How can i proof by absurd with coq? - coq

I am reading Logical Foundations from Software Foundations series and i saw the plus_id_example that is:
Theorem plus_id_example : forall n m:nat,
n = m ->
n + n = m + m.
intros n m.
intros H.
rewrite H.
reflexivity. Qed.
I could understand the solution, so i tried to solve it using absurd, what i want to do is:
Lets consider by absurd, that n+n <> m+m, so we have 2n <> 2m, n <> m, which is a contradiction since we have n=m as our hypothesis.
How could i write this using Coq tactics?

You can use one of the many contraposition-based lemmas in Coq: you can see them by using, for instance, Search "contra". in Coq.
Using the ssreflect tactic language, a proof based on this idea can be obtained as follows (I'm sure there must be shorter proofs):
Theorem plus_id_example : forall n m:nat,
n = m ->
n + n = m + m.
move=> n m.
apply: contra_eq.
have twice : forall p, p + p = p * 2.
move=> p.
by rewrite -iter_addn_0 /= addn0.
by rewrite !twice eqn_mul2r.


Back to Coq proof checker after 5-8 years away: how to prove that (forall n, m : N, (n - (S m)) = pred(n - m))?

Somewhere between 5 and 8 years ago (probably 6 or 7) I wrote a full Formalization of Bubble Sort in Coq. One of the earliest Lemmas proven was the one in the title, which I called "sub_succ_r" (or maybe it's the standard name?):
forall n m : nat, (n - (S m))%nat = pred(n - m)
Now, back then, this was the very simple proof for that Lemma:
intros n m.
induction n m using n_double_ind.
apply sub_0_r.
"sub_0_r" is the Lemma that asserts that
forall n : nat, (n - 0)%nat = n
Now, attentive readers who are also familiar with modern Coq might have already spotted the problem with the old proof: that second line.
induction n m
i.e. simultaneous induction on 2 terms, doesn't work any more, not even when specifying that one is using "n_double_ind".
I've been wracking my head over how to prove this using first induction over n and then induction over m, but I just can't figure it out.
Any help, great or small, would be much appreciated.
If you want to apply induction on two variables simultaneously, you need to use comma separator, or Coq recognizes f t as f applied to t, so when you write n m this actually means n is a function and you want to apply it to m. Instead, use comma like this:
induction n, m.
this generates four subgoals. Two of them can be proved using auto so you can ask Coq to use auto tactic on every subgoal generated by induction, using semicolon like this:
induction n, m; auto.
and the remaining subgoals are easy to prove using the lemma you mentioned and induction hypotheses. so the whole script is as follows:
Lemma sub_0_r : forall n : nat, (n - 0) = n.
Theorem sub_succ_r: forall n m : nat, (n - (S m)) = pred(n - m).
induction n, m; auto.
- apply sub_0_r.
- apply IHn.
Also note that using %nat is not necessary.
But as you saw we only used IHn which means that we didn't use the induction hypothesis for m, so we do not need to use induction on m, only a destruct tactic would do the job, a better proof is:
induction n; destruct m; auto.
- apply sub_0_r.
- apply IHn.
which is minimal and elegant.

