Struts2 - Best way to redirect to another domain - redirect

My website has a section that will be migrated to another domain, but all our clients still use the old url, which will be deprecated soon.
What i want to achieve is send 301 moved permanently HTTP Response, and send the users to the new domain.
Already tried
ServletActionContext.getResponse().setHeader("Location", urlToNewDomain);
ServletActionContext.getResponse().setHeader("Connection", "close");
and with struts response (using XML)
<result name="externalRedirect" type="httpheader">
<param name="status">301</param>
<param name="headers.location">${targetUrl}</param>
The response its a 301 like:
So it keeps using ... i don't know how t explicitly redirect to a different domain.
Which is the best way to redirect to a different domain?


Get POST request data from filter in Enonic

Are there any ways to use one method for all post requests instead of having controllers for each post request? Can we use HTTP filters in Enonic to support POST requests? They support GET requests by default.
Yes, you can use "Mappings" in the Site descriptor to intercept e.g. a path.
<mapping controller="/site/foobar/api.js" order="10">

server side redirect in classic ASP on IIS7

I'm trying to implement a simple 301 redirect from to These are dynamically generated product pages of an ecommerce store, so they don't physically exist as files.
In Apache it's simple to do with .htaccess but all I found are ways to redirect static pages, that actually exist on the server, such as placing the code below in at the top of the existent file:
' Redirect to the new location with the correct 301 Moved Permanently status
Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently"
Response.AddHeader "Location", ""
Is there a way to redirect a dynamically generated page in IIS7 using classic asp?
Based on the comments received, I need an URL rewrite module. #ZippyV suggested this one
You want to rewrite your URL requests instead of redirecting them.
IIS has a URL Rewrite module which you can download here. Another nice feature is that it can transform your outgoing html too.
More articles on how to use the IIS URL Rewrite Module:

cflocation vs cfheader for 301 redirects

I am "renaming" an existing file for a project I am working on. To maintain backwards compatibility, I am leaving a cfm file in place to redirect the users to the new one.
buy.cfm: old
shop.cfm: new
In order to keep everything as clean as possible, I want to send the 301 statuscode response if a user tries to go to buy.cfm.
I know that I can use either cflocation with the statuscode attribute
<cflocation url="shop.cfm" statuscode="301" addtoken="false">
or I can use the cfheader tags.
<cfheader statuscode="301" statustext="Moved permanently">
<cfheader name="Location" value="">
Are there any reasons to use one method over the other?
I think they do the same thing, with <cflocation> being more readable
I tested this on ColdFusion 9.
There is one major difference, and it is that cflocation stops execution of the page and then redirects to the specified resource.
From the Adobe ColdFusion documentation:
Stops execution of the current page and opens a ColdFusion page or
HTML file.
So you would need to do this:
<cfheader statuscode="301" statustext="Moved permanently">
<cfheader name="Location" value="">
to get the equivalent of this:
<cflocation url="shop.cfm" statuscode="301" addtoken="false">
Otherwise, you risk running into issues if other code runs after the cfheader tag. I came across this when fixing some code where redirects were inserted into an application.cfm file -- using cfheader -- without aborting the rest of the page processing.
I also noticed, in the response headers, that cflocation also sets the following headers accordingly:
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
One might want to add these headers in if using the cfheader tag with Location, if needed:
<cfheader name="Cache-Control" value="no-cache">
<cfheader name="Pragma" value="no-cache">
To elaborate on the Answer by Andy Tyrone, while they MAY do the same thing in certain circumstances, the CFHEADER method give you more control over the headers passed in the request. This becomes useful, for example, if you want to send cache control headers to a browser or content delivery network so that they do not keep hitting your server with the same old redirect request. There is no way (to my knowledge) to tell a CFLocation to cache the redirect.

IIS 7.5 URL Rewrite Module & Redirects

My company is embarking on a large website redirection at the moment and I decided it would give us the perfect opportunity to make the URL's more user and google friendly.
To give you a brief outline of the situation, I am the SEO guy and I am dealing with an external developer in order to redirect the website without hurting the current rankings in Google. I don't have much experience regarding sharepoint hence why I would really appreciate any assistance in understanding and knowing if there is a work around to my situation.
The website is using IIS7.5, they recently installed the URL Rewrite Module in order to create more user friendly URL's. My question is, by creating a more user friendly URL, does this cause an additional redirect?
For example: if a user types in this permanently (301) redirects to developer told me that in order to rewrite the URL to display something more friendly (like this will have to cause another permanent redirect. So in essence the process will look like this:
SERVER RESPONSE: HTTP /1.1 301 Redirect
1) Redirecting to: http://
SERVER RESPONSE: HTTP /1.1 301 Redirect
2) Redirecting to: http://
Is this how the URL Rewrite Module really works? I would have thought that it would not have to create another redirect in order to create a more user friendly URL?
My second problem is this.... The redirect is happening on the same server. So here is essentially the situation:
The old-domain needs to be redirected to the new domain so we ran a test in order to see if the HTTP status codes were correct before going ahead with the project. So the developer redirected the dev-domain to the new-domain and the redirects look like this: (The developers comments in italic below)
SERVER RESPONSE: HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
1) Redirecting to: http://
SERVER RESPONSE: HTTP/1.1 302 Redirect
2) Redirecting to: http://
SharePoint’s alternate access mappings causes this to happen and there is no way around this.
SERVER RESPONSE: HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
3) Redirecting to: http://
SERVER RESPONSE: HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
4) Redirecting to: http://
The developer states the reason for redirecting back to the dev-domain then back to the new-domain is because of SharePoint's alternate access mappings and there is no way around this. Is that entirely true?
Any assitance at all will be GREATLY appreciated!

URLRewriteFile and "#" char in URL string

I'm using the Google means of making my GWT app searchable (, which works fine. Unfortunately, it seems Bing does not follow the same pattern/rule.
I thought I'd add a URL filter, based on user-agent to map all URL's of the form!blah=something
only for BingBot so that my CrawlerServet returned the same as the GoogleBot requests. I have a URLRewrite rule like:
<condition name="user-agent">Firefox/8.0</condition>
<from use-query-string="true">^(.*)#!(.*)$</from>
<to type="redirect">?_escaped_fragment_=$2</to>
(I'm using a user-agent of Firefox to test)
This never matches. If I change the rule to ^(.)!(.)$ and try and match on!blah=something
it will work, but using the same rule!blah=something
will not work, because it seems the URL string the filter is using is truncated at the "#".
Can anyone tell me if it's possible to make this work.
The browser doesn't send the hash to the server, as you've discovered. Watching a given request, you'll see that it only sends along the url before the # symbol.
GET / HTTP/1.1
From the link you mentioned:
Hash fragments are never (by specification) sent to the server as part of an HTTP request. In other words, the crawler needs some way to let your server know that it wants the content for the URL!key=value (as opposed to simply
From the descriptions in the text, it is the server's job to translate from the 'ugly' url to a pretty one (with a hash), and to send back a snapshot of what that page might look like if loaded with a hash on the client. That page may have other links using hashes to load other documents - the crawler will automatically translate those back to ugly urls, and request more data from the server.
So in short, this is not an change you should need to make, the GoogleBot will make it automatically, provided you have opted into using hash fragments. As for other bots, apparently Bing now supports this idea as well, but that appears to be outside the scope of your question.