PostgreSQL TO_DATE date/time field value out of range - postgresql

I am using TO_DATE in one of my PostgreSQL functions and it is throwing errors like date/time field value out of range: "2021901". This is happening for the months of January to September as I need to add zeros in front of them. So I tried to execute a simple select query there as follows as I am using the same syntax in function.
SELECT TO_DATE(2021::varchar||09::varchar||'01','YYYYMMDD')
This is also giving me the error
ERROR: date/time field value out of range: "2021901"
SQL state: 22008
Now if I change the month to October, November, or December it works fine, but for all the other months, it is showing this error. I am actually new to Postgres and not sure how to fix this. It would be very much helpful if someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks

If your input values are numbers (integer), another alternative is to use make_date()

A better and easier way would be to just provide the date correctly and use TO_DATE, so as example do this:
SELECT TO_DATE('2021-09-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD')
If you really want to go your way, you can force a leading zero by using TO_CHAR, like this:
SELECT TO_DATE(2021::varchar||TO_CHAR(09, 'fm00')||'01','YYYYMMDD')
But I recommend to take the first propose.


Date CAST in SQL Server throwing conversion failed for a date

I am experiencing a very unique cast error I don't understand why it happens with some dates and only in one particular case.
First at all, I cannot change the current code, it's a dynamic query from a legacy application and it's the result of queries to different tables to assemble the query I am having troubles with.
The error is a classic 'conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string'.
At the beginning I thought it was a classic file naming error, we obtain the date from the file name in the format YYYYMMDD, the file has prefix and suffix and it's always formatted like that. It was pretty common to get wrongly formatted dates but it doesn't happen anymore. The issue is interesting because it only happens in 1 case for some dates that do not look like errors, for example, 20201105 which is basically translated to 11/05/2020 (US Format with month first).
This is the query:
The file name in this case is XXYYY_20201105.txt
Why the top 1? Well, it is a very bad design, there are many rows with the same value and it has to take only one to determine the date.
The most interesting part of it, when it fails I can "fix" the error just adding one more column:
SELECT TOP 1 CAST(LEFT(REPLACE(FileName, 'XXYYY_,''),8) AS DATE) AS MyDate, AnotherColumn
FROM Mytable
This query, just adding a column, doesn't fail. That's the weirdest part. I am trying wrap my head around what is the difference between obtaining ONE column and TWO columns. When I add any other column it seems to make the issue disappear.
Thanks a lot.

Datediff in Crystal Report

Before I start, I want to say sorry my question might be little silly since I'm a newbie for CR.
I put a datediff formula in Crystal Report ver 14.0.12,
and it returns incorrect result for some special cases.
The formula is like below;
If the start date is 2018-05-01 and the end date is 2020-04-30, the result should be like '24',
but it returns '23'.
It seems if the date range is in the first or final day, it has above error.
In addition, I have another issue with other formula.
I put below formula in order to get 'next date' of certain date field,
and it has an issue when the date field is 'end date' of certain month.
For example, if the date field is 2020-03-31, expected result is 2020-04-01,
but my formula returns like '2020-03-01'.
Please let me know what should I do in order to get correct result.
Thanks a lot:)
In regards to your DateDiff() function.
Did you possibly make a typo when asking your question? The first argument for the function is the intervalType and is a String expression, therefore it should be contained within double quotes; you have single quotes in your question. Using single quotes should throw a syntax error. Also, the intervalType for Month should be expressed as a lowercase "m".
As for your issue with adding 1 day to a date, I would recommend using the DateAdd(intervalType, nIntervals, startDateTime) function to complete this task. Try this formula instead:
DateAdd("d", 1, {date_field})
However, be aware that this function will return a DateTime value, so if you want to remove the timestamp from the date that is returned, you will want to cast the entire function as a Date datatype using the Date() function as follows:
Date(DateAdd("d", 1, {date_field}))
Single quote is fine. Source of the problem is that adding 1 to 31 is 32 (which gets wrapped back to 1 due to date logic).
Suggestion above to use DateAdd() is the correct solution.