Coq theorem proving: Simple fraction law in peano arithmetic

I am learning coq and am trying to prove equalities in peano arithmetic.
I got stuck on a simple fraction law.
We know that (n + m) / 2 = n / 2 + m / 2 from primary school.
In peano arithmetic this does only hold if n and m are even (because then division produces correct results).
Compute (3 / 2) + (5 / 2). (*3*)
Compute (3 + 5) / 2. (*4*)
So we define:
Theorem fraction_addition: forall n m: nat ,
even n -> even m -> Nat.div2 n + Nat.div2 m = Nat.div2 (n + m).
From my understanding this is a correct and provable theorem.
I tried an inductive proof, e.g.
intros n m en em.
induction n.
- reflexivity.
- ???
Which gets me into the situation that
en = even (S n)
and IHn : even n -> Nat.div2 n + Nat.div2 m = Nat.div2 (n + m), so i don't find a way to apply the induction hypothesis.
After long research of the standard library and documentation, i don't find an answer.
You need to strengthen your induction hypothesis in cases like this.
One way of doing this is by proving an induction principle like this one:
From Coq Require Import Arith Even.
Lemma nat_ind2 (P : nat -> Prop) :
P 0 ->
P 1 ->
(forall n, P n -> P (S n) -> P (S (S n))) ->
forall n, P n.
now intros P0 P1 IH n; enough (H : P n /\ P (S n)); [|induction n]; intuition.
nat_ind2 can be used as follows:
Theorem fraction_addition n m :
even n -> even m ->
Nat.div2 n + Nat.div2 m = Nat.div2 (n + m).
induction n using nat_ind2.
(* here goes the rest of the proof *)
You can also prove your theorem without induction if you are ok with using the standard library.
If you use Even m in your hypothesis (which says exists n, m = 2*m) then you can use simple algebraic rewrites with lemmas from the standard library.
Require Import PeanoNat.
Import Nat.
Goal forall n m, Even n -> Even m -> n / 2 + m / 2 = (n+m)/2.
inversion 1; inversion 1.
rewrite <- mul_add_distr_l.
rewrite ?(mul_comm 2).
rewrite ?div_mul; auto.
The question mark just means "rewrite as many (zero or more) times as possible".
inversion 1 does inversion on the first inductive hypothesis in the goal, in this case first Even n and then Even m. It gives us n = 2 * x and m = 2 * x0 in the context, which we then substitute.
Also note even_spec: forall n : nat, even n = true <-> Even n, so you can use even if you prefer that, just rewrite with even_spec first...

