How to solve Vercel 500 Internal Server Error? - mongodb

I have created a project that uses MongoDB to store user info and Next-Auth to authenticate users. On local host this is all working seamlessly. Previously I had a couple errors with my next-auth config, but that seems to be working fine now on Vercel live site. Once the user logs in they are redirected to "my-project/suggestions". On this page I am using getServerSideProps to identify if there is a valid session token. If so, data is pulled from a local json file.
On the live site, when the user logs in, the page is redirected to "/suggestions", yet I am receiving an 500 Internal Server Error page. On the function logs I am getting this error message:
[GET] /_next/data/KpsnuV9k44lUAhQ-0rK-B/suggestions.json
2022-05-05T14:10:59.270Z 5b7a7375-045f-4518-864b-7968c3c9385f ERROR [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/var/task/public/data/data.json'] {
errno: -2,
syscall: 'open',
path: '/var/task/public/data/data.json',
page: '/suggestions'
RequestId: 5b7a7375-045f-4518-864b-7968c3c9385f Error: Runtime exited with error: exit status 1
This is my first project using MongoDB and Next-Auth.. not so sure what the issue is in this case. In my .env.local file I only have these two variables:
How I am pulling the data on local host:
export const getServerSideProps = async (context) => {
const session = await getSession({ req: context.req });
if (!session) {
return {
redirect: {
destination: "/",
permanent: false,
} else {
let filePath = path.join(process.cwd(), "public", "data", "data.json");
let jsonData = await fs.readFile(filePath);
const data = JSON.parse(jsonData);
const inProgressStatusData = data.productRequests.filter(
(item) => item.status == "in-progress"
const liveStatusData = data.productRequests.filter(
(item) => item.status == "live"
const plannedStatusData = data.productRequests.filter(
(item) => item.status == "planned"
let filterData = filteredData(data, "suggestion");
let feedbackData = {
suggestions: filterData,
progress: inProgressStatusData,
planned: plannedStatusData,
live: liveStatusData,
return {
props: { session, feedbackData },
Folder structure:

A simple solution to this problem would be to, inside of your getServerSideProps, instead of calling readFile use readFileSync as follows:
export const getServerSideProps = async (context) => {
const file = readFileSync(
join(process.cwd(), "public", "data", "data.json"),
const data = JSON.parse(fileData);
I have tested this solution with Vercel and it works correctly, in development and production mode.


Minimal Sveltekit + pg integration fails with "status" error

I'm trying to get Postgres working with sveltekit and a very minimal example is giving me issues. This is probably a configuration thing but the error I'm getting back from sveltekit makes no sense to me.
I start by installing a new project:
npm create svelte#latest my-testapp
Then I install "pg" to get Postgres pooling:
npm i pg
Then I add a page under src/lib/db.js:
import { Client, Pool } from 'pg';
const pool = new Pool({
user: 'xxx',
host: 'xxx',
database: 'xxx',
password: 'xxx',
port: 5432,
export const connectToDB = async () => await pool.connect();
Finally I add src/hooks.server.js to give me access to the pool within routes:
import { connectToDB } from '$lib/db';
export const handle = async ({event, resolve}) => {
const dbconn = await connectToDB();
event.locals = { dbconn };
const response = await resolve(event);
The server fails to compile with a couple of these errors:
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'status')
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'status')
at respond (file:///C:/Users/user/code/svelte/my-testapp/node_modules/#sveltejs/kit/src/runtime/server/index.js:314:16)
at async file:///C:/Users/user/code/svelte/my-testapp/node_modules/#sveltejs/kit/src/exports/vite/dev/index.js:406:22
Not sure where "status" is coming from, seems to be part of the initial scaffolding. Any help appreciated.
Also - if there is a more straightforward way to integrate pg with sveltekit then I'm happy to hear about it. Thanks
My bad - the hooks function wasn't returning the response.
Hooks.server.js should read:
import { connectToDB } from '$lib/db';
export const handle = async ({event, resolve}) => {
const dbconn = await connectToDB();
event.locals = { dbconn };
const response = await resolve(event);
return response

Exceeded timeout of 5000 ms for a test with Jest and MongoDB

I'm trying to implement database population by using a migration function. The code works perfectly, it saves all the data into the database, but the test for the function is failing, and now I would like to know why?
I'm getting the "Exceeded timeout of 5000 ms" error for this particular test. I've written 166 tests for this app and all of them are passing.
Here is the function I want to test:
const doMigration = async ({ model, data }) => {
await model.collection.insertMany(data)
And here is the test:
const { Amodel } = require('../../../models/Amodel')
const { doMigration } = require('../../../database/migrations')
describe('Database Population', () => {
it ('Should populate the database using migrations', async () => {
const data = [{ name: 'A' }, { name: 'B' }]
const model = Amodel
const migration = { name: 'Amodel', model, data }
await doMigration(migration)
const countAfter = await Amodel.count()
In this test I simply import the function, the model and create a migration object that then is passed to the function.
What did I try?
Tried using just the countAfter without using the doMigration function, and it still generates the same timeout error.
Tried increasing the time for this test to 30000, failed with error saying that the mongodb time exceeded the 10000 ms.
Here is the github repository:
What is happening, how can I solve this error?
The problem was the way the mongodb connection was handled. When testing, the app created a connection to the db on startup, and then the jest tests used that connection, that caused some issues.
The solution was to connect to the database on startup only if the environment is set to testing, otherwise the connection will be handled by each set of tests.
In each set I added a beforeAll and afterAll to open and close the connection to the database.
Hope it helps anyone that finds the same problem or has similar issues.
The orientation is that the message reflect the actual reason, So i recommand to follow the following steps:
use the following code to check mongo state:
const { MongoMemoryServer } = require("mongodb-memory-server");
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
(async () => {
mongod = await MongoMemoryServer.create();
const mongoUri = mongod.getUri();
await mongoose.connect(mongoUri, {
useNewUrlParser: true,
useUnifiedTopology: true,
}).then((result) => {
}).catch((err) => {
if you are using mongodb-memory-server add "testTimeout" attribute:
"jest": {
"preset": "ts-jest",
"testEnvironment": "node",
"setupFilesAfterEnv": [
"testTimeout": 15000
If all above still huppens check the time-out of all inter-test operation