MDX number of days between shell date dimension and regular date dimension

I have a shell date dimension, and a sale date dimension. Having trouble setting up a calculated measure with the difference in days between the 2 dates.
I have tried a number of things, and the calculation always seems to return an error.
mdx example is:
MEMBER [Measures].[TimeDate] AS [Date].[Day].currentmember
MEMBER [Measures].[DSODate] AS [DSO Date].[Day].currentmember
MEMBER [Measures].[DaysSinceSale] AS
, [Measures].DSODate.MemberValue
, [Measures].TimeDate.MemberValue
{[Measures].[DaysSinceSale]} ON COLUMNS,
{[Date].[Day].members} ON ROWS
from [Receivables];
I have tried using DateDiff, and tried just subtracting the 2 dates.
Assuming it may have something to do with the 2 date dimensions being of different hierarchies, but i am not really sure how to handle that.
MDX Results
Date conversions can be tricky in mdx so maybe initially try the following simple approach:
MEMBER [Measures].[TimeDate] AS [Date].[Day].currentmember
MEMBER [Measures].[DSODate] AS [DSO Date].[Day].currentmember
MEMBER [Measures].[DaysSinceSale] AS
, VBA!CDate([Measures].DSODate.MemberValue)
, VBA!CDate([Measures].TimeDate.MemberValue)
{[Measures].[DaysSinceSale]} ON COLUMNS,
{[Date].[Day].members} ON ROWS
from [Receivables];
Otherwise you might need to use the key and an approach similar to this:
MDX - Converting Member Value to CDate
I found a way to get this to work ...
Main issue was that i didn't have a crossjoin, like whytheq mentioned.
I also didn't need the custom Measures declared at the top.
The other adjustment i made was to utilize the DateKey in the date calculation. That seemed to work in all my tests, and improved performance quite a bit.
MEMBER [Measures].[DaysSinceSale] AS
[Date].[DateKey].CurrentMember.MemberValue - [DSO Date].[DateKey].CurrentMember.MemberValue
{[Measures].[DaysSinceSale]} ON COLUMNS,
{[Date].[DateKey].Members * [DSO Date].[DateKey].members} ON ROWS
from [Receivables];
If you see any issues that may arise with using DateKey let me know. For what i am doing that seemed to pull back the correct date value, and allowed me to find the difference between dates without using a datediff function.

FileNet - SQL for a date property between specific hours

I would like to fetch documents that a property date hour is between midnight and 4 AM.
I tried this:
SELECT [This], [Date], FROM Folder_Type_1
WHERE DATEPART(hh,[Date]) >= 0
AND DATEPART(hh,[Date]) <= 4
SELECT [This], [Date], FROM Folder_Type_1
WHERE CONVERT(VARCHAR(8),Date,108) between '00:00:00' and '04:00:00'
But none of them is working when I test it in the SQL query builder in the FEM.
DATEPART and CONVERT are not recognised. What is the correct way to do it?
I didn't find anything interesting in this SQL syntax reference.
Thank you in advance!
You are trying to use T-SQL functions within Content Engine Query Language. While its syntax might look like SQL, it is actually not. Not to mention it is obviously not T-SQL.
As of today, it is not possible to accomplish what you want. TimeSpan function introduced in the version 5.1 allows some manipulations with date parts. Those, however, are not sufficient for your task. You might want to check TimeSpan documentation.
I have used the follwoing before:
where c.DateCreated >= 20130101T000000Z
This is a snippet from a query executed using the api an not the fem, but in principle this should be the same sql

How did this number become this datetime?

We have a vendor which one field in the database is a number and somehow in the app interface it shows the date,
I'm trying to figure out how is this conversion
Here is the data:
this number 15862 generates this date 06/05/2013
I have no idea how, the vendor told us it is NOT a custom logic conversion it was used a tsql function although I can't figure which one.
I tried using "convert" without success.
I don't think that's from a tsql function considering it's derived using the UNIX time epoch. Basically it's number of days since 1969-12-31
But you could get it using tsql like so:
select datediff(d,'1969-12-31','2013-06-05')
It looks like it's using a base-date of 1/1/1970 (actually 12/31/1969) and the number represents the number of days after that.
Most probably this is saved as an offset in days since 01/01/1979:
date('m/d/Y', 15862*3600*24) gives 06/06/2013 and
date('m/d/Y', 15862*3600*24-(3600*24) gives exactly 06/05/2013