Find Ingress IP in Helm Chart - kubernetes

What I have:
I have difficulty setting up an Ingress with Helm Chart on the cloud.
I have a project with a Front, a Back and a MySQL database.
I setup two Ingress, one for my BackEnd and one for my FrontEnd, I can access it with an IP given by Google Cloud Platform.
In the FrontEnd and BackEnd charts values.yaml:
type: LoadBalancer
port: 8000 # 4200 for the FrontEnd
targetPort: 8000 # 4200 for FrontEnd
enabled: true
annotations: "nginx" "true" "*" "PUT, GET, POST, OPTIONS, DELETE" "DNT,X-CustomHeader,X-LANG,Keep-Alive,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-ConSSH / 51970trol,Content-Type,X-Api-Key,X-Device-Id,Access-Control-Allow-Origin"
- paths:
- path: /
pathType: ImplementationSpecific
My Issue:
The FrontEnd needs to talk to the BackEnd throughout the Ingress.
In the FrontEnd values.yaml, I need to have a value:
But I don't know the URL of the BackEnd Ingress, or at least, until I deploy the back.
How can I variabilize it, to retrieve the URL ingress of the BackEnd?
Or at least, how can I find the ingress IP? (I've tried kubectl get ingress, it doesn't show the address).

You have two options:
Don't use the ingress but the service DNS name. This way your traffic doesn't even leave the cluster. If your backend service is called api and deployed in the backend namespace you can reach it internally using api.backend. has details about the mechanism.
You reserve the IP on GCP side and pass the IP as a parameter to your helm charts. If you don't, each deletion and recreation of the service will end up on a different IP by GCP. Clients who have a cached DNS response will not be able to use your service until it has expired.
For GCP this snippet from the documentation is correct.
Some cloud providers allow you to specify the loadBalancerIP. In those cases, the load-balancer is created with the user-specified loadBalancerIP. If the loadBalancerIP field is not specified, the loadBalancer is set up with an ephemeral IP address. If you specify a loadBalancerIP but your cloud provider does not support the feature, the loadbalancerIP field that you set is ignored.
So get a permanent IP and pass it as loadBalancerIP to the service.
type: LoadBalancer
port: 8000 # 4200 for the FrontEnd
targetPort: 8000 # 4200 for FrontEnd
loadBalancerIP: <the Global or Regional IP you got from GCP (depends on the LB)>


Allow a certain endpoint only internally in Traefik

I have some services defined in my traefik config file like so
- url: http://serviceA:8080
- url: http://serviceB:8080
( more services here...)
Services are in docker containers. I want a certain endpoint in serviceB to be only accessible internally.
rule: "Host(`{{env "MYHOST"}}`) && PathPrefix(`/serviceB/criticalEndpoint`)"
service: serviceB
- ?
I saw there's a middleware for IP whitelisting, but what IP could I use so all external access to this endpoint is forbidden while the rest of endpoints on the service are public?
I believe what you are looking for is IPWhiteList middleware which you can attach to your service, so it will intercept every request to that service and allow/deny based on the client IP address.
So if you want the service to be exposed internally, you can give the CIDR range of your VPC which will include all possible internal IP addresses.
Docker example
# Accepts request from defined IP
- "traefik.http.middlewares.test-ipwhitelist.ipwhitelist.sourcerange=,"
Kubernetes example
kind: Middleware
name: test-ipwhitelist
sourceRange : The sourceRange option sets the allowed IPs (or ranges of allowed IPs by using CIDR notation).
ipStrategy : The ipStrategy option defines two parameters that set how Traefik determines the client IP: depth, and excludedIPs.
ipStrategy.depth: The depth option tells Traefik to use the X-Forwarded-For header and take the IP located at the depth position (starting from the right).
If depth is greater than the total number of IPs in X-Forwarded-For, then the client IP will be empty.
depth is ignored if its value is less than or equal to 0.
Consider the following screenshot
Reference Traefik Docs

Difference between kunernetes Service and Ingress

I want to create a load balancer for 4 http server pods.
I have one mysql pod too.
Everything works fine, i have created a loadbalancer service for http, and another service for mysql.
I have read i should create an ingress too. But i do not understand what is an ingress because everything works with Services.
What is the value-add of an Ingress ?
Since you have single service serving http, your current solution using LoadBalancer service type works fine. Imagine you have multiple http based services that you want to make externally available on different routes. You would have to create a LoadBalancer services for each of them and by default you would get a different IP address for each of them. Instead you can use an Ingress, which sits infront of these services and does the routing.
Example ingress manifest:
kind: Ingress
name: test-ingress
annotations: /
- http:
- path: /cart
serviceName: cart
servicePort: 80
- path: /payment
serviceName: payment
servicePort: 80
Here you have two different HTTP services exposed by an Ingress on a single IP address. You don't need a LoadBalancer per service when using an Ingress.
The Service of type LoadBalancer relies on a third-party LoadBalancer and IP provisioning thing somewhere that deals with getting Layer 3 traffic (IP) from outside to the Nodes on some high-numbered NodePort.
A Ingress relies on a third-party Ingress Controller to accept Layer 3 traffic, open it up to Layer 7 (eg, terminate TLS) and do protocol-specific routing (eg by http fqdn/path) to some other Service (probably of type ClusterIP) inside the cluster.
If all your service should be explictly exposed without any further filtering or other options, a LoadBalancer and no Ingress might be the right choice....but LoadBalancers dont do much on their own....they just expose the Service to the outside world....very little in the way of traffic shpaing, A/B testing, etc
However, if you want to put multiple services behind a single IP/VIP/certificate, or you want to direct traffic in some weird ways (like based on Header:, client type, percentage weighting, etc), you'd probably want an Ingress (which itself would be exposed by a LoadBalancer Service)

