But, the bellow error appears infinity and then the device is re-booted itself.
09-25 11:58:44.040: I/ActivityManager(1313): Force finishing activity ActivityRecord{4238d680 u0 com.jkpark.cluster/.MainActivity}
09-25 11:58:44.040: I/ActivityManager(1313): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.jkpark.cluster/.MainActivity} from pid 0
I guess the ActivityManager starts whatever home app when I call event to re-install my home app, but there isn't exist any home app else. So ActivityManager force starting and then calls starting home app again and again.
When I installed just another home app categoried "android.intent.category.HOME" and upgrade my home app, It works fine.
but, I want to upgrade without any other home app installed.
So, anyone helps me please.
Thank you.
I had a similar problem. During the launcher update process android OS has no home activity to run. This happens, because one thread is installing and one thread is trying to run the luncher and the same time. This problem is easy to solve by creating another Launcher, lets call it launcher switcher. This launcher has only one purpose - running your original louncher.
Works like charm for me.
This is a code for launcher switcher.
private void runLauncher() {
if(isMyLauncherDefault()) {
final Handler handler = new Handler();
handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Intent LaunchIntent = getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage(LAUNCHER_PACKAGE);
private boolean isMyLauncherDefault() {
final IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);
List<IntentFilter> filters = new ArrayList<IntentFilter>();
final String myPackageName = getPackageName();
List<ComponentName> activities = new ArrayList<ComponentName>();
PackageManager packageManager = (PackageManager) getPackageManager();
packageManager.getPreferredActivities(filters, activities, LAUNCHER_SWITCHER_PACKAGE);
if(activities.size() == NO_LAUNCHER)
return true;
for (ComponentName activity : activities) {
if (myPackageName.equals(activity.getPackageName())) {
return true;
return false;
private void unsetThisLauncherAsDefault() {
I think u just want to remove system homescreen app and only want ur app as a default launcher..
In that case u have to root your device to remove system app..
In android environment it is not possible to remove system apps without root access.