Repository created on GitHub cannot be used a NetBeans project - github

I have created a repository on GitHub (site/server) and have managed to clone it on my development PC using GitHub Desktop. However, if I try to use the same repository directory in Netbeans IDE (v12.6), I fail to do so because NB only allows to Create a "new [NB] project" or open an "existing [NB] project". But the repository is clearly not an NB project.
I am looking for a solution to make the repository into a NB project as well.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Why can't I add a local GitHub repository into Eclipse?

There's this project that has been discontinued that I want to have in my Eclipse workspace so that I can maintain it for my own personal use (the author of the project is fine with this). I have the repository from GitHub downloaded and am trying to import it into Eclipse using this tutorial:
After defining the directory of the local repository and clicking "Next", I'm presented with this: Error message
Any ideas on what I could be doing wrong?

Clone an Eclipse project repository into Netbeans from GitHub

I am pretty new to GitHub.
This is my problem: We (4 people) are working on a Java project. Two of us are using NetBeans and two of us are using Eclipse. Let`s say 1 person created a project from Eclipse and pushed the project into the repository. Now, I want to clone the repository and work on the project. I can successfully clone the project and I can see all the files that we have in the repository. However, I cannot run the project. In fact, when I am cloning the project, NetBeans asks me for creating a new project. I do not want to create a new project but I want to work on the same project that I am able to run it.
What is solution?
I recommend to commit the Eclipse project meta-files (.project, .classpath and may be the .settings directory) and the NetBeans project meta-files (I don't know the corresponding meta-file names for NetBeans).
From your problem description it seems the NetBeans project meta-files are missing in the github repository. Hence, NetBeans doesn't recognize the cloned repository as a project.
See also: Which NetBeans projects files should go into source control?.

Can't pull a Gradle project in Eclipse

I'm part of a team working on a game project and we just moved our project to using Gradle. I can pull, commit, merge and push normally with Git GUI in Windows Explorer, but other members of the team can also pull in Eclipse by right-clicking the Gradle-project folder in Project Explorer view, choosing Team-menu and then Pull. However, in my Eclipse the "Team" settings only give me options to "Apply Patch" and "Share Project.." the whole team has tried to find a solution for this to no avail so far.
Before the project was built on Gradle, I was also able to pull in Eclipse by using the aforementioned method. We're using Git repository.
Any suggestions on where to look for the cause of this malfunction?
Thank you.
I assume then you don't store the Eclipse project files/settings in your Git repository but create them locally using gradle eclipse.
Then after importing the project into Eclipse (be sure not to copy it to the workspace) you can use the Share project... option under Team in the context menu. Then choose Git. Eclipse EGit will automatically detect if your project resides in an existing repository (it should be listed on the next wizard page) and set up the corresponding association.
The term Share project maybe is a bit confusing, as you also do it for projects that already are under version control.

not able to import github project in eclipse

just created project on github from my office and when then i came home and was trying to import the project on my home machine but I am not able to do it.
Following is the detail.
Both home and office machine has eclipse Juno and Egit plugin installed. I am able to do check-in from office. but at home I am not even able to import the project.
my workspace directory - c:\gaurang
git local directory - d:\Gaurang\Webdriver-Data-Driven-Framework
Now if i choose "Import existing projects" it says No project found
if i choose "Use the new Project Wizard" - it creates empty project
if i choose "Import as general project" - it creates the project but not a java project so not able to compile or run.
My git repository -
I struggled in a similar fashion when checking out
The problem was that I expected to happen in a single step. The Github project does not contain eclipse files, so of course you can not import existing projects - the other options should work, however and they don't
The solution for me was to:
Clone the github repository locally e.g. /home/name/git/angular-seed (import.../Projects from Git/URI)
Obtain a working copy as a plain project (import.../Projects from Git/local)
I think it's a bug
The result is that I have the cloned repository in /home/name/git/angular-seed and a skeleton project with a ".project" file that points to that place
You have to push your .project and .classpath files to the repository if you want to be able to import the project using the "Import existing projects" wizard. If those are not present, eclipse cannot detect an existing java project.

How do I enable MercurialEclipse plugin for a project?

I have a project using mercurial for version control, and I'm trying to set it up in Eclipse. I cloned the project from the command line and then opened the project in eclipse by importing it as a maven project.
This works except for that eclipse/MercurialEclipse doesn't seem to pick up that this is an merurial repo.
If I go to project properties, the Mercurial option shows only the message "This project doesn't use MercurialEclipse as a Team provider."
In the "Team Synchronizing" perspective, Synchronize... just gives me a "clone repository wizard" saying "There are no Mercurial resources to syncrhonize".
Does anyone know how to get MercurialEclipse to pick up the existing repository for the project.
Figured this out myself.
Right click the project and choose Team > Share project...
That gives a wizard for enabling mercurial integration for the project.