I'm trying to set up SAML integration between Skyspark as service provider and keycloak as Identity Provider. I have done below,
Copy Skyspark SAML metadata xml and created a client in keyclaok with the xml file
Get the metdata URL from keycloak and added into the Skyspark SAML SSO
When I access skyspark it redirects to keycloak login page and showing an error Invalid requester. The backend has below errors,
ERROR [org.keycloak.protocol.saml.SamlService] (default task-4) request validation failed: org.keycloak.common.VerificationException: SigAlg was null
I tried with disabling Client Signature Required, It shows me the login page, But after successful authentication skyspark shows up SAML Authentication Failed. I see there is SAML response in the browser network tab.
Is there any signature validation issue at both ends? Should I do any other config apart from above ?
I'm trying to configure IdP initiated SSO with Google acting as an IdP in order to be able to authenticate to our web app, which supports SSO authentication via Keycloak, by clicking on custom SAML app in Google Workspace popup (basically it's just a link to https://accounts.google.com/o/saml2/initsso?idpid=[IDP ID]&spid=[SP ID]&forceauthn=false) but the problem I have is that the request to Keycloak (ACS URL) fails with the following error:
If I set Start URL field in Google SSO configuration, with for example my webapp's SSO login page, then it fails with another error:
Failing HTTP request:
URL: https://[KEYCLOAK DOMAIN]/realms/[REALM]/broker/[IDENTITY BROKER]/endpoint
Method: POST
Status Code: 400
Form Data: SAMLResponse=[LONG BASE64]&RelayState=[EMPTY OR Start URL VALUE]
This is the configuration I use for Google custom SAML app:
ACS URL: https://[KEYCLOAK DOMAIN]/realms/[REALM]/broker/[IDENTITY BROKER]/endpoint
Entity ID: https://[KEYCLOAK DOMAIN]/realms/[REALM]
Signed response: ON
Name ID format: EMAIL
Name ID: Basic Information > Primary email
Keycloak Identity Provider SAML Config:
Service Provider Entity ID: https://[KEYCLOAK DOMAIN]/realms/[REALM]
Single Sign-On Service URL: https://accounts.google.com/o/saml2/idp?idpid=[IDP ID]
Single Logout Service URL: https://accounts.google.com/o/saml2/idp?idpid=[IDP ID]
NameID Policy Format: Email
Principal Type: Subject NameID
HTTP-POST Binding Response: ON
HTTP-POST Binding for AuthnRequest: ON
Validate Signature: ON
Validating X509 Certificates: [...]
Keycloak Version: 17.0.0
So my question is what could be wrong with this setup and whether it needed to put some URL into Start URL field?
Also do I need to configure a separate Keycloak client as I couldn't find any relation between Google SAML / Keycloak IdP and Keycloak client configurations?
Network recording in HAR format
I am getting success and responder status information too from ADFS, I checked for both of cases by turning on and off validate signature switch, setting PROXY_ADDRESS_FORWARDING=true and also to porto HTTP and https forwarding.
No one solution from above given worked well for me.
• You can try the settings in keycloak to be configured as below for it to act as a service provider to ADFS IdP so that you will be able to get the SAML requests to process correctly: -
‘ IdP URL: ${IDP_URL}/adfs/ls/
NameID Policy Format: persistent
WantAuthnRequestsSigned: true
WantAssertionsSigned: true
SignatureAlgorithm: RSA_SHA256
SAMLSignatureKeyName: CERT_SUBJECT ‘
Thus, when you configure the above settings in keycloak, also ensure that you update NameID policy in keycloak as SP and similarly custom settings on the IdP side as well to ensure NameID is sent back as ‘persistent’ in format.
Had the same error message with a misconfigured identity provider on Keycloak 15.
Try this:
Go to https://[ADFS server hostname]/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml to download the ADFS server metadata
Find the X509Certificate fields marked 'signing' in the metadata
Go to your Keycloak Identity Provider definition -> settings -> 'Validating X509 Certificates' and insert the values from the metadata. Alternatively you can import the metadata file using Keycloak's import button when you create a new identity provider. Note: if the metadata contains multiple certificate values you can comma delimit them when you enter them in your keycloak identity provider definition.
I configured a SAML identity provider in keycloak by importing metadata provided by Microsoft ADFS.
