I am trying to order my Value Tuple on timestamp descending. My code is
import java.lang.{Double => JDouble}
def comparator(first: (Timestamp, JDouble), second: (Timestamp, JDouble)): Boolean = first._1.compareTo(second._1) < 1
val timeBoundContractRatesList: Map[String, List[(Timestamp, JDouble)]] = Map(
"ITABUS" -> List((Timestamp.valueOf("2021-08-30 23:59:59"), 0.8),
(Timestamp.valueOf("2021-09-30 23:59:59"), 0.9),
(Timestamp.valueOf("2021-07-30 23:59:59"), 0.7),
.map { case (key, valueTuple) => key -> valueTuple.sortWith(comparator) }.toMap
My expected output timeBoundContractRatesList should have values sorted in Descending order of timestamp,
"ITABUS" -> List((Timestamp.valueOf("2021-07-30 23:59:59"), 0.7),
(Timestamp.valueOf("2021-08-30 23:59:59"), 0.8),
(Timestamp.valueOf("2021-09-30 23:59:59"), 0.9),
But, I am not able to use the comparator function showing a datatype mismatch error. What is the efficient way to achieve this output?
The doubles in your definitions (eg. in (Timestamp.valueOf("2021-09-30 23:59:59"), 0.9) ) are Scala doubles.
Either you remove the JDouble from the signature of the comparator or you should first convert the doubles to JDoubles
The two RDDs have the same number of rows.
I am searching for the R's equivalent to cbind()
It seems join() always requires a key.
Closest is .zip method. With appropriate subsequent .map usage. E.g.:
val rdd0 = sc.parallelize(Seq( (1, (2,3)), (2, (3,4)) ))
val rdd1 = sc.parallelize(Seq( (200,300), (300,400) ))
val zipRdd = (rdd0 zip rdd1).collect
zipRdd: Array[((Int, (Int, Int)), (Int, Int))] = Array(((1,(2,3)),(200,300)), ((2,(3,4)),(300,400)))
Indeed based on k,v with same num rows required.
As a little bit of context, what I'm trying to achieve here is given multiple rows grouped by a certain set of keys, after that first reduce I would like to group them in a general row by, for example, date, with each of the grouped counters previously calculated. This may not seem clear by just reading it so here is an example output (quite simple, nothing complex) of what should happen.
(("Volvo", "T4", "2019-05-01"), 5)
(("Volvo", "T5", "2019-05-01"), 7)
(("Audi", "RS6", "2019-05-01"), 4)
And once merged those Row objects...
date , volvo_counter , audi_counter
"2019-05-01" , 12 , 4
I reckon this is quite a corner case and that there may be different approaches but I was wondering if there was any solution within the same RDD so there's no need for multiple RDDs divided by counter.
What you want to do is a pivot. You talk about RDDs so I assume that your question is: "how to do a pivot with the RDD API?". As far as I know there is no built-in function in the RDD API that does it. You could do it yourself like this:
// let's create sample data
val rdd = sc.parallelize(Seq(
(("Volvo", "T4", "2019-05-01"), 5),
(("Volvo", "T5", "2019-05-01"), 7),
(("Audi", "RS6", "2019-05-01"), 4)
// If the keys are not known in advance, we compute their distinct values
val values = rdd.map(_._1._1).distinct.collect.toSeq
// values: Seq[String] = WrappedArray(Volvo, Audi)
// Finally we make the pivot and use reduceByKey on the sequence
val res = rdd
.map{ case ((make, model, date), counter) =>
date -> values.map(v => if(make == v) counter else 0)
.reduceByKey((a, b) => a.indices.map(i => a(i) + b(i)))
// which gives you this
// (String, Seq[Int]) = (2019-05-01,Vector(12, 4))
Note that you can write much simpler code with the SparkSQL API:
// let's first transform the previously created RDD to a dataframe:
val df = rdd.map{ case ((a, b, c), d) => (a, b, c, d) }
.toDF("make", "model", "date", "counter")
// And then it's as simple as that:
| date|Audi|Volvo|
|2019-05-01| 4| 12|
I think it's easier to do with DataFrame:
val data = Seq(
Record(Key("Volvo", "2019-05-01"), 5),
Record(Key("Volvo", "2019-05-01"), 7),
Record(Key("Audi", "2019-05-01"), 4)
val rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(data)
val df = rdd.toDF()
val modelsExpr = df
.map(r => r.getAs[String]("model"))
.map(m => sum(when($"key.model" === m, $"value").otherwise(0)).as(s"${m}_counter"))
.agg(modelsExpr.head, modelsExpr.tail: _*)
How do I convert the input5 data format into DataFrame, using the schema details mentioned in schemanames?
