Design of my widget is not appearing as it should - unreal-engine4

I'm currently working on an inventory system and have gotten it working for the most part. The only problem is, when I try and start the game, the design gets warped with no color in the border and the button being misplaced.
The individual squares are inventory slots and look normal like how they are supposed to. Does anybody know how to fix this?


How can I add physics animations to a Flutter app

I’m trying to add an effect on a series of containers where they constantly move around a phone screen. This is similar to what is shown below, however they need to be able to bounce off each other too.
Has anyone tried something like this before and can point me on the right direction please? Worth noting that I need the containers to be widgets and so can’t just use a video.
Thanks a lot!

know object behind another object is fully visible

I have developed scratch card effect.I am stuck at logic of how can I know object got visible which is behind the scratch card image? So that I can show reward screen.
PS: with modifications in this link I able to work this scratch card effect in uGUI.
There are many ways you could go about this. Assuming you know the dimensions of the red "target image" that the user is trying to uncover, you could take a fixed number of samples from the area that the target is under. Once, say, 80% of those samples are transparent (i.e. the target is visible at those positions), you can consider the object visible and show the reward screen.
You can use GetPixel to get the individual samples from the scratch texture.

Scrollviews and Cocos2D

I'm trying to develop a scrollable tile map in Cocos2D which uses an UIPanGestureRecognizer to do the dirty work, but while developing it, stumbled upon some problems for which I would like to ask for an advice.
The basic scrolling management works fine, it's precise and accurate and works by adding the translation recognized by the pan gesture manager to the tiles of the map. The problem is that the map is large and I just draw a small viewport of it, while I want to manage it like it's scrollable without any problem.
What I was thinking about is that, as soon as a whole row or column get out of the visible screen, it is moved to the opposite side, the corresponding texture rects are updated (I'm working entirely with a CCSpriteBatchNode), so that it will continuously update the viewport to make the whole thing work. This seems fine but I've found many problems in dealing with when to move the row/column, how to keep track of this issue (eg when pan changes direction from forth to back) and many little details which make me think that I should find a better approach.
Is there a common solution to my problem? That is: managing a scrollable viewport of a tilemap which should move over the whole map so the to the end user it seems like as if the map is infinite.
Thanks in advance
I solved my issue by developing a viewport in which rows and columns are effectively moved from left side to right side and from top side to bottom side.
This is done automatically when a new column or row enters the viewport and it's made by expanding the drawn viewport over the real one by an amount which is enough to avoid any graphical issue to the user.

2 buttons having the same functionality in iphone application

I am creating an application with call functionality, I want to have the phone image on the right hand side and the name of the contact on the left hand side. Currently this has been implemented by placing the 2 buttons side by side, hence if the user clicks on any of the buttons, the same functionality (calling the contact) happens.
Is this allowed according to Apple HIG? Please let me know.
Thank You,
I don't think anything in the HIG specifically disallows this, but it seems like a bad idea, for a couple of reasons:
If there are two buttons side-by-side, users will assume the buttons do different things, and will be confused when they don't.
It wastes screen real-estate that could probably be put to better use.
From your description it is hard to tell exactly what this looks like, but it sounds like something that needs to be re-designed.
Overlapping buttons?
It might not give you an intuitive UI, as the content of the overlapped button might get truncated by the overlapping button.
As Kristopher has explained, it will result in a bad user experience.
It is possible, that your app might get rejected because of the truncations as the user will not be readily able to perceive the content.
If look of the button is what you are concerned about, then you can just set one image (whether odd shaped or not) to one button, as long as the user is able to perceive that it is a button.
In the odd shaped image, you should also ensure that the functionality does not get triggered when the user touches the transparent area of the image, otherwise it might confuse the user.
Hope these points help!
Is there any mention about overlapping the buttons? Suppose for better design/look and feel, I have to place two buttons which partially overlaps each other, is it disallowed? Still the screen looks good and there will not be any confusion about the buttons. But only point is they are two different buttons, which assumes same functionality and has overlapped.
Adding some more information on the about query.
The buttons are overlapping as one is just a graphics and another is a rounded rectangle button whose Title changes dynamically.
If they can not be overlapped, can we have an odd shape button on the screen as long as user feels that they are buttons?

Radio dial type functionality as seen on Where To? App

Straight forward question. I'm trying to understand UI design more and how to make it work with code. In particular there used to be an app that went through several design sessions, named Where To? by Tap Tap Tap. They had a table which they turned into a radio dial, screenshot:
My question is, is this nothing more than 22 or so images, with different states put together on top of a UIView? Each UIImageView is a button? How would something like this be put together? I'd love a tutorial on programmatically turning images into actual actions. If there's any book or blog which describes the process, that would be an ideal answer for me.
Any insight into how the above is done?
I actually think it's a single image that has it's layer rotated in response to touch events and then calculates which is the active button based on the radial distance from the original position. It's not horribly complicated code (touchset change is left or right and rotate in response to that, modify the hittest method to respect the radial deltas) but the math is more than I can do before six cups of coffee.