Android Studio Flutter lib/widgets/builder/video/video.dart:4:8: Error: Not found: - flutter

I've been struggling for days and couldn't solve this problem I need your help. I bought a package and tried all the commands I wanted to run first. "flutter pub get, flutter upgrade, etc.." but the error is still not resolved, please help.
enter image description here
enter image description here


Pub get has not been run

I installed the flutter in my windows 11. When I open the new flutter project, after installing the flutter plugins, I got this error 'Pub get has not been run '.
I also clicked on get dependences and upgrade dependencies. But still getting the error.
Is there any solution.
This is a known bug in Android Studio. The message disappears, when I disconnect my phone from my MacBook and plug it in again. You could also try to restart Android Studio, use flutter pub get in your terminal or just press ignore.

Error: Target of URI doesn't exist: 'package:flutter/material.dart'. (uri_does_not_exist at [myapp] test/widget_test.dart:8)

I made an app in Flutter and there are no errors on its Dart file but I suddenly end up with errors on widget_test.dart. can you guys help me out. Thanks
Run flutter clean, and then flutter pub get in the terminal respectively.
If that doesn't work, try running flutter upgrade, and then repeating the initial steps.
Finally, if it still isn't working, you can run flutter doctor to see if there's anything glaringly wrong with your project.

shared_preference 2.0.6 version

I can't dowload shared_preference. please help
enter image description here
here there is no shared preferenece. I clicked pub get and my internet connection is also good
I have found answer to my problem
Just I had written $ flutter pub cache repair
to terminal

flutter doctor not recognized from flutter console

I was working with flutter for sometimes, but suddenly it started as the device not recognized from the android studio, then i tried flutter doctor from console and below message showing, please some one help me.
try adding flutter to your path env
read here the Update your path part

new flutter project in vscode has error

when i create a new flutter project in vscode it will immediately shows an error in the main.dart file and gives a gradle error when trying to debug.
shown here: main.dart error
"compiler message: lib/main.dart:68:19: Error: Too few positional arguments: 1 required, 0 given."
I've reinstalled dart and flutter plugins. updated the java install.
in debug console i get this:
debug console
added output of flutter doctor -v
enter image description here
I was also facing the same error, but it was always on my test folder.
This is what I did:
On your terminal, make sure you are in your project repository.
Run the flutter pub get command, it worked for me, may be you
should try it too.
Do you possibly have two different versions of the Flutter SDK on your machine? I wonder if one is being used by flutter create and the other for analysis.
If you're sure you only have one, please open an issue on GitHub and attach a log file for me to investigate.