Why is there an ADDRESS for the ingress-service? What's the use of that ADDRESS?

I deploy my cluster on GKE with an Ingress Controller
I use Helm to install the following:
Installed Ingress Controller
Deployed Load Balancer Service (Create a Load Balancer on GCP as well)
I also deployed the Ingress Object (Config as below)
Then I observed the following status ...
The Ingress Controller is exposed (By Load Balancer Service) with two endpoints: 35.197.XX.XX:80, 35.197.XX.XX:443
These two endpoints are exposed by the Cloud load balancer.
I have no problem with it.
However, when I execute kubectl get ing ingress-service -o wide, it prints out the following info.
ingress-service 34.87.XX.XX 80, 443 5h50m
I really don't under the use of the IP under the ADDRESS column.
I can also see that Google add some extra info to the end of my Ingress config file about load balancer IP for me.
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
- host:
- backend:
serviceName: client-cluster-ip-service
servicePort: 3000
path: /?(.*)
- backend:
serviceName: server-cluster-ip-service
servicePort: 5000
path: /api/?(.*)
- hosts:
secretName: XX-com-tw
- ip: 34.87.XX.XX
According to Google's doc, this (34.87.XX.XX) looks like an external IP, but I can't access it with http://34.87.XX.XX
My question is that since we already have an external IP (35.197.XX.XX) to receive the traffic, why do we need this ADDRESS for the ingress-service?
If it's an internal or external IP ADDRESS?
What is this ADDRESS bound to?
What exactly is this ADDRESS used for?
Can anyone shed some light? Thanks a lot!
If you simply go take a look at the documentation you will have your answer.
What is an ingress ressource:
So following the doc:
Ingress exposes HTTP and HTTPS routes from outside the cluster to services within the cluster. Traffic routing is controlled by rules defined on the Ingress resource.
To be more precise on cloud provider, the ingress will create a load-balancer to expose the service to the internet. The cocumentation on the subject specific to gke:
That explains why you have an external ip for the ingress.
What you should do now:
If you don't want to expose HTTP or/and HTTPS ports just delete the ingress ressource, you don't use it so it's pretty much useless.
If you are using HTTP/HTTPS ressources, change your service type to nodePort and leave the management of the load balancer to the ingress.
My opinion is that, as you are deploying the ingress-controller, you should select the second option and leave the management of the load-balancer to it. For the ingress of the ingress-controller, don't define rules just the backend to the nodePort service, the rules should be defined in specific ingress for each app and be managed by the ingress-controller.

How to send data from a container within a Pod, to a container within a separate Pod - within the same cluster?