I could see the option of IdP on my client login page for login.
After clicking on that on that button it redirects to external identity provider login page.
After login, I get success with a SAMLResponce. (Checked with SAML tracer).
The page is redirected to IDP redirect URL.
After redirecting page shows me "invalidFederatedIdentityActionMessage"
I saw the docker logs it gives me ---
23:58:09,035 WARN [org.keycloak.events] (default task-181) type=IDENTITY_PROVIDER_RESPONSE_ERROR, realmId=rak-development, clientId=null, userId=null, ipAddress=, error=invalid_saml_response, reason=invalid_destination
Can you please help what I am doing wrong.
This happens when you configure the Identity Provider to 'Validate Signature'. When you turn that switch on, Keycloak validates the SAML response against the text in 'Validating X509 Certificates'. That field should contain a valid certificate from your Identity Provider; in this case the App registration in Microsoft.
Try turning the 'Validate Signature' switch off to see if that removes the error. Then you can debug the certificate value.
I had a similar problem and it turned out to be a misconfiguration of the F5 proxy/firewall. It sent the wrong header "X-Forwarded-Proto: http" instead of "X-Forwarded-Proto: https". Maybe this can help.
I found a solution. For me, the issue was that I needed to set the PROXY_ADDRESS_FORWARDING=true envvar. I had already done that but I typoed the name.
I am using the AWS ALB which sets the X-Forwarded headers. I know those are also needed.
I have created a SAML 2.0 App on okta and have finished all the configurations. I then attempt to do an authorization from my application, by doing a redirect to the okta idp ->
http://www.okta.com/(okta created token)?SAMLRequest=(encoded saml xml)
The redirect returns a 404. When I go to my admin okta console I don't see any logs for the failed attempt, which i guess makes sense since it is returning a 404, but i don't know how to figure out what is causing the 404.
Is there a way to figure out what is causing the issue?
Install SAML tracer browser extensions and try it again to confirm the SAML Response is being decoded correctly.
To address your question "Is there a way to figure out what is causing the issue?", I have repeated your SAML 2.0 authentication steps suggested by your post.
The following responses and answer will help you to "figure out what is causing the issue".
(1) Quote your post "I have created a SAML 2.0 App on okta and have finished all the configurations. I then attempt to do an authorization from my application, by doing a redirect to the okta idp ->
http://www.okta.com/(okta created token)?SAMLRequest=(encoded saml xml)"
(I) I have created a SAML 2.0 SP App on okta and have finished all the configurations as you did.
(II) I then attempt to do an authorization from my SAML SP application, by doing a redirect to the okta idp as you did.
(III) Submit the username/password of local Okta user account (e.g., john.doe#example.com) to proceed with SAML authentication.
(2) Quote your post "The redirect returns a 404. When I go to my admin okta console I don't see any logs for the failed attempt, which i guess makes sense since it is returning a 404, but i don't know how to figure out what is causing the 404."
(I) In my experiment, the redirect returns the following error message instead of a 404 error.
Sorry, you can't access SAML 2.0 SP demo because you are not assigned this app in Okta.
If you're wondering why this is happening, please contact your administrator.
If it's any consolation, we can take you to your Okta home page.
(II) Then "I go to my admin okta console" as suggested by your post,
navigate to Reports > System Log, I saw the log below.
Event Info Targets
User attempted unauthorized access to app SAML 2.0 SP demo (AppInstance)
(3) Quote your question "Is there a way to figure out what is causing the issue?"
I summarize the four (4) potential root causes of your SAML authentication failure. The top #1 potential root cause is that you uploaded the wrong okta IdP metadata file into your SAML 2.0 SP app server (see the detailed description below).
(I) Potential Issue #1:
The root cause of my issue is that my local okta user account was NOT assigned to access this SAML 2.0 App.
(a) Navigate to Applications > SAML 2.0 App, then click Assign > Assign to People,
(b) On the pop-up dialog box, select the local Okta user accounts (e.g., John Doe (john.doe#example.com)), click Assign, click Save and Go Back, then click Done.
(c) Repeated the above SAML 2.0 authentication steps again, I was redirected back and logged in to SAML 2.0 App successfully.
