Edit Metadata of a Database File in Mac OS X - metadata

I need to edit a database file (.fexdb), and in fact I can do so using BBEdit, but upon saving, the application to use that database (FontExplorer) no longer recognizes the file (also the icon has changed). It seems some metadata have been altered by BBEdit (I don’t even know if that is correct—is it?). Would anyone be so kind as to let me know (on a non-coder level) how to proceed?


Modify OS X app without source code using Swift

The problem is the following.
The title for button FindName is wrong and it should be Search, another thing is that window title is misspelled: "DisplayUsrEmail"
I don't have the source code of the application.
My main requirement is to write the small application that will modify the current application and fix above problems.
I have to write the new app using Swift.
What I did:
1) It is quite simple to change the title of the button without coding. (FindName -> Search) I changed it in the Info.plist file.
2) It is also easy to change the app title (Executable file) in the Info.plist, but in my case, it doesn't change the window's title "DisplayUsrEmail"
3) I opened the apps unix executable file in the hex editor (used https://hexed.it/) and found there the title "DisplayUsrEmail". But the app crashes when I add the byte with symbol 'e'. ("DisplayUsrEmail" -> "DisplayUserEmail") I can just change the title with the same characters count, but it doesn't resolve my problem.
So, is it possible to write the new app that will modify the current one? If yes, what is the workflow?
The app is compiled through xcode and is a known fact that it is not possible to retrieve the source code from the compiled application.
To answer your question: no, it's not possible.
I don't think that this is at all possible. When an app is built, it's also codesigned to prevent any changes to it. If any changes are made, macOS can't (or refuses to) open the app. This is a security feature that prevents people from modifying applications to bypass security measures, licensing, etc. in the app. Since you've modified the app, you are seeing this security feature in action in the form of the app crashing when you attempt to launch it.
That being said, it MIGHT be possible to modify the UI elements only without affecting the executable. In the app's resources folder, there should be a file with a ".nib" extension. This is the compiled user interface which is where the incorrect spelling of the window and button are. If you modify this file ONLY, the UI elements might be correct when you launch the app again. It's also possible that this nib file is part of the codesigned bundle and modifying it will cause a crash, just as if you'd modified the executable.

Swift OS X 10.11 Cannot open SQLite3 database after a second app execution

I use pure commands of the sqlite3 library,,, the first time you install the app, a method executes the sqlite3_open() method. It supposes to create the database. It actually creates it in a user folder (desktop folder in the mac os x) as showed in the log screen. After this step, it creates 2 tables and saves some data, and it completes this, with success.
the second time you run the app, it intents to open the database with the same method sqlite3_open(), but it presents the error showed in the image with code number 14.
After that, I made some research and found that the new version of sqlite uses 3 files (.sqlite, .sqlite-wal and .sqlite-shm)... After reading that, I started searching on how to create those 2 additional files at the moment of creating the first file (the .sqlite file)... But I only found that all the tutorials copy those 3 files (previously created) to the references folder on the project, but they don't create it.
Continuing my search, found that there is an option to change the configuration of the sqlite in my app, to prevent using this wal option... I had to execute the command SQLITE_FCNTL_PRAGMA (maybe this is not used like I'm doing).
Please if you need more info that may help solving this issue please just let me know.
image of Class method that opens/creates the Daatabase
Edit: screenshot with the extended errcode resulting on error 14 with no more details.

iphone any interface to deal with sqlite database created in the application Documents folder?

do we have any command line from where i can query the sqlite database, which is created by coding, and stored in the application's default Documents folder?
Turn on file sharing for the app, copy the database file to your Mac, and use the command line tools (sqlite3) that are there.
(Note to the previous editor: I appreciate editing of answers for accuracy, format improvements, and fixing typos...but, if you want to provide completely different information, I suggest providing your own answer instead of changing the meaning of another user's response.)

Does updating your application delete files?

I wrote a game that I plan on updating soon. The game generates a scoreboard when the application starts, if there is no scoreboard file present.
If people update to my latest version, will the scoreboard file (that's generated by the code itself, not a file that comes preloaded in the app) be deleted?
If so, is there any way to avoid this without any coding previously required?
The updated version of your app will simply replace the existing version's bundle - any files you've written to your app's document area will remain intact.
As such, you simply need to check for the presence of the file within your app's document area as per usual and write a "new" version if none exists.
If the file is within your applications bundle, it will be deleted. Files saved with Core Data and NSUserDefaults will not. I've never personally written a file to the disk, so I don't know where the default write point is. You'll have to find this out yourself.
Happy coding,

Updating CoreData xcdatamodel file troubles - attribute type change

I noticed several questions related to this topic go unanswered. Is this such a gray area that nobody really understands it?
Here is my problem:
I am a midway in the development of my app and the app has never been used ouside of my iphone simulator.One of the attributes in my core data structure requires a type change.Since my app has never been used outside of my iPhone Simulator, I first deleted the sqlite file. Doubling the effort of this step, I also went into iPhone Simulator menu and selected "Reset Content and Settings...".
Than, I edited the xcdatamodel file and changed the type of my attribute. I saved the file and exited. Without any other changes, I compiled. I expected it to fail because of my type change. It did not! After this, I assigned a value with new type to my attribute and it fails to compile?!
Is there something else that I need to do for the change to take an effect?
I would really, really appreciate an answer to my question.
Thank you!
Core Data sometimes acts weird until you do Build -> Clean to build from scratch.
When you change the model and there is no sqlite file then Core Data will just create one off of the current model, so your first instance makes perfect sense.
In your second instance, if you did not delete the sqlite file (or reset the sim) between those two iterations you would get an error because the sqlite file already exists from the last run and it no longer matches the model.
Whenever you change the model you need to either version it or delete the sqlite file. Otherwise they will not match and produce an error.
If that is not the issue then it would be very helpful if you gave the details of the error you are seeing.
I'd still like to know the right way of dealing with the changes in core data in early development stages when there should not be a need for the migration.
The right way is to delete the application / reset the simulator and start with a fresh sqlite file. There is no other option other than migration and as you surmised, that is incorrect during development.