I have a React frontend and a node.js backend. Each are in separate containers within separate Pods within the same cluster in k8's.
I want to send data between them without having to use IP addresses. I know Kubernetes has a feature that lets you talk between pods inside the same cluster, and i think its related to the selector label defined within the Service files created.
I have created a ClusterIp service for my React app and another ClusterIp for my server. I have created an ingress file for my application. I know my ingress works as i can access my UI, and i can hit my health check endpoint of my server - so i know they are exposed to the outside world correctly. My problem is how to communicate internally within k8's
Within the my react app i have tried to write"/api/test", {
value: "TestValue"
But the endpoint within my server of api/test never gets hit with this.
Backend Server Cluster IP - - - - 
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: server-model-cluster-ip-service
type: ClusterIP
component: server-model
- port: 8050
targetPort: 8050
React UI Cluster IP - - - -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: react-ui-cluster-ip-service
type: ClusterIP
component: react-ui
- port: 3000
targetPort: 3000 
Ingress File - - - - -
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: ingress-service
annotations: nginx /$1
- http:
- path: /api/?(.*)
serviceName: react-ui-cluster-ip-service
servicePort: 8050
- path: /server/?(.*)
serviceName: server-model-cluster-ip-service
servicePort: 8050
I understand the Label selector is what maps my React Cluster IP to the Deployment for my UI and similar for my Server Cluster IP to my Deployment for server. I thin i am right in saying i can use the selector somehow to send axis/http requests to other pods like.."/PODNAME/api/test", {
value: "TestValue"
Could anyone tell me if i am completely wrong or missing something obvious please :)
Here in this part of ingress service name react-ui-cluster-ip-service is there which is running on port 3000 as you mention in service spec file.
But in you are you are sending traffic to proper service name but the port is wrong one.
- path: /api/?(.*)
serviceName: react-ui-cluster-ip-service
servicePort: 8050
I think due to this you are not able to send request to /api/?
From your service spec file you can also remove type:clusterIP and you can use an only service name to resolve the services inside kubernetes cluster.
answer for your question title: containers with pod can talk on localhost while container within separtate pod can talk over the service name there no need add the service type as clusterIP & Nodeport
I have few concerns here.
As #Harsh Manvar mentioned in his answer, Kubernetes represents mechanism of discovering internal services which guarantees intercommunication between Pods within the same cluster either by IP address or relevant DNS name of service.Therefore you might be able to reach your backend server from particular frontend Pod without involving Ingress, as Ingress controller stays as an edge router and exposes HTTP and HTTPS network traffic from outside the cluster to the corresponded Kubernetes services.
You also used rewrite expression enclosed to your specific path based routing rules within Ingress object. In that scenario the rewrite seems to be resulted in the following way: server-model-cluster-ip-service/api/test rewrites to server-model-cluster-ip-service/test URI and this should be final path placeholder for you backend service. In fact that you are invoking"server-model-cluster-ip-service/api/test", { value: "TestValue" }) request from React UI Pod might not hit the target backend service.
I just gave some points to consider how to proceed with further troubleshooting, at least you can log into the frontend Pod and check the connectivity to the target backend service accordingly.

Kubernetes path based routing for multiple namespaces

The environment: I have a kubernetes cluster set up with namespaces for "dev", "sit" and "prod". In each of these namespaces i have multiple services of type:LoadBalancer which target a specific deployment of a dockerised application (i have multiple applications) so i can access each of these by just using the exposed ip address of the service of whichever namespace i want. Example service looks like this an is very simple:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: application1
- port: 80
targetPort: 3000
protocol: TCP
name: http
type: LoadBalancer
app: application1
The problem: I now want to be able to support multiple versions of all applications (ip:/v1/, ip:/v2/ etc) as to allow the users to migrate to the new version when they are ready and i've been trying to implement path-based routing following this guide. I have managed to restructure my architecture so that i have ReplicationControllers and an ingress which looks at the rules of the path to route to the correct service.
This seems to work if i'd only have one exposed service and a single namespace because i only have DNS host names for production environment and want to use the individual ip address of a service for other environments and i can't figure out how to specify the ingress rules for a service which doesn't have a hostname.
I could just have a loadbalancer for every environment and use path based routing to route to each different services for dev and sit which is not ideal because to access any service we'd have to now use something like this ip/application1 and ip/application2 instead of directly using the service ip address of each application. But my biggest problem is that when i followed the guide and created the ingress, replicationController and a service in my SIT namespace it started affecting the loadbalancer services in my other two environments (as i understand the kubernetes would sometimes try to use the nginx controller from SIT environment on my DEV services and therefore would fail, other times it would use the GCE default configuration and would work).
I tried adding the arg "- --watch-namespace=sit" to limit the scope of the ingress controller to only affect sit but it does not seem to work.
I now want to be able to support multiple versions of all applications (ip:/v1/, ip:/v2/ etc.)
That is exactly what Ingress can do, but the problem is that you want to use IP addresses for routing, but Ingress is using DNS names for that.
I think the best way to implement this is to use an Ingress which will handle requests. On GCE Ingress uses the HTTP(S) load balancer. Yes, you will need a DNS name for that, but it will help you to create a routing which you need.
Also, I highly recommend using TLS encryption for connections.
You can check LetsEncrypt to get a free SSL certificate.
So, the solution should like below:
1. Deploy your Services with type "ClusterIP" instead of "LoadBalancer". You can have more than one Service object for an application so you can do it in parallel with your current configuration.
2. Select any namespace (even special one), for instance - "ingress-ns". We need to create there Service objects which will point to your services in other namespaces. Here is an example of a service (let new DNS name be ""):
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: service-v1
namespace: ingress-ns
type: ExternalName
externalName: <service>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local # here is a service name and namespace of your service with version v1.
- port: 80
3. Now, we have a namespace with several services which are pointing to different versions of your application in different namespaces. Now, we can create an Ingress object which will create an HTTP(S) Load Balancer on GCE with path-based routing:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: test
namespace: ingress-ns
- host:
- path: /v1
serviceName: service-v1
servicePort: 80
- path: /v2
serviceName: service-v2
servicePort: 80
Kubernetes will create a new HTTP(S) balancer with rules you set up in an Ingress object, and you will have an entry point with cross-namespaces path-based routing, and you don't have to use multiple IP addresses for that.
Actually, you can also manage by that ingress your primary version of an application and use your primary domain with "/" path to handle requests to your production version.