How to get polygon co-ordinates for a location searched on google maps. Maps API - flutter

I want to know if there is any way to get a city/suburb/postal code's outer boundary coordinates, so as to be able to draw a polygon on the map.
I have read through the google maps API documentation (Places, Maps, and Routes) and I can't find anywhere where they provide this information.
Native in google maps if you search for a city google maps will draw a polygon around the city edges. Drawing the polygon is not the issue I just want to know how to get the polygon points for any given location.
I have searched and all the available answers are either very old or provided only a community maintained polygon database, that is not guaranteed to have your location mapped.
So my question is, do google maps APIs expose some function to get these coordinates, or is there some reputable well maintained service where this information can be obtained from?
I am using it in a flutter applicant making use of google_maps_flutter.
These are some of the resources and other links I found but seem dated.
Resource 1
Resource 2
Googles Docs
Please please help.

I'm not sure that the Google Maps API offers this functionality, but I trust that you've dug through enough of their documentation to find that they don't.
I suggest looking at Nominatim, which queries data from OSM (OpenStreetMap). They're free to use and community-driven - which can be both awesome and scary (eg. you can't assume "permanent ID"s for the things you query)
Relevant Links:
Otherwise, you could also try looking for other tools that allow you to download datasets of boundary coordinates (eg: GADM) but you'd have to find one that has the level of granularity you need and read up on their usage policies (most disallow use for commercial purposes).
Unfortunately the world of GIS and digital cartography is one that can get pretty complicated and that I'm no expert in, but I hope this helps somewhat.
Listing other resources I've found that are rather outdated, but could still be helpful:
Google Maps how to Show city or an Area outline
Add "Search Area" outline onto google maps result


MapBox data quality issues in certain geographies

Not getting much luck tracking this down through their official support channels.
Does MapBox have known data quality issues in certain geographies.
Take for example the following address in Hong Kong
12 Cloud View Road, Hong Kong
Google Maps has no problem finding this location by this address
Mapbox on the other hand, does not find it. See:
I've tried numerous things including specifying the Country/WorldView filtering options, but still no joy. And I can't find anything in the mapbox documentaiton that talks about coverage of various nations or address languages.
I need to make a decision on whether to go with Google Maps (significantly more expensive for our needs) vs. MapBox (doesn't seem to support what we require in certain territories).

Bing Maps, can I use aerial imagery to edit my data like Waze?

I want to create a web interface where I can adjust my own "street" data to match aerial images of streets so that it is more accurate. I will have someone who is on the street, will see that it is inaccurately represented on my map and then they will go to the web interface to update it.
I understand that Waze used Bing aerial tiles to do this in their map editor ( before they were acquired by Google. Is this sort of function still available from Bing?
My worry is that maps like Google or OpenStreetMaps do not allow for you to "trace" their aerial tiles. Although this is a question of legality in the case of Bing, I am more interested in suggestions for mapping services that would allow me to integrate this functionality into my web interface.
Note: I am not taking answers here as legal advice. I understand that I am legally liable for whatever I chose to do, I am just looking for suggestions on an aerial map I could use for my project.
Thanks :)
It depends on what the base map data is. Bing Maps already provides OpenStreetMaps with aerial imagery which can be used to trace roads in their editor tool. I can't see OpenStreetMaps disabling this any time soon as long as Bing continues to provide them with access to the aerial imagery.
Send me an email at richbrun at and we can discuss in more detail.

Displaying an auto updating map off a Google Sheet

I am trying to help witth rescue operations in Nepal.
I have setup a Google Form here and that information gets stored on a Google Sheet.
Now, I want to provide a map (OSM) that would autopopulate using data in the Google Sheet (there is a column with GPS coordinates.
Is this currently do-able? It would be ideal if I could provide an endpoint where various OSM maps could get the Google Sheet information from.
Thanks in advance.
You can use Leaflet or OpenLayers to place markers and popups on top of OSM maps. uMap might also be worth looking at.
Additionally there is also the Humanitarian OSM Team (HOT) doing various tasks for helping the Nepal rescue teams. The 2015 Nepal earthquake wiki contains an overview, guidelines and specific tasks. It might be useful to discuss your ideas with HOT.
In short, no. I've been in communication with Google about this. It's currently not a feature, and they have no plans to add this feature in the future.
And I, for one, desperately need such a feature! I'd imagine if thousands of us flooded Google with requests for this feature -- maybe they'd add it?

Showing nearby specific business offices in table view cells using iphone GPS

There are lots of similar questions but my question is different in that sense i got coordinates of my current location in my application.
But now i want to show specific business offices in table view around that coordinates. I know ReverseGeoConding is answer to that but i cant find suitable tutorial or advice on this. How can i implement it.
Please suggest .
Reverse Geocoding will provide you with address information for the coordinates provided. In order to get businesses around those coordinates, you may want to look into external APIs. I believe Facebook has a Places API and Foursquare has an API as well. These may be able to provide you with local business information.

How to find Location using Zipcode?

I am new iphone developer,please help to can i find particular shops list in particular Zip Code.. that means i need to place pins in Some shops by searching Zipcode
Thanks in advance
I'm not sure there's a definitive "Right Way" to do what you're asking, but if it were me...
I would probably use Google's Places API to get a list of so-called Places (I gather this includes a fairly comprehensive list of businesses, as well as other points of interest) near the user. The API requires lat/long coordinates to resolve the list, you could either get that data from the user's iOS device (I don't develop for this platform so I can't give specifics) using Apple's location API, or if you really want to do a lookup by zipcode you might want to look at Google's Geocoding API. Keep in mind that Google's services are by no means the only game in town, and there are certainly other ways to do what you ask. But if it was me, this seems like the simplest solution