I am fairly new to PowerShell and this maybe straight forward for a professional.
I am looking to extend expiration date a bulk of AD usernames in a text file by 6 months.
Preferably if the code could pick up the current date and extend from there.
As I have been doing some googling and testing I am come up with the command to do a single account in PowerShell:
Set-ADAccountExpiration SMahmood -DateTime "06/11/2022"
The above command I obviously have to change the username and date (if I run the command on different day) every time I run the command.
I have also managed to find some script of another person who asked a similar question but his script asks you to define the username each time you would like to extend it (this is not my code but has been tested as working) :
$continue = $true
while ($continue) {
write-host " AD Account Expiration Date Changer" -ForegroundColor White
Write-Host ""
while ($true) {
try {
# Loop until a valid username is entered
$Entered_Username_0 = Read-Host "Enter a username"
$Entered_Username = $Entered_Username_0.Trim()
if (Get-ADUser -Identity $Entered_Username | Out-Null) {
catch {
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Invalid username entered!" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host ""
$dateMin = [datetime]::Now
$dateMin_short = $dateMin.ToShortDateString()
Write-Host "Press 1 to extend the account expiration date by 6 months"
Write-Host "Press 2 to extend the account expiration date to a sprecific date"
$Choice_input = Read-Host "Please select an option"
while ($true) {
try {
if ($Choice_input -eq 2) {
while ($true) {
try {
# Loop until a valid Date is entered and that Date is above $dateMin
$Entered_Date = [datetime]::ParseExact(
(Read-Host "Enter a new expiry date, in the format DD/MM/YYYY"),
if ($Entered_Date -lt $dateMin) {
catch {
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Invalid date entered! Format must be DD/MM/YYYY and higher than $dateMin_short." -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host ""
if ($Choice_input -eq 1) {
$Entered_Date = [datetime]::Now.addmonths(6)
else {
catch {
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Please input a either 1 or 2." -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host ""
try {
Set-ADAccountExpiration -Identity $Entered_Username -DateTime $Entered_Date.AddHours(24)
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "New account expiration date for $Entered_Username is $(($Entered_Date).toString('dd/MM/yyyy'))"-ForegroundColor Green
$Entered_Date = ($Entered_date).toString('dd/MM/yyyy')
catch {
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Unable to set account expiry: $_"-ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host ""
$continue = $true
while ($continue) {
write-host " AD Account Expiration Date Changer" -ForegroundColor White
Write-Host ""
while ($true) {
try {
# Loop until a valid username is entered
$Entered_Username_0 = Read-Host "Enter a username"
$Entered_Username = $Entered_Username_0.Trim()
if (Get-ADUser -Identity $Entered_Username | Out-Null) {
catch {
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Invalid username entered!" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host ""
$dateMin = [datetime]::Now
$dateMin_short = $dateMin.ToShortDateString()
Write-Host "Press 1 to extend the account expiration date by 6 months"
Write-Host "Press 2 to extend the account expiration date to a sprecific date"
$Choice_input = Read-Host "Please select an option"
while ($true) {
try {
if ($Choice_input -eq 2) {
while ($true) {
try {
# Loop until a valid Date is entered and that Date is above $dateMin
$Entered_Date = [datetime]::ParseExact(
(Read-Host "Enter a new expiry date, in the format DD/MM/YYYY"),
if ($Entered_Date -lt $dateMin) {
catch {
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Invalid date entered! Format must be DD/MM/YYYY and higher than $dateMin_short." -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host ""
if ($Choice_input -eq 1) {
$Entered_Date = [datetime]::Now.addmonths(6)
else {
catch {
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Please input a either 1 or 2." -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host ""
try {
Set-ADAccountExpiration -Identity $Entered_Username -DateTime $Entered_Date.AddHours(24)
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "New account expiration date for $Entered_Username is $(($Entered_Date).toString('dd/MM/yyyy'))"-ForegroundColor Green
$Entered_Date = ($Entered_date).toString('dd/MM/yyyy')
catch {
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Unable to set account expiry: $_"-ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host ""
Big thanks Vihaan Reyansh who provided the script above I had to tweak it a bit as it was changing the description field.
