What can I use to filter my Db2 outputs in Windows? - db2

I'm trying to filter the output of a db2 command in windows CMD with "findstr". If i do for example: dir | findstr "create" - it works as expected, but if I use a db2 command as: db2 get db cfg | findstr "LOG" it gives nothing.
How can I filter a db2 output in windows? thanks in advance-


Constant failure to import csv file via copy command in postgrsql

I have a file in my TEMP directory on a windows server
echo %TEMP%
Below command to insert file to table:
psql -d BOBDB01 -c "\COPY "BOBTB01" FROM 'C:\Users\BOB\AppData\Local\Temp\2\file.csv' with csv";
This results in an error:
Password for user postgres: <pw_given>
ERROR: relation "bobtb01" does not exist
It does exist though:
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | BOBTB01 | table | BOB
Can anyone please help me kick around some ideas as to why the copy command fails given that the table is there?
"but it IS in double quotes...? no?"
No. The windows shell eats the double quotes, so PostgreSQL never sees them. You can get them though to PostgreSQL by either backwacking them, or doubling them. (backwacking them works in bash as well, doubling them is just a Windows-shell thing. If you are using MS PowerHell not cmd shell, then only doubling them works, backwacking does something different)
What currently happens is that that the unescaped " before B is regarded by the cmd shell as closing the very first " on the line, then you have the bare word BOBTB01, then the " after the 1 re-opens the quote, which extends to the rest of the line. The effect is that internal " are not passed on to the psql program.

Perl: List files and directories recursively but exclude some directories and files that passed

Please give any suggestion or snippet or anything that may work.
I have already tried wanted function but how do I exclude some directory while recursing?
In Linux, you can make use of the Linux "find" and "grep" commands and run those Linux commands in Perl using qx to store Linux command result in Perl.
$cmd = "find . | grep -v 'dir1\|dir2\|...\|dirn'";
The above command combinations do the following:
The find command will list the all the directory and
files recursively.
The pipe "|" will pass the find result to grep command
The grep -v command will print on screen only the string not exist
in the "dir1", "dir2"..."dirn" to be ignored
At last, the qx command will execute the find and grep Linux
commands and stored the output to $result variable.
You can do the similar thing in Windows. The only difference is to use the Windows command line.
$result=qx('dir /b/s | find /v "workspace" | find /v "TVM"')
The above command will list all the directory recursively except the directory has name "workspace" or "TVM".

Printing Mongo query output to a file while in the mongo shell

2 days old with Mongo and I have a SQL background so bear with me. As with mysql, it is very convenient to be in the MySQL command line and output the results of a query to a file on the machine. I am trying to understand how I can do the same with Mongo, while being in the shell
I can easily get the output of a query I want by being outside of the shell and executing the following command:
mongo localhost:27017/dbname --eval "printjson(db.collectionName.findOne())" > sample.json
The above way is fine, but it requires me to exit the mongo shell or open a new terminal tab to execute this command. It would be very convenient if I could simply do this while still being inside the shell.
P.S: the Question is an offshoot of a question I posted on SO
AFAIK, there is no a interactive option for output to file, there is a previous SO question related with this: Printing mongodb shell output to File
However, you can log all the shell session if you invoked the shell with tee command:
$ mongo | tee file.txt
MongoDB shell version: 2.4.2
connecting to: test
> printjson({this: 'is a test'})
{ "this" : "is a test" }
> printjson({this: 'is another test'})
{ "this" : "is another test" }
> exit
Then you'll get a file with this content:
MongoDB shell version: 2.4.2
connecting to: test
> printjson({this: 'is a test'})
{ "this" : "is a test" }
> printjson({this: 'is another test'})
{ "this" : "is another test" }
> exit
To remove all the commands and keep only the json output, you can use a command similar to:
tail -n +3 file.txt | egrep -v "^>|^bye" > output.json
Then you'll get:
{ "this" : "is a test" }
{ "this" : "is another test" }
We can do it this way -
mongo db_name --quiet --eval 'DBQuery.shellBatchSize = 2000; db.users.find({}).limit(2000).toArray()' > users.json
The shellBatchSize argument is used to determine how many rows is the mongo client allowed to print. Its default value is 20.
If you invoke the shell with script-file, db address, and --quiet arguments, you can redirect the output (made with print() for example) to a file:
mongo localhost/mydatabase --quiet myScriptFile.js > output
There are ways to do this without having to quit the CLI and pipe mongo output to a non-tty.
To save the output from a query with result x we can do the following to directly store the json output to /tmp/x.json:
> EDITOR="cat > /tmp/x.json"
> x = db.MyCollection.find(...).toArray()
> edit x
Note that the output isn't strictly Json but rather the dialect that Mongo uses.
In the new mongodb shell 5.0+ mongosh, it integrate the Node.js fs module, so you can simply do below in the new mongosh shell:
fs.writeFileSync('output.json', JSON.stringify(db.collectionName.findOne()))
This also avoid problems such as the ObjectId(...) being included in the tojson result, which is not valid JSON string.
The above code works according to the docs describes:
The MongoDB Shell, mongosh, is a fully functional JavaScript and Node.js 14.x REPL environment for interacting with MongoDB deployments. You can use the MongoDB Shell to test queries and operations directly with your database.
The old mongo shell already marked as Legacy, so use the mongosh if possible.
It may be useful to you to simply increase the number of results that get displayed
In the mongo shell > DBQuery.shellBatchSize = 3000
and then you can select all the results out of the terminal in one go and paste into a text file.
It is what I am going to do :)
(from : https://stackoverflow.com/a/3705615/1290746)
Combining several conditions:
write mongo query in JS file and send it from terminal
switch/define a database programmatically
output all found records
cut initial output lines
save the output into JSON file
// Switch current database to "mydatabase"
db = db.getSiblingDB('mydatabase');
// The mark for cutting initial output off
// Main output
// "toArray()" method allows to get all records
printjson( db.getCollection('jobs').find().toArray() );
Sending the query from terminal
-z key of sed allows treat output as a single multi-line string
$> mongo localhost --quiet myScriptFile.js | sed -z 's/^.*CUT_TO_HERE\n//' > output.json

