Kubernetes pod went down - kubernetes

I am pretty new to Kubernetes so I don't have much idea. Last day a pod went down and I was thinking if I would be able to recover the tmp folder.
So basically I want to know that when a pod in Kubernetes goes down, does it lose access to the "/tmp" folder ?

Unless you configure otherwise, this folder will be considered storage within the container, and the contents will be lost when the container terminates.
Similarly to how you can run a container in docker, write something to the filesystem within the container, then stop and remove the container, start a new one, and find the file you wrote within the container is no longer there.
If you want to keep the /tmp folder contents between restarts, you'll need to attach a persistent volume to it and mount it as /tmp within the container, but with the caveat that if you do that, you cannot use that same volume with other replicas in a deployment unless you use a read-write-many capable filesystem underneath, like NFS.


How to save changes on pod in Kubernetes after pod deployed

I have Jenkins deployment with one pod I want to make changes to the pod, for example, I wanna install and set up maven. I mounted volume to do pod. But when I restart the pod, changes made with kubectl exec are gone. But when I make changes in Jenkins GUI, changes are persistent. What is the reason behind it, and is there a way to save changes after pod deployed?
The kubernetes pod (the docker container in general) is by default stateless, to make it stateful, you need to store the state somewhere (a database, cloud storage, or a persistent disk, ...).
In your case you use mount a volume to the pod, and the state is restored when you use Jenkins, so here is a few things to check:
is the volume mount after every deployment/restart?
do you execute the same command manually and in Jenkins GUI?
do you use the correct mount path when you execute the command manually?
...I mounted volume to do pod...when I make changes in Jenkins GUI, changes are persistent.
By default changes made with Jenkins GUI is saved to the Jenkins home; presumably the location that you have mounted with a persistent volume.
What is the reason behind it,
When your pod goes away, the persistent volume remains in the system. You get back your changes when your pod come back online and mounted with the same volume. This means any changes that did not persist in the mounted volume will not be retain. This also means if your new pod cannot mount back the same persistent volume for any reason; you loose all the previous changes as well.
...and is there a way to save changes after pod deployed?
GUI or kubectl exec; any change that you want to persist thru Pod lifecycle; you ensure such change is always saves to the mounted volume; and the same volume is always available for new pod to mount.

How to mimic Docker ability to pre-populate a volume from a container directory with Kubernetes

I am migrating my previous deployment made with docker-compose to Kubernetes.
In my previous deployment, some containers do have some data made at build time in some paths and these paths are mounted in persistent volumes.
Therefore, as the Docker volume documentation states,the persistent volume (not a bind mount) will be pre-populated with the container directory content.
I'd like to achieve this behavior with Kubernetes and its persistent volumes, How can I do ? Do I need to add some kind of logic using scripts in order to copy my container's files to the mounted path when data is not present the first time the container starts ?
Possibly related question: Kubernetes mount volume on existing directory with files inside the container
I think your options are
ConfigMap (are "some data" configuration files?)
Init containers (as mentioned)
CSI Volume Cloning (clone combining an init or your first app container)
there used to be a gitRepo; deprecated in favour of init containers where you can clone your config and data from
HostPath volume mount is an option too
An NFS volume is probably a very reasonable option and similar from an approach point of view to your Docker Volumes
Storage type: NFS, iscsi, awsElasticBlockStore, gcePersistentDisk and others can be pre-populated. There are constraints. NFS probably the most flexible for sharing bits & bytes.
The subPath might be of interest too depending on your use case and
PodPreset might help in streamlining the op across the fleet of your pods

What is the best way to mount files generated by one pod on another pod (before it starts) on a different node in GCP?

I have a simple use case. I am trying to deploy two pods on two different nodes in Kubernetes. Pod A is a server which creates a file abc.txt after receiving an API request. I want to mount this abc.txt file onto Pod B.
If the file jhsdiak.conf (the name of this file is randomly generated) is not present on pod B before it starts, pod B will create its own default file. Hence to avoid this, the file has to be mounted onto Pod B before it starts.
Here are the things I have tried
Shared Volume using dynamically provisioned PVC -> This approach works fine if both the pods are created on the same node. Not otherwise as GCP doesn't support ReadWriteMany.
Using Kubectl CP to copy the files from Pod A to host path and then creating configmaps/secrets to mount it onto Pod B -> This approach fails as the name of file jhsdiak.conf is randomly generated.
InitContainers -> I am not sure how I can use an init container to move files from one pod to another.
Using NFS Persisted storage -> I haven't tried it yet, but seems like a lot of overhead to just move one file between pods.
Is there a better or more efficient way to solve this problem?
A similar solution is to use Cloud Storage for storing your files.
But, I have another solution than "file". Create a PubSub topic and push your files in it with Pod A.
Create a pull subscription and poll it with Pod B.
You can achieve what you want, I mean sending data from A to B, and you don't have to worry about file system.
If your cluster is compliant with Knative, the eventing solution can help you for staying inside the cluster (if it's a requirement)

Where to store files in GKE container?

I'm having trouble understanding where to store files in a GKE container? I've seen the following documentation of the filesystem layout:
But then there are also Dockerfile examples on the web that copy executable files to other paths not listed in the layout, such as /usr or /go. One of these examples is here:
Another question is: If I have runtime code that needs to download certain configuration information after the container starts, can I write the configuration file to the same directory as my executable? Or do I have to choose /etc or /tmp.
And finally, the layout documentation states that /home and /var store data for the the lifetime of the boot disk? What does that mean? How does that compare to the lifetime of the pod or the node?
When you want to store something in a container you can either store something ephemeral or permanent
To store ephemeral way just choose a path /tmp, /var, /opt etc (this depends on the container set up as well), once the container is restarted the information you would have is the same at the moment the container was created, for instance your binary files and initial config files.
To store permanent you must have to mount a volume, this is a support for your container where a volume (container path) is linked with a external storage. with this if your container is restarted the volume will be mounted once the container is ready again and you are no gonna lose anything.
In kubernetes this is called Persistent Volumes and you can leverage this even if you are in another cloud provider,
steps to used
Define a path where you would mount the volume in your source code example /myfiles/private
Create a storage class in your GKE https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/persistent-volumes/ssd-pd
Create a Persistent Volume Claim in your GKE https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/persistent-volumes/ssd-pd
Relate this storage class with your Kubernetes deployment
link the volume with your container
- mountPath: /myfiles/private
name: any-name-you-want
relate the persistent volume with your deployment
- name: any-name-you-want
claimName: my-claim-name
This is really up to you. By default most base images will leave /tmp writeable as per normal. But anything written inside the container will be gone if/when the container restarts for any reason. For something like config data, that might be fine, for a database probably less so. To get more stable storage you need to use a Volume. The exact type to use depends on your environment and how long the data should live. An emptyDir volume lives only as long as the pod but can be shared between containers in the same pod. Beyond that you would probably use a PersistentVolumeClaim to dynamically provision a new Google Cloud disk which will last unless the claim is deleted (or forever depending on your Reclaim setting).

How to transfer files from container to container within a pod in Kubernetes?

There are 5 containers in my pod in kubernetes deployment. I want to transfer files from 1 container to another container.
How to go about this?
The most common approach to this would be to use EmptyDir volume, run an initContainer that will spin up the image you want to copy from, mount target volume in it and perform the copy, before the actual containers forming your pod runtime will take the same volume and mount it for their use.
If you need to run the copy (transfer) operation during actual operation then you should mount a shared volume (most likely EmptyDir as well) on both containers and just use it as a shared storage space.
You can do that by using shared volume.
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