Consuming pre-build nx library - nrwl-nx

i have multiple apps with different setup (eg next and create-react-app) and a library that includes the svg assests
the problem i am facing is that i have different webpack plugins to handle the svgs, so the result of the .svg modules transformation is different in my apps
my library is buildable and publishable, when running both apps i still see that svgs are processed with different webpack plugins and i get different results in both apps (the component for svg is exported as default in next and its exported as ReactComponent in create-react-app
Is there a way to make my apps consume the built version of the library just like its done with node_modules to include the pre-build svg assests?


Utilizing a component, from GitHub, in my Vue project. (I'm a complete beginner)

This semester, I began learning Vue. Our first "assignment" for the Vue phase was to follow along with, and complete, the instruction provided by a YouTube video from Traversy Media. This video was great to follow, evident that I was able to complete its objective with little difficulty. However, I don't feel that I quite understand the relevance of each file within a Vue project, such as index.js, index.html, *.vue.
I've found a few videos which create a component and then utilize that component. However, I feel completely lost when downloading a component, specifically: 'Vue-Accordion' from github to use as my navigation in conjunction with vue-router. The vue-accordion instructions simply state to add specific code, but doesn't say to which file I should add this code.
I've hacked at it by guessing/assuming a file that I figured relevant to the task, such as app.vue, index.js, and index.html... to no avail. Certainly, I think that a better understanding of a Vue Project's file-structure/hierarchy could give me a better feel in knowing exactly what files are relevant to any task-at-hand that I may have.
Alright so schools in session (sorry if I explain too basic stuff at times, just trying to be thorough).
Here's the basic structure for a Vue project using vue init webpack-simple my-project:
The src folder contains all the source files of your project.
The src/assets folder contains all your assets, primarily images.
App.vue is the first "view" of your app.
main.js is the main script of your project where you configure and run Vue. This is where you load anything that should exist in the global scope of your app.
.babelrc configures how the babel tool should syntax check your code.
.gitignore tells Git to ignore certain files from committing.
index.html is the page that's sent to the clients browser. This is where we load the main.js file and put any and all meta data you need (unless you use e.g. vue-meta to handle it there instead). Note that <div id="app"> html tag, this is where all your Vue files get mounted to.
package.json is our npm configuration file. When you run e.g. npm install --save component-from-npm-name it's saved here so you can just run npm install later to get all the dependencies of your project. is a documentation file in the Markdown language format. It's displayed as the frontpage of your project on e.g. Github or Gitlab.
webpack.config.js is a Node.js file that is responsible for running Webpack on your project. Vue can be used without Webpack but I don't recommend it. You can run node webpack.config.js directly to build your project. This file is your build script, you configured this to handle the build process of your project.
So, armed with this information, lets get to your question.
How do you load a component in Vue.js?
Run npm install --save vue-accordion (note that while the source code is hosted on Github, the package is downloaded from here:
In your index.js file, which is responsible for loading things to your Vue app in the global context, you do as the Github page tells you and first import {vueAccordion} from 'vue-accordion', then run Vue.component('vue-accordion', vueAccordion) to register it in the global context.
That's all there is to it. index.jsis your entry point for your Vue app, while webpack.config.js is your build script.
There is however an alternative solution to loading components. In the previous variant we loaded it in index.js to load it in the global context, i.e. you can use the component now anywhere in your app, but what if you only want to load it on an as-is-needed basis (you'd wanna do this for performance reasons)?
Well, in your App.vue file you have a <script> tag where you can configure things in just that Vue component (all .vue files are Vue components, even if you call them routes, pages, views or whatever to indicated their purpose). In order to load a component not in the global context, but the component context, you'd do the following in App.vue:
import Accordion from 'vue-accordion';
export default {
components: {
'vue-accordion': Accordion
This is just one setup for a Vue project. A Vue project can be as simple as just loading Vue as a script to your static index.html file, then you can have a much more annoying setup with regular javascript files, but that's dumb and inefficient. So, a proper project has a Node.js file to run Webpack. Depending on how you configure Webpack your project can act quite differently from any other Webpack project.
Read up more on how Webpack works so you can have a project structure that makes sense for you.
Take a look at Nuxt, it's essentially a collection of other projects (primarily Vue and Webpack) that simplifies the making of a powerful Vue project. You can sit and set up your own Vue project and all the tools yourself and get the same result, but Nuxt makes it simpler for you to do.
To install a specific GitHub repository as a node dependency.
Actually, it doesn't matter if it is a dependency for Vue or React
it is related to setting in the package.json dependency from a GitHub source.
You need to modify your package.json file. In the dependencies section, add the package name as the property name and, as a value, the username of the repository in GitHub and the repository directory.
"dependencies": {
"#zeratulmdq/vue-accordion": "zeratulmdq/vue-accordion"
and then to import the component
import VueAccordion "#zeratulmdq/vue-accordion"
It is not related to your desired repository, but just in case the selected repository package.json file does not point to the correct main property, it will not load the component, so you will need to point to the specific component file to import, e.g:
import VueAccordion "#zeratulmdq/vue-accordion/src/index.js"
import VueAccordion "#zeratulmdq/vue-accordion/src/App.vue"

