Flutter Navigator Observer get path of old and new route - flutter

I am trying to call an function, if the Router changes the first part of a Route. I do use a NavigatorObserver and know about the functions didPop/didPush.
I have the Routes like: "/page1", "/page2", "/page1/subpage1", "/page1/subpage2", "/page2/subpage1", "/page2/subpage1/subsubpage1".
When the the Router changes I want to know if I changed the page, regardless of the sub page.
The functions give the old and new route a Route objects. But I can't figure out how to check these for the bottom route. I only managed to access the name of the page and to check if the Route is a first in the path. but that doen't help.
Does someone here know how I could get the complete path from the Route object or how else I could get it?


flutter dart regex, get route name by actual route

case: of every page, flutter sends page enter event to server with actual route.
in more tab of the app, i'm showing recent pages, with the server's record. getting and pushing page works fine, but i have to get page's name by actual route as below.
if input is (full route)/customer/5ec24beb410df8000906ab5b, i'd like to find (route spec) /customer/:id. and so i can find the screen name with the route spec. is there regex way or smart way to accomplish this?
pre-defined routes /customer/:id, /product/:id
input /customer/5ec24beb410df8000906ab5b
output 1 -> /customer/:id (can't do)
output 2 -> with output 1, getting route's name by map (can do)

ZF2 main router in console

How can I use the url() controller helper inside the console?
I have to generate some urls using an action of the console, but if I call $this->controller->url()->fromRoute(...);, I can only ask for routes defined in the console router.
In other words, I need the ability to call all the routes of the application's main router.
I'm not sure, that it is a good decision, but you can change router manually:
// ConsoleController.php
// Change router to HTTP
// Get any HTTP route
// Change it back, if you want

Play 2.1.x default catch all route

Is there a default catch all fallback route in Play framework? If so how can I configure it in my routes file? Currently, there are some urls that I do not want the user to call them and even if they call, I don't want that error page appearing, rather I want them to go to the landing page of my web app! Is there a way to do that in the routes configuration file?
Simply define a route matching any path at the end of your routes file. Do not forget to define specific routes for your assets though, for example:
GET / controllers.Application.index
GET /some/path controllers.Application.someHandler
# End of file
GET /favicon.ico controllers.Assets.at(path="/public", file="img/favicon.ico")
GET /$file<(css|img|js|partials)/.*> controllers.Assets.at(path="/public", file)
GET /$path<.*> controllers.Application.catchall(path)
Any URL not matched by an earlier rule will be matched by this one.
Catch all routes makes sense when you want to do something with the path (ie. resolve it manually in your custom action), otherwise it's enough to use common onHandlerNotFound in your Global object and redirect request wherever you want.

Iron Router Route Allow/Deny

I'm writing a a meteor application right now, and am getting used to the new Iron Router package (as opposed to the router package that I used before).
I have a collection of routes that should only be accessible by users with specific properties. To be specific, I'm using the Roles package. My way of achieving this at the moment is to define a before function that runs a conditional, and redirects to a login or error page if the user doesn't have the proper role. Here's just a quick (coffeescript) example:
this.route 'home',
path: '/'
template: 'dashboard'
before: ->
unless Meteor.userId()
this.redirect 'userUnauthorized'
do this.stop
My question is, is there a better way to do this? It seems like there should be some way to add a permission set, and apply that permission set to a route as opposed to writing the access conditionals for every route.
You could setup a global "Before" in your routes. I'm not using roles in my current app, but we are redirect users globally based on whether or not they are signed in.
You could probably do something like this:
Router.before(function() {
unless(Meteor.userId()) {
do (this.stop)
}, {except: ['userUnauthorized', 'otherPageUnauthorizedUsersAllowedToSee']});
We use something similar right below our Router.configure()

Drupal 7 some non-existing URLs are not Redirecting to 404?

In Drupal 7, some of (non-existing) URLs are not redirecting to 404 or any error page it should. Instead, it still remains showing its Top Parent Folder. For example like:
Every WRONG URLs under /items/ i put like above, are showing the Page of its parent:
www.mywebsite.com/items instead of get redirected to 404
I don't want its parent to be shown if there is no page really.
But the strange thing is, it is NOT happening on every patterns. I mean, another different parents like:
For the wrong url typed-in under this /users/ parent path, it is CORRECTLY redirecting to the 404 page.
What is it please?
If I understand your question correctly, it's not a problem at all.
That's because how your/contributed/core modules hooks Drupal menu system.
If a menu item (menu router item to be specific. Think about a path like "admin/config/development/performance") has no "%" sign in it, menu callback function will be executed.
For an example, if a module registers "items" path example.com/items path would not be a 404, and the appropriate menu callback function of the menu item will be fired. That callback function can make use of further URL parts (example.com/items/123) if given.
'node' is a good example. (technically they are different menu router items though) .
Opening example.com/node will not fire a 404.
If a module registers 'items/%' , then, example.com/items will fire a 404. In other words, the second URL part is required in order to execute the menu callback function.
If the problem you are facing is related to a custom module, make sure you register the correct version of your router items. If the second URL part is required, register items/%.
You can execute a 404 by calling drupal_not_found().
Look at this, really helpfull
Are you using Views for that path (/items)?
Here is an issue for Views: Prevent duplicate content (because Views returns 200 instead of 400 404)
You could create a Contextual filter to prevent this.
merlinofchaos wrote:
If you don't want this behavior, add the Global: NULL argument to Views and use the setting to validate that the argument is empty.
For Drupal 6, the module Views 404 might help.
You can configure your drupal installation to redirect to a specefic 404 page that you create..
Go to www.yoursite.com/admin/config/system/site-information and enter your 404 page .