Opa5 test cases not running in pipeline - Karma runner UI5 config - sapui5

We are trying to run opa5 test case in our pipeline using Karma runner with UI5 config but it doesn't work. Here we checked all the test case and they are running fine when we run them in parts or if they are run individually. Issue is when all the test cases are run together it gives error. When we run the tests in headless chrome browser we get Aw- Snap error.Err.1
Also when we run the test cases in git bash we get multiple errors which is never consistent. In some it looks like the issue is with the test cases but when running the test cases in chrome or individually the test cases run finely.
Attaching one of the errors. The errors are never consistent and somehow when crosschecked test cases run finely out of bash.
Possible reason could be we have many test cases(approx.120),
Any help is much appreciated.


How to run all unit test cases every time when build app xcode

In generally to run all my test cases and for code coverage we go to Test Navigator and click on the unit test module that will give you overall code coverage.
This is independent from build project. In my case I want to run test module while running the application, like when we click on run button, first my test module run so i check the code code coverage and then app will run.
I tried this script using shell , its running but no conformation of code coverage and no clue of unit test cases run.
Kindly help me out, Thanks.

Store results of unit test run into variables

I have a TeamCity build configuration that builds a C# project, runs some unit tests, and then does some extra things. My question is: Can I get information about my unit test run stored into build configuration variables (i.e. how many tests were run, how many were successful, how many failed, how many were skipped) so that I can then check these variables in a PowerShell script in later build steps and perform different actions depending on how many tests have passed?
AFAIK the best way is to ask these information directly to teamcity server using its REST API (pay attention, maybe the build locator could be a little be tricly to be found, if the build is still running).
By other hand, you can parse your NUnit test result file (or files if you run more than one NUnit test runner step in your build) inside your build agent machine.

Protractor/cucumberjs rerunning failed tests/cucumber features/specs

Given that automated UI tests sometimes fail due to flakiness, an ability to rerun only the failed tests becomes incredibly useful in a framework like protractor.
Unfortunately, as of 09/13/2016, there's no way to rerun failed tests with protractor.
How do you guys rerun your failed tests? Ideally, I'd like suggestions/ideas from people using the javascript implementation of cucumber, cucumberJs.
There's protractor-flake that was developped by Nick Tomlin to address this problem but that module doesn't always work when dealing with multicapabilities where you're trying to run your tests in parallel.
A. How do you guys rerun your failed tests? Ideally, I'd like suggestions/ideas from people using the javascript implementation of cucumber, cucumberJs.
There's protractor-flake that was developped by Nick Tomlin to address this problem but that module doesn't always work when dealing with multicapabilities where you're trying to run your tests in parallel.
There's protractor-flake that was developped by Nick Tomlin to address this problem but that module doesn't always work when dealing with multicapabilities where you're trying to run your tests in parallel.
This question: How to rerun the failed scenarios using Cucumber? almost answered the question; problem is: how do I use that command (cucumber -f rerun --out rerun.txt) to rerun my tests AND run protractor in parallel? That command might only work when you're not parallelizing your protractor tests;
B. How would you use that cucumber command to run your tests in parallel?
Please answer question A and B above, thanks again!
So far I have found the following tool, protractor-flake, that will rerun failed protractor tests:
***Github***: https://github.com/NickTomlin/protractor-flake
***NPM***: https://www.npmjs.com/package/protractor-flake

Attach Current Build to Test

I'm playing around with Microsoft Test Manager 2013 (though it appears it is just MTM2012) to try and get a better understanding of test cases and test suites as I want to use this at work. So I was hoping that I could run a test suite on a build which gets included in this test suite. That is what I WANT to do, but it could very well be wrong. So maybe a better scope of what I'm doing at work might lend to a better answer.
My company makes tablet PC's. I write programs for those tablets. For sake of argument lets just say there are 5 tablets, that run a similar array of OS's. Tablet1,2,3 and 4 can run WinXP, WinXP embedded, Win7, and Win7 Embeded, and Tablet5 can run Win7, Win7 Embedded, and Win8 embedded. Lets say i'm making a Display test program. Naturally this display test will run differently on each tablet, but the program it self is supposed to be able to handle that along with not being able to worry about OS. So I wrote out a very simple test. Open Program, try to open again, verify only 1 instance, check display, close program.
I figured it would be good to make a Test Suite called "Complete Display Program Test" and put 5 sub test suites to that for each tablet. Then moved the 5 test cases to a single test suite. I configured all test cases to only have the correct tablet/OS configuration. Queued a build and waited for it to finish. I then attached that build to the main test suite. I then clicked on run a test for tablet 1 but I didn't see the build attached to the test runner. I've looked around a little bit to see why or how and haven't found anything. Question is is how do I do that? Or if you are scratching your head and wondering why in the world I am doing it this way then by all means suggest another way. This is the second time I have ever looked into MTM so I might not be doing it right.
Thank you for your time.
When running manual tests from MTM you will not see the build you are using in Test Runner.
But if you complete the test and set the test outcome you will be able to check which build you've ran the test against.
Just double-click on the test or select "View Results" to display test results:
This column is not visible by default. You will have to right-click on the column row and select the column "Buld number" to be displayed.
You will also be able to see the build number in "Analyse Test Runs" area:
The things are slightly different if you are running automated test.
Consider following approach:
Automate your Test Cases
See How to: Associate an Automated Test with a Test Case for details.
Create a Build Definition building your application under test AND assemblies containing your tests.
I strongly recommend build application you want to test and test assemblies using in the same Build Definition. (You will see why a little bit later).
Run this build definition and deploy the latest version of the application to the environment where you want run the tests.
This is very important to understand: if you run automated tests the tests assemblies only would be deployed automatically to the environment.
It's your job to deploy the right version of the application you are going to test.
Now you can run tests from MTM.
You can do it the way described by #AndrewClear in the comment to this answer: "choose "Run with Options" when you're beginning a test run" and select the latest build.
Now test assemblies containing tests which are using to automate Test Cases will be deployed automatically to the test environment and the tests will be executed.
That is the point you should recognize why is it so important to build application and tests with a single Build Definition: since the build number you've just selected when starting the tests will be stored along with the test results on TFS you will later know what version of you application you were testing (assuming you deployed the right version, of course).
You could go a little bit further if you want even more automation (This is the way I'm currently running automated tests)
Use Deploy-Build-Test template (this is a good place to start reading about Setting Up Automated Build-Deploy-Test Workflows).
Using this approach you will be able to automate deployment of the application you want to test.

Continue running NUnit after failures

I am running nunit-console from a CI configured in TeamCity to run tests from various assemblies. Once one of the TestFixtures has a failing test, then the test execution will stop.
Currently i am able to see the first tests that failed, but am unaware if there are more testfixtures that might fail down the line.
I would like to get a summary that lists the failing tests and test fixtures, without all the details of the exceptions thrown.
Anyone have any ideas?
NUnit should run all of the unit tests in the specified assembly, regardless of the number of test failures. The first thing I would check is the raw xml output from the unit test run. You may find that the tests are being executed, but the build server is failing to display all of the results. If that is the case, there may be a faulty xslt that needs to be modified.
Another thing to try is running all of the tests on your box using the command-line tool, and see if it runs all of the tests. If they run on your box but not the server, you may have a configuration problem on the build box.
Yet another possibility is that the failure is a critical one (failure to load an assembly perhaps) which is causing NUnit itself to error out.