How to include custom library files in Unity build

When I run my Unity app in the editor, it is able to read my .dlls and other custom files the .dlls need and it works fine. However, when I make a build, it only includes the .dll files in the Plugins folder of the build and not the other custom files. Is there a way to force Unity to include the other files as well? I have tried putting them both in the Plugins and Resources folder before building and in both cases it only keeps the .dlls.
The custom files are .obf, but I don't think that's relevant
It is extremely relevant. Unity does not support all type of libraries.
Here are the supported library extensions:
For Windows, you can use .dll.
For Linux, .so is supported.
For Android, you can only use .aar, rar and .so.
For iOS, .a is used but you can also use the non compiled code such as ,.m,.mm,.c and .cpp.
There is no support for .obf. If you want to add it to your project so that you can load and execute it then you are out of luck.
If you just want to make Unity include it to your final project build so that you can read it then you can. This doesn't mean you can load and execute it.
First, rename the extension from ".obf" to ".bytes". Place it in the Resources folder and read it as TextAsset with the Resources.Load function. You can the access the data with TextAsset.bytes.
TextAsset dataAsset = (TextAsset)Resources.Load("YourObfName", typeof(TextAsset));
byte[] data = dataAsset.bytes;
Not sure how helpful just reading it is but this is here to show you how to include it to the build and read it but you can't execute it unless there is a C# API to do so and I don't think that any API of such kind exist.

How to "pack" an Ember CLI component?

I'm using ember-cli and I made a custom component using ember-cli syntax & naming conventions. This is a highly reusable component and I'd like to know what is the better way to put it all into a "package" so it's easy to integrate into other projects.
My component use a .js file for the Ember.Component subclass along with a .hbs file for the template and yet another couple of .js files for the necessary Ember.View subclasses. Right now, every file is in its respective folder along with the files for the rest of my project.
How can I isolate the files related to the component and package them for reuse? In Ruby on Rails I use gems for this matter, and in jQuery I used to write plugins by extending $.fn in a single file.
Take advantage of Ember CLI addon system. It's been designed for cases like this one. The process should be easy if you are familiar with Ember CLI already. As Ember CLI addon system's been reworked in the recent past and it's API was changing it's possible that older articles or guides on this topic became out of sync.
The most comprehensive and kept in sync guide on this topic is kristianmandrup's gist Converting libraries to Ember CLI addons.
There is also an Addons tutorials section on the official Ember CLI site.

Ember cli - use sass addon in less project

I use broccoli-less in my ember cli project and would like to use an addon (ember-cli-materialize), which uses broccoli-sass.
After installing the addon, i get: File to read not found or unreadable ../app.scss, because i also have an app.less file in my styles dir.
As i understand, this commit Allow multiple preprocessors per type should make it possible, although i might be missing something. Has anyone managed to use ember-cli with multiple preprocessors, and what changes is needed?
Ember-cli version: 1.13.1
Ember version: 1.12.0
I know your circumstance is different than mine but this may help others or spur a better solution. I was added to a dev team to polish up an app already styled using LESS. I favor SASS and tried to use ember-cli-sass alongside ember-cli-less without any success.
You may want to look further into Ember-Cli's add.import
By adding your input configurations to ember-cli-build.js with the above, you can leverage either your bower-components directory (if used) or vendor directory, to import a compiled CSS doc (from Sass source files) that will build alongside the project quite nicely with a simple sass --watch <input:output> command.
The LESS files are ultimately compiled to app.css, and your SASS files to vendor.css (make sure you link to the stylesheet in your index page/template).