I am trying to add a user to the Remote Desktop group using Powershell.
It seems it's not breaking the loop and doesn't execute further statements.
Can you please help me where the issue is:
$remote = ""
While($remote -ne "Y" ){
$remote = read-host "Do you need to add anyone to the Remote Desktop group (y/n)?"
Switch ($remote)
Y {
$remoteuser = ""
while ( ($remoteuser -eq "") -or ($UserExists -eq $false) )
$remoteuser = Read-Host "Enter the username that needs to be in the group"
Write-Host "User inputted $remoteuser"
sleep -Seconds 2
try {
Get-ADUser -Identity $remoteuser -Server <server-FQDN>
$UserExists = $true
Write-Host "$remoteuser found!"
sleep 5
catch [Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADIdentityResolutionException] {
Write-Host "User does not exist."
$UserExists = $false
catch {
Write-Host "Username is blank"
$UserExists = $false
N {Write-Host "No user accounts will be added to the Remote Desktop Users group. Restart your PC."}
default {Write-Host "Only Y/N are Valid responses"}
<further statements>
I am creating a new column called "TEST123" which is a Person Or Group and wanted to also update "Choose from" option from All users to SP group called TESTAccounts.
I have got the following script to create the column but not sure how to make the above changes :
Function Add-FieldToList($SiteURL,$ListName, $FieldName, $FieldType, $IsRequired){
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$List = (Get-SPWeb $SiteURL).Lists.TryGetList($ListName)
if($List -ne $null)
$View = $List.DefaultView # OR $List.Views["All Items"]
write-host "New Column '$FieldName' Added to the List!" -ForegroundColor Green
write-host "Field '$FieldName' Already Exists in the List" -ForegroundColor Red
write-host "List '$ListName' doesn't exists!" -ForegroundColor Red
catch {
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red
finally {
$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"
$ListName = "NEWList"
$FieldType = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldType]::User
$IsRequired = $False
Add-FieldToList $SiteURL $ListName $FieldName $FieldType $IsRequired
You could use the follow powershell set people column choose from certain group:
$SPSite = Get-SPSite 'http://sp'
#Open you web
$OpenWeb = $SpSite.OpenWeb();
#Open Your List
$List = $OpenWeb.Lists["test2"];
$column = $list.Fields["user"]#change to your column name
$column.SelectionGroup=15 #group id you want
I have been able to create an array and store a list of fields, I am trying to convert this to a CSV file. However, I need all my outputs to be as a string. Currently I have text coming out as a string, however for example I need my note to come out as a string but it comes out as taxonomy value and not sure how to change this?
Below is my code I have just now:
# Get the web
$web = Get-SPWeb "specified_website"
# Get the target list
$list = $web.Lists["List_name"]
# Items used to hold the data
$Items = $list.Items
$array = #()
