Removing dependency from Next.js dynamic bundle - import

When using a Next.js dynamic import. Next.js will bundle the imported module and serve that file.
Let's say that file uses a dependency like styled-components, this is already apart of the main app and has been loaded. I'd like a way to omit dependencies from within the dynamically generated bundle.

I think that this only happens when running in Dev mode, if you build for production the bundles are optimized.


outside lib in GitHub

I just recently used Github, and when I was trying to upload my java project I realized that I was using some external libraries like apahce poi in this project, and these files have to be stored in libs for my application to function, do I need to upload these files because I realize that might violate some issues(maybe ?).
If yes, then what is the correct way to upload or maybe just post a link to those dependency
Use a tool that provides a dependency management system such as Maven or Gradle (these are both common choices in the Java ecosystem). Your project will then include a configuration file that Maven or Gradle will use to download dependencies so you don't need to distribute them with your project.

How do I make a multiproject gradle build in STS eclipse?

I have 2 separate projects in STS Eclipse, both using gradle to build. One is a web application. The other is a data access library that the web application uses. I have the buildship plugin for this.
Normally, I would simply change the project properties to include the data project in the web application's build path/project references/etc to make this work, but we're switching over to using Gradle for this.
I have a working build.gradle file in each project, but I don't know how to make the web app's build script build and include the data project.
I've looked for various tutorials and examples, and they talk about a root project that contains both projects inside. I have no idea how to create this.
How do I go about setting this up?
Furthermore, I'm concerned about SVN in a setup like this. I want to be able to commit each project separately since other applications will use the data access library, which is why it's a separate project. My understanding is that a nested project structure suggested by gradle would cause the entire root project to be committed as 1 entry, with both subprojects.
This would then mean that I would have to copy the data access project into all the other projects that need to use it, which would make maintaining the code a pain. At that point, I might as well not have a separate data access project and instead just include all that code in a package in the web app.
The solution to this issue was the "includeflat" command in the settings.gradle

Managing custom client builds with SBT

We have an application that is extensible via modules. The (multi-project) SBT build produces a distribution artifact that is easy to deploy.
Some custom deployments for clients do require specific modules to be part of the build (in other words, an additional set of dependencies). I'm wondering what would be the best approach to create such custom builds - in other words, is there perhaps a way to extend the main Build and only add those dependencies?
Right now I am thinking of the following approach:
have the main application packaged (as ZIP) & released
in the custom build, fetch the ZIP file, extract it, magically add the additional JAR dependencies, and zip the artifact again ("magically" because I don't know how to get access to all JAR dependencies specified in the build)
But is there perhaps a more elegant way?
I think it would be easier to just declare a new sub-project along the main one that depends on it.
lazy val extra: Project = Project("extra", file("extra")) dependsOn(mainProject) settings(Seq(...))
Then on that package you can declare the extra dependencies. When you package this extra project everything should end up into the package automatically.

Packaging GWT module jar

I have created a GWT-loadable module (maven) with this output jar structure (using mvn package command):
However when I run a application that use this library, error shows: Error 404 for fetching the flash.swf file.
Here's the scenario:
I have setup the project properly, including the <inherits> in the gwt.xml file
When I just include the whole library project into another GWT application project then run, it works fine. That is, the files from the public folder is loaded too.
What could be the problem?
The problem is that you're trying to fetch the flash.swf file over HTTP. This is (at best) bad practice. A better approach (by no means the only alternative) would be pulling it in as a resource which lives in your code. One way to do such a thing would be using Spring's ClassPathResource (or less preferably, FileSystemResource).

My first GWT Module

I created a module to share code across a couple of projects.
I created a GWT project: Framework. I then created a module com.framework.Framework within the project. The Framework project contains both client code, in the com.framework.client packages, and server code in the com.framework.server packages.
I try to consume this by
- Adding the project to the Java Build Path
- Adding to the module's definition
When I run the consuming project, I get NoClassDefFoundErrors for Framework classes I use in the module's server code.
What am I missing?
If I jar up the Framework project's WEB-INF\classes contents and put it into the consuming project's WEB-INF\lib folder, as well as add it to the Build Path it seems to work, but I don't see a way to keep the framework classes up to date in the consuming project(s).
Please make sure that you create gwt.xml file via menu New->Module, and in this gwt.xml file, you must declare your entry point class.