Hiding data field name in Visio Data Graphic Displayed as Text - visio

I am using Data Graphic to format my shapes. The data field that I am using to specify data graphics is 'name' and the formatting scheme (Displayed As) I am using is 'Text'. But when I do that, it not only shows value against the shapes but also field name i.e. 'name'. I don't want field name to appear, only values. Is it possible?

Data -> Advanced Data Graphics -> Available Data Graphics
In Edit Data Graphics window select Edit Item
In Edit Item window select field Label position and change it value to No show
Sorry last screenshot with Russian interface :(

I figured it out -- basically Label field has to be made blank , by default it is [Default].


How to add another Text Field in VISIO?

As soon as we drag and drop any component we can see the component's name in a text field.. Similarly I want another Text Field with some numeric value like 1.0 , 2.0 to be generated and show it with the Component.
the issue is I am getting only 1 TEXT FIELD option.. Can you help me to understand this.enter image description here
You can have as many text fields as you want, you need to be in the shape text editor (hit F2 first so that text edit is opened, and then insert fields). Here is a video. Please note that this is not a programming question, probably should be closed here as offtopic.

Can access display multiline captions in Access 365 form datasheet view?

I have read about using VBA to concatenate terms together using VbCrLf; I personally used Ctrl-Enter to create a second line in the caption field in the properties box.
But, after I do my ctrl-enter, it then only shows the first line of my multi-line caption in the datasheet view of my form.
becomes this...
This form is meant to recreate the functionality our owner is looking for from a current excel spreadsheet (the ability to sort on various columns), so I can't just use a report.
Please tell me I'm missing something obvious such as a caption height property value or something. The multiline caption will be very useful to help maintain appropriate column widths for the data.
Whilst you can display multiple lines of content within the datasheet view for a table by increasing the row height of each record, e.g.:
A more appropriate solution might be to use a text box on a form to display the data, where the height of the text box can be predefined in the design of the form, and scroll bars can be displayed:
There is no solution to adjusting column headers in the specific "datasheet" form that I was trying to use. It's a nice quick way that works for 95% of your uses. But, if you need more control (like me and others on the internet) the only solution is to create the form as a "Tabular" form in the form wizard. There are other descriptions of this type of form in Access (just to be confusing).
This is also described as a continuous form likely because that's the form property value toggle when you dive into the details.
It's more work but you have full control over the size, format, etc. of your column headers when creating/designing a tabular form.

Format output of formula field (which is used in charts etc.)

The output of my formula field is typically formatted like this:
Output of formula field
In my details I can switch this format to a number without any decimal points or thousand points:
Format in details without points
The problem is, that this changed format isnĀ“t displayed in the diagrams or cross tables later on:
Format failure in diagrams or cross tables
How can I fix this issue?
Thanks in advance!
Formatting charts can be confusing because of how varied the layout can be for each different type of chart. I find its is easier to format the display of a chart when you are previewing data on the chart because the layout for the chart in design view may not match what is output at runtime. While previewing the report you should be able to click on any value or label on the chart to select the object. You should see the four points around the object that allow you to resize the object once it is selected. Then you can right click on the object and select "Format Selected Object" or "Format Axis Label" on the menu. Then you should see a tab labeled "Number" where you will find options that allow you to control the formatting. The options found here will vary a little depending upon the object selected on the chart. If you need specific help with these options, it would be helpful if you could provide a screen shot of the window.

Crystal Reports - Add variable into Text box

I'm creating a customized report that needs to insert some variable data extracted from sql, I've create some views and formula fields, now I need to insert that data in the middle of a paragraph, but always return a blanch field.
This is possible to have?
some text 607.619 some text
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Create a Text Box
Type Whatever you want in that text box
From the field explorer drag the field (Or formala) and place it inside the text box
Your done

Adding fielddata to fixed text in report designer

Using the report-designer of Reportbuilder i want to add a long fixed text to my report with one or more included fields inside the text. Of course these fields should be filled with actual data, adjusting the text.
I remember I have done such a thing in the past, but cannot remember how. I thought you could accomplish this with a Text-field and something like 'This is the text and here {fieldname} fielddata is inserted', but that doesnt seem to work
Can anybody help?
Using reportbuilder 15.04
Response from Digital Metaphores:
Use the RichtText component! By setting MailMerge to true, you can add
datafields to text in the richtext editor
This adds the reference to the fielddata as a xml tag. Adding the fields Name from pipeline plData can be done like this:
<dbtext datapipeline='plData'>Name</dbtext>
Fill in the fixed text, then (making sure the focus is set to the text box, I.E. you have the flashing pipe cursor) right click in the place you want the data field to go, and click Create Placeholder.
In the Placeholder properties window give it a Label so you know what it is, then use the "Value" field to define what data from your datasets you want to be brought through.
You should end up with the Label you set in square brackets, like [Example] within the set text.