# Get all the items in the list
foreach ($item in $Items) {
$id = $item.id
Write-Host "Processing item number $id" -ForegroundColor Green
# every item has a Field e.g. my item has a title, etc.
foreach ($field in $item.Fields) {
# Get the type of the field
Write-Host $field.Type
# Print the field type out to a string
switch ($field.Type) {
"Text" { $msg = checkifTextisNull($item[$field.InternalName]) }
"Note" {
Write-Host $item[$field.InternalName] -ForegroundColor Cyan
"Lookup" { $item[$field.InternalName] -ForegroundColor Yellow }
"URL" { Write-Host $item[$field.InternalName] -ForegroundColor Magenta }
"Invalid" {
#Write-Host $item[$field.InternalName] -ForegroundColor Cyan
"Guid" { Write-Host $item[$field.InternalName]-ForegroundColor Yellow }
"Choice" { Write-Host $item[$field.InternalName] -ForegroundColor Cyan }
"Boolean" {
$msg = returnBooleanValue($item[$field.InternalName])
Write-Host $msg -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
"Computed" { Write-Host $item[$field.InternalName] -ForegroundColor White }
"Integer" {
Write-Host $item[$field.InternalName]
"User" { Write-Host $item[$field.InternalName] -ForegroundColor DarkGreen }
"DateTime" {
Write-Host $item[$field.InternalName] -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
"Number" { Write-Host $item[$field.InternalName] -ForegroundColor Yellow }
"Counter" { Write-Host $item[$field.InternalName] -ForegroundColor Green }
"Multi-Choice" {
Write-Host $item[$field.InternalName]
"Attachments" { Write-Host $item[$field.InternalName] -ForegroundColor Magenta }
"ModStat" { Write-Host $item[$field.InternalName] -ForegroundColor DarkGreen }
"File" { Write-Host $item[$field.InternalName] -ForegroundColor White }
# Add the object with property to Items
$array += $Items
My output that I get is:
Firm wide|0d3fbace-af9c-4f28-8be1-095e616893c0
And the Output I would expect is:
"FieldName", "DataType", "Value"
Site_type_0, Note , Firm Wide
When I Write out what the type of data is, I get taxonomy data, when I would want a string
I found that using .TypeAsString helped me out a lot and for the TaxonomyFieldType and TaxonomyFieldTypeMulti Field types I done the following:
$FieldValue = $item[$field.InternalName] -as [Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValue];
$FieldValue = $FieldValue.Label;
"TaxonomyFieldTypeMulti"{$FieldValueCollection = $item[$field.InternalName] -as [Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValueCollection];
foreach($Value in $FieldValueCollection) {
if($Value.label -ne $null)
$label = $Value.label
$guid = $Value.TermGuid.ToString()
$FieldValue+="Label = $label Guid = $guid;"
Write-Host $Value.label
If there is anyone who knows a better way please let me know as I would be very interested to hear.
I want to jump from one section in the script to another section in the same PowerShell script. My script is only going from top to bottom right now, but I have several tasks. e.g. I want to be able to choose from a task list in the beginning of the script and go to task number 2 skip task 1.
I hope this makes any sense for you. Take a look at my script:
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "welcome to my powershell script..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Choose a task:"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "1. Clean up"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "2. Uninstall Pre-Installed Apps"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "3. Something should be written here"
While ($Valg -ne "1" -or $Valg -ne "2" -or $Valg -ne "3") {
$Valg = Read-Host "Choose a number from the task list"
If ($Valg –eq "1") { Break }
If ($Valg –eq "2") { Break }
If ($Valg –eq "3") { Break }
if ($Valg -ne "1" -or $Valg -ne "2" -or $Valg -ne "3") {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Ups. Try again..."
#### 1. First task should come here (clean up)
#some code here for the "cleaning up" task
#### 2. Second task here
#some code here for the "Uninstall Pre-Installed Apps" task
#### 3. Third task there
#Some code for the third task here
#### And so on...
Here is a generic solution which uses an array of PSCustomObject that represents the task (message and the function to invoke). It doesn't need a switch, you can simply add new Tasks to the array (and implement the desired function) without modifying the remaining script:
# define a task list with the messages to display and the functions to invoke:
$taskList = #(
[PSCustomObject]#{Message = 'Clean up'; Task = { Cleanup }}
[PSCustomObject]#{Message = 'Uninstall Pre-Installed Apps'; Task = { Uninstall }}
[PSCustomObject]#{Message = 'Something should be written here'; Task = { Print }}
# define the functions:
function Cleanup()
Write-Host "Cleanup"
function Uninstall()
Write-Host "Uninstall"
function Print()
Write-Host "Print"
# let the user pick a task:
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Choose a task:"
$taskList | foreach -Begin { $i = 1;} -Process {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow ('{0}. {1}' -f ($i++), $_.Message)
$value = Read-Host 'Choose a number from the task list'
while($value -match '\D+' -or $value -le 0 -or $value -gt $taskList.Count)
# invoke the task:
& $taskList[$value-1].Task
I am updating answer to complete script based on inputs by "bluuf" and "majkinator".
Use the Switch-Case construct along with Functions like below. This is complete working solution.
