How to use playsoap in playproject for soapwebservice implementation - soap

Could you please any one share some sample codes for implementing soap client using playsoap frame work.


SOAP API in Play Framework Scala

Is there any complete step-by-step guide or material available on how to use SOAP API in Play Framework with Scala?
I have seen people post about scalaxb but couldn't find any guide on how exactly to use it. Any recommendation/link/repositroy will be helpful.
P.S: I cannot use REST API because it's client's requirement to use SOAP and it CANNOT be changed. I have WSDL of the service I am supposed to interact with.

ASIHTTP Request & Classes

I am new to iPhone application development and working on a web service based application.
I am using NSXML parser in this application and all is working finr, I am able to get the data from server.
But my friend told me that I should include ASIHTTP Classes in this project that is mandatory, but I wonder as I have not used any usch classes as of now and still i am able to fetch the data successfully.
Can any body please explain me what is the purpose of ASIHTTP classes and if i don't use it then would that be a right approach?
I will also need to do Lazy loading in my project so will that be possible without ASIHTTP Classes?
Please help me to clear my doubts.
Thanks in advance.
iPhone Developer
You can obtain any information you're looking for from here, ASIHTTPRequest - How To Use
Alternatively, you can use NSURLConnection
Both routes you can use Asynchronous request to perform lazy loading.

Problems understanding the URL implementation of a REST Proxy in ExtJS 4

I am a newbie with ExtJS 4. I am having problems understanding the implmentation for the "/" syntax for the URL in a Rest Proxy.
For example when using a REST type Proxy the URL config in many examples is just "/users".
I'm confused by this and can't seem to understand it's implmentation. I'm expecting to see an actual executable ".php" or such URL which I have used successfully in an Ajax Proxy. In other examples I see "app.php/users". I understand the php file which I expect but the "/users" part I don't understand. I've spent a few hours trying to find the answer for this but nothing I found has defined it for me.
I'm sure the explanation is very simple.
Thank You in Advance.
For the full explanation you should study up on REST.
Something like /users is standard usage for a REST HTTP request, it is not just ExtJS implementation. Specifically to answer your question, the reason no file extension is included is to denote that this is a logical url, i.e. there is not a physical users.xml file necessarily, instead it is dynamically generated using RESTful webservices.
In other words, you would need to set-up a RESTful webservice architecture to use this ExtJS proxy configuration.
The link above and this tutorial on implementing RESTful webservices with Java helped me alot.
I found a better tutorial (I think) here, also showing implementations in something other than Java.

How to user web service with help of soap method

Hi i am new in iphone development. i have task to develop the application to get the web service.
I try to find source but i found some source but it cant give me any output.
So please help me and provide any example if it is possible.
I use ASIHTTPRequest for most network needs. However, it does not directly support SOAP. I don't know of any iPhone library that does. If you can address your web service without the overhead of SOAP then ASIHTTPRequest will make it simple for XML or JSON. If you really have no choice but to use SOAP then the following may help

Client Program for RestFul WebService?

HI, i Have developed a restful webservice sample application, i want to create a client for the webservice, can anyone tell me how to do this? i was used Rest WebService explorer, but i want to know how to create a client and call the methods ?
Please help ?
Since REST is talking HTTP and is language-agnostic, you can use most any language/tooling available. Of course the simplest test bed available to you is the browser itself.
Have a look at these tools: (proxying is helpful for debugging)
You can also use Resty, which should make accessing your webservices very easy.
(see Readme for examples)