How to setup a DotNetNuke Development Environment with Source Control?

My team is developing a new DotNetNuke web application and would like to know what is recommended to setup a development environment with source control and automated builds? We would like to keep the DNN source code separate from our custom modules and extensions source code.
The DotNetNuke Compiled Module template for Visual Studio wants us to store the source code in the DesktopModules directory of the DNN source code and output to the DNN source code bin directory. Is this the recommended structure? I would rather keep the files in different locations, but then it becomes more difficult to run and debug locally as it would require an install of the module for each change. Also, how should an automated build deploy any changes?
How have others set this up? Is there a recommended best practice?
For my source control, I develop modules in their own project. This contains the module code, test code, data provider code (if applicable) and anything else. This is checked into source control like any other project. Note that the module project contains no links to a specific DNN website, and DNN references are made in the project to a common "bin" directory that references your target build. For example, in my projects folder, I have \bin460 , \bin480, \bin510, \bin520 etc. Each of these folders holds a set of binaries for a specific DNN version. That way you can build against a particular version but test against any version you like.
The problem with source-controlling a module in place in a dnn install is
- sometimes not all of the module code is easily isolated under a single parent directory
- doesn't lend well to a PA module approach
- not easy to shift the project to a different DNN Version for development or testing
- easy to inadvertently source control parts of the DNN solution, particularly with integrated VS source control solutions.
This approach compiles quickly because you're not trying to compile the entire project. For test deployment I have a build script that copies the various parts of the module into a target website. This can be done via the compile (link the build script) or just run after you've had a successful compile in a cmd window. My build script has a 'target' environment switch, so that I can say 'dnn520' to deploy the build to my test dnn520 install. Note that you need to manually create the module configuration first before this will work, but this is a one-time effort, and you can use the export feature to create your .dnn module manifest.
To build your module package, invest the time in a comprehensive script which will take the various parts from your source directory, and zip them into an install package. Keep all of the parts in your source control folder, and copy them into a temp directory, then run a command-line zip utility (I use an ancient version of pkzip) to pack it into an installable file.
The benefits of this approach is :
- separation of module code from installed code
- simple way of keeping only the module code in source control (don't have to exclude all the website code)
- ability to quickly test out modules in different dnn versions
- packaging script allows you to quickly and easily build a new version of a module for install testing/deployment
The drawbacks are
- can't use the magic green 'go' button in VS (have to manually attach debugger)
- more setup time than developing in-place
We typically stick to keeping the module code in a folder under DesktopModules and building to the website's bin directory.
In source control, we just map the individual modules, rather than the entire website. Depending on what we're working on, a module may be an entire project in source control, or we may have multiple related modules in the same project, living next to each other.
Automatically deploying changes is somewhat difficult in DNN. It's highly recommended to have a build script that packages your module into an installable form. You can then copy installable packages into the website's Install/Module folder, and get the URL /Install/Install.aspx?mode=InstallResources, which will install any packages in that folder.
In response to bduke's answer. You should, and don't want to build projects in the DesktopModules folder.
That's where all of the source code for the site out of the box goes.
That's where you modules will be "installed" and thus if someone "updates" or re-installs one, then it will be overwritten
It can make upgrading your Application far more difficult. Many developers don't understand that the idea of not touching the original source code files to modify their behavior. BECAUSE it will just be overwritten when you perform an upgrade.
If you want to build modules, create a solution folder called Modules and place your seperate project modules there.
If you want to debug them, make the target debug output point to the web\bin folder.
If you want to install/deploy them. Build it in release mode and install them through the Module/Extension filter.