#region Function Definitions. These come first before calling them
function FirstTask
[string] $inputVariable
"write any scipt for First task here without quotes. Input is: " + $inputVariable
function SecondTask
"write any scipt for Second task here without quotes"
function ThirdTask
"write any scipt for Third task here without quotes"
#region Showing Options
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "welcome to my powershell script..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Choose a task:"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "1. Clean up"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "2. Uninstall Pre-Installed Apps"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "3. Something should be written here"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "0. Exit"
#region Getting input
While ($true) {
$Valg = Read-Host "Choose a number from the task list"
If ($Valg –eq "0")
"Thanks for using my utility";
If (($Valg -ne "1") -and ($Valg -ne "2") -and ($Valg -ne "3") -and ($Valg -ne "0")) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Ups. Try again..."
#region Main Code
switch ($Valg)
FirstTask("sending input");
2 {
3 {
default { "Please select a correct option."}
I'm a Powershell newb, but I am trying to write a script to check the SSL certificate expiration dates for multiple remote websites.
I found this script (http://www.zerrouki.com/checkssl/) that does what I want, but only for a single site.
I am trying to modify it to allow for multiple sites/checks, but am getting an error when I do so. I've removed all of the email functionality from the script as I'll be using another to tool to alert on expiring certs. And I've hardcoded the URLs to check.
Modified from Fabrice ZERROUKI - fabricezerrouki#hotmail.com Check-SSL.ps1
$WebsiteURLs= #("URL1.com","URL2.com","URL3.com")
foreach ($WebsiteURL in $WebsiteURLs){
$Conn = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient($WebsiteURL,$WebsitePort)
Try {
$Stream = New-Object System.Net.Security.SslStream($Conn.GetStream())
$Cert = $Stream.Get_RemoteCertificate()
$ValidTo = [datetime]::Parse($Cert.GetExpirationDatestring())
Write-Host "`nConnection Successfull" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
Write-Host "Website: $WebsiteURL"
$ValidDays = $($ValidTo - [datetime]::Now).Days
if ($ValidDays -lt $Threshold)
Write-Host "`nStatus: Warning (Expires in $ValidDays days)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "CertExpiration: $ValidTo`n" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "`nStatus: OK" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
Write-Host "CertExpiration: $ValidTo`n" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
Catch { Throw $_ }
Finally { $Conn.close() }
Catch {
Write-Host "`nError occurred connecting to $($WebsiteURL)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "Website: $WebsiteURL"
Write-Host "Status:" $_.exception.innerexception.message -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host ""
When I run this (with valid sites in the $WebsiteURLs variable) every site returns: Status: Authentication failed because the remote party has closed the transport stream.
If I only put one site in the $WebsiteURLs variable and remove the foreach function it runs ok.
Any idea what I can do to make this loop through each site in the variable?
Problem lies here:
$WebsiteURLs= #("URL1.com","URL2.com","URL3.com")
When you call $Stream.AuthenticateAsClient($CommonName) it doesn't work, because $CommonName=$WebsiteURL is setting $commonName to null. When you remove the loop I assume you did as I did and changed $WebsiteURLs to $WebsiteURL so then you had a value to assign $CommonName.
If you move the declaration of $CommonName to within your loop it works.
$WebsiteURLs= #("URL1.com","URL2.com","URL3.com")
foreach ($WebsiteURL in $WebsiteURLs){
$Conn = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient($WebsiteURL,$WebsitePort)
Try {
$Stream = New-Object System.Net.Security.SslStream($Conn.GetStream())
$Cert = $Stream.Get_RemoteCertificate()
$ValidTo = [datetime]::Parse($Cert.GetExpirationDatestring())
Write-Host "`nConnection Successfull" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
Write-Host "Website: $WebsiteURL"
$ValidDays = $($ValidTo - [datetime]::Now).Days
if ($ValidDays -lt $Threshold)
Write-Host "`nStatus: Warning (Expires in $ValidDays days)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "CertExpiration: $ValidTo`n" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "`nStatus: OK" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
Write-Host "CertExpiration: $ValidTo`n" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
Catch { Throw $_ }
Finally { $Conn.close() }
Catch {
Write-Host "`nError occurred connecting to $($WebsiteURL)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "Website: $WebsiteURL"
Write-Host "Status:" $_.exception.innerexception.message -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host ""