Interactive Canvas on iOS version of Google Assistant - actions-on-google

We have an Interactive Canvas app that works fine on Android-based Google Assistant devices but doesn't show the Canvas on iOS devices. It defaults to the non-Canvas flow.
We thought we'd seen Interactive Canvas work on iOS but can't find any documentation to answer the question of iOS support in that version of Google Assistant.


Google Mobile Analytics reporting wrong devices

I started using Google Mobile Analytics for an android app. Everything looks fine until I looked under Audience->Devices. Numbers were registered (small values) for Apple iPhone when we do not even have an IOS app. Any idea why this might be?

Building app, mobile web app and desktop web app using Ionic

We will develop an app that we would like to distribute in through the following channels:
Android and iOS apps through Google Play and iTunes (the app will
use notifications extensively and presence in Google Play and App store is required)
Web app to run in web browsers on mobile devices
Web app to run in web browsers on laptop and desktop computers. We would like to support Chrome, Internet Explorer (starting from IE9),
Firefox and Safari browsers.
Our understanding is that Ionic is developed targeting primarily 1. and that the web apps in 2. and 3. above are not really what Ionic is intended for. We have looked around to try to understand if Ionic likely works for 2. and 3. and also made some quick tests ourselves.
From one of the links at the end: "Your webapp will run in desktop browsers yes, as it is made of html, css and javascript. The phonegap specific javascript calls (accelerometer, compass, file, etc) won't. Basically, if you stick to standard yes you will be able to port relatively easily your app to most browser, the job at this point being mostly a work of theming."
From another one: "I do know that FireFox is simply not supported. I don't know how well Ionic works in IE X."
To try it out we have built a limited version of our app in Ionic. From what we can see the app works for 1, 2 and 3. For example, it runs without issues on FireFox that is mentioned as not supported in the quote above. This means that to us it looks like the first quote saying that the web app will work in desktop browsers is correct.
I understand that this is a fairly generic question and might be hard to answer, but since we have found contradicting information when looking we are trying to understand more before making a decision.
Any feedback would be appreciated.
Is it a good idea to use ionic to build mobile web version of a website?
Can Ionic Framework run in desktop web browser like Chrome, Mozilla, IE9+?
Phonegap web app in regular desktop browsers
Ionic is tested for mobile only. Internet Explorer for example is not tested and does not properly handle a number of features in Ionic. Desktop browsers act differently than mobile browsers.
Ionic is focused on building native/hybrid mobile apps rather than
mobile websites.
As such, our browser support tends to be whatever Web View API is
available to native apps on a given platform. For Ionic 1.1.0
"xenon-xerus", that means UIWebView for iOS 7+, and Android 4.1 and
up. Windows Phone and FirefoxOS support is on our roadmap.
If it's cheaper for you to test everything on all different desktop browsers than to develop a version for it sharing the same controllers and services --- go ahead but it won't come "out of the box".
Also, I recommend looking at Electron to build desktop apps from webapps.
ionic is targting mobile apps only , but you can develop your desktop app using node webkit and angular material for example and share some code between your apps

Unity3d Android App can not be listed in Facebook AppCenter

I developed a game for Android with Unity3d. I am using the latest Facebook Unity SDK (Version 5.1).
The game is NOT published on the Google Play Store, yet.
I want to release it soon and I want Android to be a listed platform in the AppCenter.
For some reason I can not switch it on. It says: "This platform cannot be listed because it is either configured incorrectly or not supported in App Center".
I also created it as a canvas app. I can switch that on!
Is this because:
a) The Facebook Unity SDK is not support by the AppCenter ( states that an Android App should use the Facebook Login SDK for Android, see "Eligibility Requirements")
b) The App is not published on Google Play.
c) A wrong configuration. What could this be? I filled in every possible box and uploaded the needed screenshots.
d) something else?!?
Thanks in advance!
I got problem solved with enabling single sign on in settings->basic->android.

How to launch Google Maps on iPhone via web link?

I am building a site that will have address links as well as image of a map - both of which have a link to Google Maps.
The problem is that when I click on these links using my iPhone - or any address link that shows up in an email, the result is that either the native Apple Maps app opens or the Google Maps in the browser. I want for the native Google Maps app to open every time, and ideally for every user (whose iPhone I have no control of).
If I use the Chrome app for iPhone, then there's a little trick to do this:
But the reality is that the trick above will not open the Google Maps app. It will open the web version of Google Maps inside the Chrome app. Then an icon shows up at the bottom asking if you want to open the native app instead. This is better than nothing, but far from ideal. I appreciate any help. Thank you. BTW, I'd like to do this without jailbreaking the iPhone - I'm looking for a solution that will work with other people's iPhones.
You can use apple's interface which is a bit more intelligent when using different browsers and devices:,-0.127695
Clicking the above url on the following devices:
Opens Apple maps app
Gives you a choice to open in either Google Maps App or Google maps website
Windows Phone:
Opens Google maps mobile website
Windows 8 Desktop:
Opens Google maps website
Apple OS Desktop:
Opens the new maps app (Mavericks)!!
For more info see:
Apple URL Scheme Reference
To open Google native app you need to write:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"comgooglemaps://"]];
Example :
I just tested this and it worked in pulling up Google Maps instead of the default Apple Maps application.
Testing Maps
However, after deleting the Google Maps app for iOS, the link fails to open anything because that schema is no longer available and doesn't fallback to a generic maps link... almost seems like you would need to provide two links for Google Maps for iPhone and another generic Apple Map link...
Take a look at this.
It works on every device (for ios / android, it will launch google maps app else browser).
For other devices, it will launch browser.
Simple use case would be:
Construct universal map URI (with encoded params)
Use this URL like -, '_system');
More info for here
My use case required to open existing in app map navigation into some another dedicated maps app (preferably google maps app) for ios and android devices.
I use ionic v1 + cordova for building native apps. Not sure if this is perfect for your use case but hope this helps.

Minimum iOS deployment target with Facebook SDK 3.2?

I wish to use Facebook sdk version 3.2 in my iOS application but I couldn't find the minimum target iOS that it will support.
Any help is appreciated.
From the SDK Page:
iOS 6 integration
The Facebook SDK for iOS offers full, native integration with iOS 6. For Login and Feed posting, this means you have the ability to pop-up a native dialog box rather than fast-app-switching to the Facebook iOS App or Mobile Safari. This experience is less disruptive for the user and significantly increases conversion. Just enable Login with Facebook and the SDK will ensure your apps work seamlessly on all iOS versions 4.0 and later.