GIT: problem when i'am type $ git push -u origin main - github

remote: Permission to 17ekspor/17ekspor.git denied to icakstore69.
fatal: unable to access '': The request
ed URL returned error: 403


Trouble pushing repo to my github account through gitbash

I always have this error message
remote: Permission to adebayo-pixel/liquiditycheck.git denied to yusuffhafees.
fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 403

Jfrog file upload failing with 403 forbidden

I have been trying to upload a file into JFrog artifactory repo from the cli as below and keep getting the 403 Forbidden error. What am I missing as env variables, etc for the upload to go through from the cli?
jf rt u "xyz" --url="" --username="afad" --password="********"
Log path: /home/asdf/.jfrog/logs/
[Info][Thread 2]Uploading artifact: xyz
[Warn][Thread 2](Attempt 1) - Failure occurred while uploading to
server response: 403 Forbidden
[Warn][Thread 2](Attempt 2) - Failure occurred while uploading to
server response: 403 Forbidden
[Warn][Thread 2](Attempt 3) - Failure occurred while uploading to
server response: 403 Forbidden
[Warn][Thread 2](Attempt 4) - Failure occurred while uploading to
server response: 403 Forbidden
[Info] [Thread 2] executor timeout after 3 attempts with 0 milliseconds wait intervals
[Error] server response: 403 Forbidden
[Error] Failed uploading 1 artifacts.
[Error] server response: 403 Forbidden
--username is not a valid argument and the target path is also missing. Use the below command to upload a file.
jf rt u "testfile.txt" "generic-local" --url="" --user="youruser" --password="yourpassword"
This will upload a file called testfile.txt to the repository generic-local. If you want to deploy to a specific path, you can pass the path after generic-local.
jf rt u "testfile.txt" "generic-local/path1/subpath/" --url="" --user="youruser" --password="yourpassword"

Kallithea Push repo get error 500: internal server error

When I try to push my local repo to the Kallithea, I tried:
hg push http://address of Kallithea repo
After entering my password of Kallithea, I got the following error:
abort: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error
How to fix it?

How to configure github with proxy?

I am running through a proxy and i do not understand how to make git work.If i try to clone a repo i get the following error:
$ git clone
Cloning into '[something]'... fatal: unable to access
'': OpenSSL SSL_connect:
SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to
I have already tried most of what it is saying here changing the git global and checked this SO thread too to no avail.
I have also tried to unset proxy for http and https.
Looking in my git config it looks like this:
name = Adri
email = [some_address]
sslBackend = openssl
sslCAInfo = C:\\Program Files\\Git\\mingw64\\ssl\\cert.pem
[remote "origin"]
proxy =
Could this be a problem ?
P.S I get this problem for all git operations, i can't clone,pull,push etc.. and for all repositories.

My private repository became Not Found even if global GitHub account is defined after two-factor authentication is setup

I setup Two-factor authentication in my GitHub account.
Then, I generated my personal access token in GitHub and used it in order to clone my private repository.
However, it failed.
$ git config --get
$ git clone
Cloning into 'MyPrivateProject'...
remote: Repository not found.
fatal: repository '' not found
"myusername" has access permission and could exactly access to my private repository before two-factor authentication was setup.
Then, I tried following command and it worked well.
$ git config --get
$ git clone
Cloning into 'MyPrivateProject'...
remote: Repository not found.
Cloning into 'ambie_co_jp'...
Password for '': <Personal Access Token>
remote: Enumerating objects: 475, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (475/475), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (351/351), done.
remote: Total 475 (delta 96), reused 470 (delta 92), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (475/475), 38.96 MiB | 5.06 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (96/96), done.
I don't understand why I need to write "myusername#" in repository URL though "myusername" is already defined in .gitconfig as global user.
Could you give me any advice ??
After 2FA is setup, you would need to use a PAT as password, as shown here:<user>/<repo>
<enter <MYTOKEN> as password>
Those should be cached by a credential manager (like the GCM for Windows).