(II) Potential Issue #2:
Three (3) potential root causes of this issue are that
(a) you did NOT fill in all the correct SAML SP information of your SAML 2.0 SP app on okta.
(b) or you did NOT upload the okta IdP metadata file into your SAML 2.0 SP app server
(c) or you uploaded the wrong okta IdP metadata file into your SAML 2.0 SP app server (this is the highest probability for bringing your 404 failure, because unlike most of SAML IdPs which create only one IdP metadata file for all SAML SP apps, okta create different IdP metadata files for different SAML SP apps).
Regarding to root cause (II.a): You need to ensure that the following SAML SP information should be the exactly the same as the SAML SP metadata of your SAML 2.0 SP app when you create new SAML 2.0 app.
Single sign on URL should come from your SAML SP metadata, e.g.,
<md:AssertionConsumerService Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST" Location="https://your-saml-sp-app-URL/SAML2/POST" index="1"/>
Audience URI (SP Entity ID) should also come from your SAML SP metadata, e.g.,
<md:EntityDescriptor xmlns:md="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata" ID="_random-string" entityID="https://your-saml-sp-app-URL/SAML2/Metadata">)
The sample SAML Settings of SAML 2.0 SP app on okta
Navigate to Applications > your SAML 2.0 App > general > SAML Settings
Single Sign On URL https://your-saml-sp-app-URL/SAML2/POST (i.e., your SAML SP AssertionConsumerService)
Recipient URL https://your-saml-sp-app-URL/SAML2/POST (i.e., your SAML SP AssertionConsumerService)
Destination URL https://your-saml-sp-app-URL/SAML2/POST (i.e., your SAML SP AssertionConsumerService)
Audience Restriction https://your-saml-sp-app-URL/SAML2/Metadata (i.e., your SAML SP entity ID)
Default Relay State
Name ID Format Unspecified
Response Signed
Assertion Signature Signed
Signature Algorithm RSA_SHA256
Digest Algorithm SHA256
Assertion Encryption Unencrypted
SAML Single Logout Disabled
authnContextClassRef PasswordProtectedTransport
Honor Force Authentication Yes
SAML Issuer ID http://www.okta.com/${org.externalKey}
Regarding to root causes (II.b) and (II.c): You need to upload the correct okta IdP metadata into your SAML 2.0 SP app server.
Note that okta creates different okta IdP metadata files for your different SAML 2.0 SP apps.
Navigate to Applications > your SAML 2.0 App > Sign On
Identity Provider metadata is available if this application supports dynamic configuration.
Click Identity Provider metadata to download the okta IdP metadata for your SAML 2.0 SP app.
Log in to your SAML 2.0 SP app, upload the okta IdP metadata into your SAML 2.0 SP app, and then complete the configuration to store the okta IdP information on your SAML 2.0 SP app server.
1) Browser(User) requests resource from Service Provider (SP).
2) SP Redirects (with SAML Request) to Identity Provider (IdP).
3) Since it is first login, User gives the (IdP) his/her valid credentials.
4) IdP then redirects Browser (with SAML Response which includes SAML token) to the SP page.
After creation of user, If I try to authenticate it works as expected
but when I change user data on idp, and try after cleaning complete
browser data in any of browser (firefox, chrome) it shows only old
assertion data in SAML response on the way to idp to sp.
Even I have deleted user on idp and created again with same email id
with different user data it shows only old user data in SAML response.
There is nothing exist on browser side even cleaned cached data ,
cookies, and re-installed browser too.
I have gone through : Are SAML tokens cache/stored anywhere on the browser?
Not helped.
I there any settings on idp (OpenAM) side to resolve it? (I have unchecked Disable Federation persistence if NameID Format is unspecified:)
idp: OpenAM-12.0.0, sp: redmine SAML ominiauth
So what I miss here, I don't get it.
I got a solution by exploring the stuff at OpenAM side.
There is no issue with SAML plugin. It is OpenAM which cached SAML assertion attributes so every time it takes old assertion with SAML response.
To resolve issue need to follow below steps in OpenAM:
1) Select Federation-Select SP (from entity provider list)-Assertion content
-Check "Disable Federation persistence if NameID Format is unspecified:"
2) If above case won't work then follow this process:
-Select configuration-Servers and Sites-Default Server Settings:
-Add following properties: