I am listening to an EVENT on my map object, firing a function on this event.
In this function body, I am calculating an angle which is needed outside the function, but can not reach it. So check how I did the trick.
Is that a good practice ?
I think this leads to performance issue. What do you think ?
How could I access my e.segment outside of the first loop ?
map.on('pm:drawstart', ({ workingLayer }) => {
workingLayer.on('pm:snap', (e) => {
if (e.shape === 'outlet') {
if (e.segment) {
const segment = e.segment
map.on('pm:create', (e) => {
if (e.shape === 'outlet') {
I am using Ionic Native Geolocation plugin from HERE and to start with the example provided so I've done this:
getLocation() {
this.geolocation.getCurrentPosition().then((resp) => {
// resp.coords.latitude
// resp.coords.longitude
}).catch((error) => {
console.log('Error getting location', error);
let watch = this.geolocation.watchPosition();
watch.subscribe((data) => {
// data.coords.latitude
// data.coords.longitude
I don't understand the code ... does it seem to be doing the same thing twice?
It's got the getCurrentPosition and the watchPosition sections and both get the saqme data?
Why? I'm I missing something?
In summery: this.geolocation.getCurrentPosition() is used to retrieve the device's current location once, while this.geolocation.watchPosition() Registers a handler function that will be called automatically each time the position of the device changes, returning the updated location.
Code Examples:
//define the userPositionWatch
userPositionWatch: any;
//Subscriber to the userPositionWatch
this.userPositionWatch = this.geolocation.watchPosition()
(position: any) => {
// This method will be triggered each time the position of the device changes
console.debug("geolocation.watchPosition => the callback function have been triggered");
let data: any = position;
if (data.coords !== undefined) {
this.doSomethingWithThePos(data.coords.latitude, data.coords.longitude);
} else {
console.error("geolocation.watchPosition() => the callback function have been triggered and the position is undefined", data);
, (error: any) => {
console.error("geolocation.watchPosition() => the callback function have been triggered and the there is an error:", error);
//To remove the subscription
//Another way to remove the subscription
.then((position: any) => {
let data: any = position;
if (data.coords !== undefined) {
this.doSomethingWithThePos(data.coords.latitude, data.coords.longitude);
} else {
console.error("geolocation.getCurrentPosition() => the position is undefined", data);
}).catch(error => {
console.error("geolocation.getCurrentPosition() => the position has error:", error);
I hope it was clear...
I'm quite new to PWA, service workers and workbox. I don't understand why and how the fetch event inside my service worker is supposed to be triggered?
I see the log of workbox which is precaching files I've provided as an array:
How would I serve from cache now and why does my fetch event handler won't be fired at all?
My service-worker file:
debug: true,
// To avoid async issues, we load strategies before we call it in the event listener
const { precacheAndRoute } = workbox.precaching
const wbManifest = self.__WB_MANIFEST
const cacheNames = workbox.core.cacheNames
const { registerRoute, setCatchHandler, setDefaultHandler } = workbox.routing
const { CacheableResponsePlugin } = workbox.cacheableResponse
const {
} = workbox.strategies
const { ExpirationPlugin } = workbox.expiration
const cacheName = cacheNames.runtime
const contentToCache = [
for (const entry of wbManifest) {
self.addEventListener('activate', e => {
e.waitUntil(self.clients.claim()) // Become available to all pages
self.addEventListener('install', e => {
e.waitUntil((async () => {
const cache = await caches.open(cacheName)
console.log('[Service Worker] Caching content', contentToCache)
await cache.addAll(contentToCache)
self.addEventListener('push', e => {
self.addEventListener('fetch', e => {
const { request } = e;
e.respondWith(caches.match(request).then(cachedResponse => {
// This promise explicitly resolves with "undefined" when there are no matches, all other values are correct
if (cachedResponse !== undefined) {
return cachedResponse
} else {
return fetch(request).then(response => {
// Since we can use the response only once, put the clone into the cache and serve the original response
const responseClone = response.clone()
caches.open('CACHE_KEY_WHATEVER').then(cache => {
cache.put(request, responseClone)
return response
}).catch(() => {
// Retry logic
precacheAndRoute(wbManifest); will both precache (during install, add the entries to the cache) and route (respond to fetch events with a cached response) for all entries that are present in wbManifest.
I see that your current code attempts to do both the precaching (in your own install handler) and routing (in your own fetch handler) for all of those URLs. If you would prefer to handle that yourself, that's fine, but in that case you shouldn't be calling precacheAndRoute() at all. You're attempting to do the same thing as that method, but the event listeners for Workbox's precacheAndRoute() ends up executing first and take precedence.
So, I have some ancilliary behaviors in the onSuccess, like analytics and such. And I need to pass in to the tracking, not only the result of the query/mutation (mutation in this case), BUT also an arg I passed in. Seems I can only do it if I attach it to the return "data"?
export default function useProductToWishList () {
const queryClient = useQueryClient();
return useMutation(
async ({ product, email }) => {
const data = await product.addWishList({ product, email });
if (data.status === 500 || data.err) throw new Error(data.err);
return data;
onSuccess:(data) => {
const { product: response = {} } = data?.data ?? {};
queryClient.setQueryData(['products'], {...response });
analytics(response, email); // HERE. How can I get at email?
seems odd to do, when I don't need it for the response, but for a side effect. Any thoughts?
return { ...data, email }
for useMutation, the variables are passed as the second argument to onSuccess. This is documented in the api docs. So in your example, it's simply:
onSuccess: (data, { product, email }) =>
I am using Angular 5 and want to return data from function getDionaeaResults in json format after subscribing to service
getDionaeaResults(sql) : any {
this.dionaeaService.getDionaeaConnectionLogs(sql).subscribe(res => {
this.data = res;
(error: any) => {
return this.data;
After calling this function, this.totalAttacks prints undefined.
getTotalAttack() {
this.totalAttacks = this.getDionaeaResults("some query")
Would suggest using the Obseravable .map() function.
getDionaeaResults(sql) : Observable<any> {
return this.dionaeaService
.map(res => res);
this.getDionaeaResults("some query")
res => { this.totalAttacks = res; },
err => { console.log(err); }
this.getDionaeaResults is returning undefined because the service you're calling is asynchronous you have to wait for the subscribe callback. as Observables are asynchronous calls
might execute after the return statement. You can perhaps call that dionaeaService directly inside getTotalAttack() function, like this:
this.dionaeaService.getDionaeaConnectionLogs(sql).subscribe(res => {
this.totalAttacks = res;
(error: any) => {
I have a wrapper around the Editor provided by Draft.js, and I would like to get the tab/shift-tab keys working like they should for the UL and OL. I have the following methods defined:
_onChange(editorState) {
if (this.props.onChange) {
new CustomEvent('chimpeditor_update',
detail: stateToHTML(editorState.getCurrentContent())
_onTab(event) {
this._onChange(RichUtils.onTab(event, this.state.editorState, 6));
Here I have a method, _onTab, which is connected to the Editor.onTab, where I call RichUtil.onTab(), which I assume returns the updated EditorState, which I then pass to a generic method that updates the EditorState and calls some callbacks. But, when I hit tab or shift-tab, nothing happens at all.
So this came up while implementing with React Hooks, and a google search had this answer as the #2 result.
I believe the code OP has is correct, and I was seeing "nothing happening" as well. The problem turned out to be not including the Draft.css styles.
import 'draft-js/dist/Draft.css'
import { Editor, RichUtils, getDefaultKeyBinding } from 'draft-js'
handleEditorChange = editorState => this.setState({ editorState })
handleKeyBindings = e => {
const { editorState } = this.state
if (e.keyCode === 9) {
const newEditorState = RichUtils.onTab(e, editorState, 6 /* maxDepth */)
if (newEditorState !== editorState) {
return getDefaultKeyBinding(e)
render() {
return <Editor onTab={this.handleKeyBindings} />
The following example will inject \t into the current location, and update the state accordingly.
function custKeyBindingFn(event) {
if (event.keyCode === 9) {
let newContentState = Modifier.replaceText(
setEditorState(EditorState.push(editorState, newContentState, 'insert-characters'));
event.preventDefault(); // For good measure. (?)
return null;
return getDefaultKeyBinding(event);