Redirect Strapi admin index to admin login

I am currently looking for way to create a permanent 301 redirect from the default Strapi admin index route (ie to the configured admin route (ie
I have explored utilizing a custom middleware by configuring the admin package:
Path: ./admin/middlewares/redirect/index.js
const path = require('path');
module.exports = strapi => {
return {
initialize: function(cb) {
strapi.router.get('/', (ctx) => {
ctx.redirect(strapi.config.get('server.admin.url', '/admin'))
I then activated the custom middleware with:
Path: ./admin/config/middleware.js
module.exports = {
settings: {
redirect: {
enabled: true
Unfortunately I can still hit the admin panel route without being redirected. Based on everything I have read, this should be possible however I have not been able to get this working.
for newer version v4+
module.exports = (config, {strapi}) => {
return async (ctx, next) => {
if (ctx.path === '/') {
ctx.redirect(strapi.config.get('server.admin.url', '/admin'));
await next()
module.exports = [
{name: 'global::redirector'},
The only issue here is that you just placed the redirect middleware within a admin folder which was absolutely not required. The middlewares folder should directly reside at the root of your project.
Correct the path from:
To this:
I can show you what I've tried personally, below:
My implementation:
1. Create a directory in the root of your project
$ mkdir -p ./middlewares/redirector/
2. Create a index.js file in ./middlewares/redirector/ with the content as:
module.exports = () => {
return {
initialize() {
strapi.router.get('/', (ctx) => {
ctx.redirect(strapi.config.get('server.admin.url', '/admin'));
3. Finally enable the redirector middleware in the config/middleware.js file:
module.exports = {
settings: {
redirector: {
enabled: true,

Service Worker not working when hosted, but works on localhost

I'm working on a PWA and I'm facing an issue with the service worker and I can't figure out what's wrong.
So when I run the lighthouse audit on localhost, it passes every criteria except for the HTTPS one. You can view it below;
However, when I publish the code to my github pages, and run the same audit there, the service worker is never activated. It gives me the error. The status becomes 'redundant' when I run the audit online.
Below I'll show the code, which is the exact same on the website that I've mentioned above.
//Simple ServiceWorker
if('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
const cacheName = 'tourguide-site';
const appShellFiles = ['index.html',
self.addEventListener('install', (e) => {
console.log('[Service Worker] Install');
e.waitUntil((async () => {
const cache = await;
console.log('[Service Worker] Caching all: app shell and content');
await cache.addAll(appShellFiles);
// Simple Activate since the other one is BS
self.addEventListener('activate', function () {
console.log('SW Activated');
self.addEventListener('fetch', (e) => {
e.respondWith((async () => {
const r = await caches.match(e.request);
console.log(`[Service Worker] Fetching resource: ${e.request.url}`);
if (r) { return r; }
const response = await fetch(e.request);
const cache = await;
console.log(`[Service Worker] Caching new resource: ${e.request.url}`);
cache.put(e.request, response.clone());
return response;
Online audit:
const appShellFiles = ['index.html',
Remove the sw.js from your appShellFiles

StitchServiceError "aws: "aws_service" is a required string", errorCodeName: InvalidParameter

I'm setting up AWS S3 bucket to upload audio files to using MongoDB Stitch (here are the docs mongo s3 docs . After following the instructions and authenticating my user I keep geting this error when trying to upload the selected file: error image from console
On line 119 where the error is coming from I'm just catching the error after running AWS build:
const aws = stitchClient.getServiceClient(AwsServiceClient.factory, "AWS");
convertAudioToBSONBinaryObject(file).then((result) => {
const audiofile = mongodb.db("data").collection("audiofile");
//now we need an instance of AWS service client
const key = `${}-${}`;
// const key = `${}-${}`;
const bucket = "myBucketName";
const url =
"http://" + bucket + "" + encodeURIComponent(key);
const args = {
ACL: "public-read",
Bucket: bucket,
ContentType: file.type,
Key: key,
Body: result,
// aws_service: "s3",
// building the request
const request = new AwsRequest.Builder()
.then((result) => {
return audiofile.insertOne({
file: {
type: file.type,
Etag: result.Etag,
ts: new Date(),
.then((result) => {
console.log("last result", result);
.catch((err) => {
My Stitch rule for s3 looks like this: Stitch rule for AWS s3
So it seems to me that everything is set up the way it's inteded to, but the error tells me I'm not passing all the needed args. I'd really appreciate any thoughts on how to fix this error.
P.S. If I change "AWS" to "AWS_S3" in this line :
const aws = stitchClient.getServiceClient(AwsServiceClient.factory, "AWS");
The error message changes to this:
StitchServiceError {message: "service not found: 'AWS_S3'", name: "StitchServiceError", errorCode: 18, errorCodeName: "ServiceNotFound",
And the log in Stitch shows this for information for both errors: Stitch Logs
The answer to this is a simple typo in this line:
build is a function so I just needed to call it - (
Issue solved, thanks all!