Induction on evidence for the "less than" relation in coq

I am working on the proof of the following theorem Sn_le_Sm__n_le_m in IndProp.v of Software Foundations (Vol 1: Logical Foundations).
Theorem Sn_le_Sm__n_le_m : ∀n m,
S n ≤ S m → n ≤ m.
intros n m HS.
induction HS as [ | m' Hm' IHm'].
- (* le_n *) (* Failed Here *)
- (* le_S *) apply IHSm'.
where, the definition of le (i.e., ≤) is:
Inductive le : nat → nat → Prop :=
| le_n n : le n n
| le_S n m (H : le n m) : le n (S m).
Notation "m ≤ n" := (le m n).
Before induction HS, the context as well as the goal is as follows:
n, m : nat
HS : S n <= S m
n <= m
At the point of the first bullet -, the context as well as the goal is:
n, m : nat
n <= m
where we have to prove n <= m without any context, which is obviously impossible.
Why does it not generate S n = S m (and then n = m) for the le_n case in induction HS?
The main problem here -I think- is it is impossible to prove the Theorem using induction on HS as there is no way to say something about n with only hypothesis about S n because non of the constructors of le do not change the value of n. But anyway the reason that after first bullet - there is no assumption is because calling induction has the effect of replacing all occurrences of the property argument by the values that correspond to each constructor and it doesn't help in this case since the term that gets replaced S n is not mentioned anywhere. There are some tricks to avoid this. for example you can replace n with pred(S n) as follows.
Theorem Sn_le_Sm__n_le_m : forall n m,
S n <= S m -> n <= m.
intros n m HS.
assert(Hn: n=pred (S n)). reflexivity. rewrite Hn.
assert(Hm: m=pred (S m)). reflexivity. rewrite Hm.
induction HS.
- (* le_n *) apply le_n.
- (* le_S *) (* Stucks! *) Abort.
But as I mentioned above it is impossible to go further. Another way is to use inversion which is smarter but in some cases it may not help since induction hypothesis would be necessary. But it worth to know about it.
Theorem Sn_le_Sm__n_le_m : forall n m,
S n <= S m -> n <= m.
intros n m HS.
inversion HS.
- (* le_n *) apply le_n.
- (* le_S *) (* Stucks! *) Abort.
Best way to solve the problem is use of remember tactic as follows.
Theorem Sn_le_Sm__n_le_m : forall n m,
S n <= S m -> n <= m.
intros n m HS.
remember (S n) as Sn.
remember (S m) as Sm.
induction HS as [ n' | n' m' H IH].
- (* le_n *)
rewrite HeqSn in HeqSm. injection HeqSm as Heq.
rewrite <- Heq. apply le_n.
- (* le_S *) (* Stucks! *) Abort.
According to Software Foundations (Vol 1: Logical Foundations)
The tactic remember e as x causes Coq to (1) replace all occurrences
of the expression e by the variable x, and (2) add an equation x = e
to the context.
Anyway, although it is impossible to prove the fact using induction on HS -imo-, performing an induction on m will solve the case. (Note the use of inversion.)
Theorem Sn_le_Sm__n_le_m : forall n m,
S n <= S m -> n <= m.
intros n.
induction m as [|m' IHm'].
- intros H. inversion H as [Hn | n' contra Hn'].
+ apply le_n.
+ inversion contra.
- intros H. inversion H as [HnSm' | n' HSnSm' Heq].
+ apply le_n.
+ apply le_S. apply IHm'. apply HSnSm'.
Just more examples of Kamyar's answer.
Well, let's take a look of le induction scheme :
Compute le_ind.
forall (n : nat) (P : nat -> Prop),
P n ->
(forall m : nat, n <= m -> P m -> P (S m)) ->
forall n0 : nat, n <= n0 -> P n0
P is some proposition that holds one natural number, which means in the case of le_n, our preposition n <= m will be reduced to forall n, n <= m. Indeed, it's the same lemma that we want to prove, however unprovable because there is no premise.
An easy to solve this is doing induction where le_ind doesn't do.
For example :
Theorem Sn_le_Sm__n_le_m' : forall m n,
S n <= S m -> n <= m.
by intros; apply : Gt.gt_S_le .
intros; inversion H0.
by subst.
by subst; apply : le_Sn_le.
Notice that we doing induction by m, and using inversion to generates the two possible construction of le ({x = y} + {x < y}). Optionally, you can use le decidability.
Theorem Sn_le_Sm__n_le_m : forall n m,
S n <= S m -> n <= m.
generalize dependent n.
auto with arith.
have : n <= m.
by apply : H; apply : le_Sn_le.
move => H'.
destruct m.
auto with arith.
destruct (le_lt_eq_dec _ _ H').
(* just prove that there is no S m <= m *)
For the sake of your time, coq has the tactic dependent induction that easily solves your goal :
Theorem Sn_le_Sm__n_le_m'' : forall n m,
S n <= S m -> n <= m.
dependent induction H.
by apply : (le_Sn_le _ _ H).