How to create batch file to execute multiple DB2 queries

I have to run some DB2 SQL queries more frequently.It is taking lot of time to do that manually. For that, I am planning to create batch file to execute those DB2 SQL commands.
So,Please let me know whether it is possible to create windows batch file to run set of DB2 sql queries.
You can save a .sql file to your hard drive, and execute it using the DB2 command line using:
db2 -vtf C:\path\to\somefile.sql
-v echoes the command text back to the command line
-t sets the statement terminator to ;. If you want to use something else (creating stored procedures for example), you can use -td__ where __ represents up to two characters you can use as the terminator. Alternatively, you can use --#SET TERMINATOR __ inside your batch file
-f tells the command line to load the commands from the file.
See other command line options here.

A script that deletes all tables in Hbase

I can tell hbase to disable and delete particular tables using:
disable 'tablename'
drop 'tablename'
But I want to delete all the tables in the database without hardcoding the names of any of the tables. Is there a way to do this? I want to do this through the command-line utility ./hbase shell, not through Java or Thrift.
disable_all and drop_all have been added as commands in the HBase ruby shell. These commands were added in jira HBASE-3506 These commands take a regex of tables to disable/drop. And they will ask for confirmation before continuing. That should make droping lots of tables pretty easy and not require outside libraries or scripting.
I have a handy script that does exactly this, using the Python Happybase library:
import happybase
c = happybase.Connection()
for table in c.tables():
print "Deleted: " + table
You will need Happybase installed to use this script, and you can install it as:
sudo easy_install happybase
You can pipe commands to the bin/hbase shell command. From there you can use some scripting to grab the table names and pipe the disable/delete commands back to hbase.
echo "list" | bin/hbase shell | ./filter_table_names.pl > table_names.txt
./turn_table_names_into_disable_delete_commands.pl table_names.txt | bin/hbase shell
There is a hack.
Open $HBASE_HOME/lib/ruby/shell/commands/list.rb file and add below line at the bottom of command method.
return list
After that, list command returns an array of names of all tables.
And then do just like this.
list.each {|t| disable t;drop t}
I'm not deleting tables through the hbase shell but I deleting them from the command line by,
- deleting my hadoop distributed filesystem directory, then,
- creating a new clean hadoop distributed filesystem directory, then,
- formatting my hadoop distributed filesystem with 'hadoop namenode -format', then,
- start-all.sh and start-hbase.sh
If you're looking for something that will do this in a 'one-liner' via a shell script you can use this method:
$ echo 'list.each {|t| disable t; drop t}; quit;' | hbase shell
NOTE: The above was run from Bash shell prompt. It echoes the commands into hbase shell and does a loop through all the tables that are returned from the list command, and then disables & drops each table as it iterates through the array that list returned. Once it's done, it quits.