The conversion should be dynamic without using Row(r(0),r(1)) - the number of columns can increase or decrease in input and schema, hence the code should be dynamic.
case class Entry(schemaName: String, updType: String, ts: Long, row: Map[String, String])
val input5 = List(Entry("a","b",0,Map("col1 " -> "0000555", "ref" -> "2017-08-12 12:12:12.266528")))
val schemanames= "col1,ref"
Target dataframe should be only from Map of input 5 (like col1 and ref). There can be many other columns (like col2, col3...). If there are more columns in Map same columns would be mentioned in schema name.
Schema name variable should be used to create structure , input5.row(Map) should be data source ...as number of columns in schema name can be in 100's , same applies to data in Input5.row.
This would work for any number of columns, as long as they're all Strings, and each Entry contains a map with values for all of these columns:
// split to column names:
val columns = schemanames.split(",")
// create the DataFrame schema with these columns (in that order)
val schema = StructType(columns.map(StructField(_, StringType)))
// convert input5 to Seq[Row], while selecting the values from "row" Map in same order of columns
val rows = input5.map(_.row)
.map(valueMap => columns.map(valueMap.apply).toSeq)
// finally - create dataframe
val dataframe = spark.createDataFrame(sc.parallelize(rows), schema)
You can go through entries in schemanames (which are presumably selected keys in the Map based on your description) along with a UDF for Map manipulation to assemble the dataframe as shown below:
case class Entry(schemaName: String, updType: String, ts: Long, row: Map[String, String])
val input5 = List(
Entry("a", "b", 0, Map("col1" -> "0000555", "ref" -> "2017-08-12 12:12:12.266528")),
Entry("c", "b", 1, Map("col1" -> "0000444", "col2" -> "0000444", "ref" -> "2017-08-14 14:14:14.0")),
Entry("a", "d", 0, Map("col2" -> "0000666", "ref" -> "2017-08-16 16:16:16.0")),
Entry("e", "f", 0, Map("col1" -> "0000777", "ref" -> "2017-08-17 17:17:17.0", "others" -> "x"))
val schemanames= "col1, ref"
// Create dataframe from input5
val df = input5.toDF
// A UDF to get column value from Map
def getColVal(c: String) = udf(
(m: Map[String, String]) =>
// Add columns based on entries in schemanames
val df2 = schemanames.split(",").map(_.trim).
foldLeft( df )(
(acc, c) => acc.withColumn( c, getColVal(c)(df("row"))
val df3 = df2.select(cols.map(c => col(c)): _*)
|col1 |ref |
|0000555|2017-08-12 12:12:12.266528|
|0000444|2017-08-14 14:14:14.0 |
|n/a |2017-08-16 16:16:16.0 |
|0000777|2017-08-17 17:17:17.0 |
I have 2 RDDs I would like to join which looks like this
val a:RDD[(Option[Int],V)]
val q:RDD[(Int,V)]
Is there any way I can do a left outer join on them?
I have tried this but it does not work because the type of the key is different i.e Int, Option[Int]
The natural solution is to convert the Int to Option[Int] so they have the same type.
Following you example:
val a:RDD[(Option[Int],V)]
val q:RDD[(Int,V)]
q.map{ case (k,v) => (Some(k),v))}.leftOuterJoin(a)
If you want to recover the Int type at the output, you can do this:
q.map{ case (k,v) => (Some(k),v))}.leftOuterJoin(a).map{ case (k,v) => (k.get, v) }
Note that you can do ".get" without any problem since it is not possible to get None's there.
One way to do is to convert it into dataframe and join
Here is a simple example
import spark.implicits._
val a = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(
(Some(3), 33),
(Some(1), 11),
(Some(2), 22)
)).toDF("id", "value1")
val q = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(
(Some(3), 33)
)).toDF("id", "value2")
q.join(a, a("id") === q("id") , "leftouter").show
The generated output of reducebykey is an ShuffledRDD with key-value both as array of multiple field. I need to extract all the fields and write to a hive table.
Below is the code which I was trying:
val USAGE_DATA_Reduce = USAGE_DATA.map{ USAGE_DATA => ((USAGE_DATA.getShort(0), USAGE_DATA.getString(1),USAGE_DATA.getString(2)),
(USAGE_DATA.getInt(3), USAGE_DATA.getInt(4)))}.reduceByKey((x, y) => (math.min(x._1, y._1), math.max(x._2,y._2)))
The final output what I am expecting is all the five fields as:
So that it can be directly inserted to hive table
If you mean:
Given a RDD[(TupleN, TupleM)], how do I map each record's elements of both key and value tuples into a single concatenated string?
Here's a simplified version, you should be able extrapolate this to solve your problem:
val keyValueRdd = sc.parallelize(Seq(
(1, "key1") -> (10, "value1", "A"),
(2, "key2") -> (20, "value2", "B"),
(3, "key3") -> (30, "value3", "C")
val asStrings: RDD[String] = keyValueRdd.map {
case ((k1, k2), (v1, v2, v3)) => List(k1, k2, v1, v2, v3).mkString(",")
// prints:
// 3,key3,30,value3,C
// 2,key2,20,value2,B
// 1,key1,10,value1,A