Wellfounded induction in CoQ

Let's say that I know certain natural numbers are good. I know 1 is good, if n is good then 3n is, and if n is good then n+5 is, and those are only ways of constructing good numbers. It seems to me that the adequate formalization of this in Coq is
Inductive good : nat -> Prop :=
| g1 : good 1
| g3 : forall n, good n -> good (n * 3)
| g5 : forall n, good n -> good (n + 5).
However, despite being obvious, the fact that 0 is not good seems not being provable using this definition (because when I invert, in case of g3 I only get the same thing in the hypothesis).
Now it isn't so obvious what exactly are good numbers. And it really seems that I don't need to characterize them totally in order to know that 0 is not good. For example, I can know that 2 is not good just by doing few inversions.
Indeed g3 can be applied an unbounded number of times when trying to disprove good 0. That is why we can think this proof requires induction (and we can see that the auxiliary lemma needed in the solution of #AntonTrunov uses induction). The same idea is used in theorem loop_never_stop of
Require Import Omega.
Example not_good_0 : ~ good 0.
intros contra. remember 0 as n. induction contra.
discriminate. apply IHcontra. omega. omega.
This problem needs induction. And induction needs some predicate P : nat -> Prop to work with. A primitive (constant) predicate like (fun n => ~good 0) doesn't give you much: you won't be able to prove the base case for 1 (which corresponds to the constructor g1), because the predicate "forgets" its argument.
So you need to prove some logically equivalent (or stronger) statement which readily will give you the necessary predicate.
An example of such equivalent statement is forall n, good n -> n > 0, which you can later use to disprove good 0. The corresponding predicate P is (fun n => n > 0).
Require Import Coq.Arith.Arith.
Require Import
Inductive good : nat -> Prop :=
| g1 : good 1
| g3 : forall n, good n -> good (n * 3)
| g5 : forall n, good n -> good (n + 5).
Lemma good_gt_O: forall n, good n -> n > 0.
intros n H. induction H; omega.
Goal ~ good 0.
intro H. now apply good_ge_O in H.
Here is a proof of the aforementioned equivalence:
Lemma not_good0_gt_zero_equiv_not_good0 :
(forall n, good n -> n > 0) <-> ~ good 0.
split; intros; firstorder.
destruct n; [tauto | omega].
And it's easy to show that forall n, n = 0 -> ~ good n which implicitly appears in #eponier's answer is equivalent to ~ good 0 too.
Lemma not_good0_eq_zero_equiv_not_good0 :
(forall n, n = 0 -> ~ good n) <-> ~ good 0.
split; intros; subst; auto.
Now, the corresponding predicate used to prove forall n, n = 0 -> ~ good n is fun n => n = 0 -> False. This can be shown by using manual application of the goal_ind induction principle, automatically generated by Coq:
Example not_good_0_manual : forall n, n = 0 -> ~ good n.
intros n Eq contra.
generalize Eq.
refine (good_ind (fun n => n = 0 -> False) _ _ _ _ _);
try eassumption; intros; omega.
generalize Eq. introduces n = 0 as a premise to the current goal. Without it the goal to prove would be False and the corresponding predicate would be the boring fun n => False again.

Using `dependent induction` tactic to keep information while doing induction

I have just run into the issue of the Coq induction discarding information about constructed terms while reading a proof from here.
The authors used something like:
remember (WHILE b DO c END) as cw eqn:Heqcw.
to rewrite a hypothesis H before the actual induction induction H. I really don't like the idea of having to introduce a trivial equality as it looks like black magic.
Some search here in SO shows that actually the remember trick is necessary. One answer here, however, points out that the new dependent induction can be used to avoid the remember trick. This is nice, but the dependent induction itself now seems a bit magical.
I have a hard time trying to understand how dependent induction works. The documentation gives an example where dependent induction is required:
Lemma le_minus : forall n:nat, n < 1 -> n = 0.
I can verify how induction fails and dependent induction works in this case. But I can't use the remember trick to replicate the dependent induction result.
What I tried so far to mimic the remember trick is:
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Lemma le_minus : forall n:nat, n < 1 -> n = 0.
intros n H. (* dependent induction H works*)
remember (n < 1) as H0. induction H.
But this doesn't work. Anyone can explain how dependent induction works here in terms of the remember-ing?
You can do
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Lemma le_minus : forall n:nat, n < 1 -> n = 0.
intros n H.
remember 1 as m in H. induction H.
- inversion Heqm. reflexivity.
- inversion Heqm. subst m.
inversion H.
As stated here, the problem is that Coq cannot keep track of the shape of terms that appear in the type of the thing you are doing induction on. In other words, doing induction over the "less than" relation instructs Coq to try to prove something about a generic upper bound, as opposed to the specific one you're considering (1).
Notice that it is always possible to prove such goals without remember or dependent induction, by generalizing your result a little bit:
Lemma le_minus_aux :
forall n m, n < m ->
match m with
| 1 => n = 0
| _ => True
intros n m H. destruct H.
- destruct n; trivial.
- destruct H; trivial.
Lemma le_minus : forall n, n < 1 -> n = 0.
intros n H.
apply (le_minus_aux n 1 H).