How to change VSCODE Gnome(41+) TopBar to look like the windows topbar?
Currently the top bar on GNOME takes a good amount of space. Also it doesn't look good(imo). How would i be able to change this?
How to set it up
If you open the Setting tab(Ctr+,) You can search for titlebar
Chane the Window:Title Bar Style from native to custom . Boom! Reload your vscode, and you have a window-like title bar
"window.titleBarStyle": "custom"
UltraEdit (which I used before switching to VSC) had a nice feature to display the size of the current selection in the status bar. Example:
Is it possible to achieve the same with VSC - either through native functionality or an extension?
I think you can enable this feature by right-clicking your status bar and select "Editor Selection":
It will look like this, then:
In elementary OS Loki, for applications like gvim, urxvt and Xephyr, there will be a title bar added to the application window. Is there anyway to get rid of the title bar?
Vim with title bar
urxvt with title bar
The title bar is called window decoration. Window decoration depends on the window manager, as stated in the documentation:
By default, windows are decorated with a title bar, resize controls,
Some window managers allow GTK+ to disable these decorations, creating
a borderless window. If you set the decorated property to false using
this function, GTK+ will do its best to convince the window manager
not to decorate the window. Depending on the system, this function may
not have any effect when called on a window that is already visible,
so you should call it before calling show.
On Windows, this function always works, since there’s no window
manager policy involved.
Try using window.set_decorated(false);
I don't know what display manager you are using but I believe Loki ships with GNOME so try looking into some of the Gnome extensions, e.g. PixelSaver or Maximus, though the latter may need a few tweaks as it's been without maintenance for a bit.
When not using tabs in Visual Studio Code, it still shows a bar with the name of the currently open file.
Editor title bar
Is there a way to disable this bar completely?
You can use this setting to hide the title bar: "window.titleBarStyle": "custom". It can be accessed via menu File → Preferences → Settings → Window → Title Bar Style and set it to custom.
On macOS, hiding the title bar doesn't appear to be natively supported at the moment.
Update: The Customize UI extension isn't working for the moment, but I'm preserving the rest of my answer in case it becomes supported again:
If you're willing to install an extension, the Customize UI extension has a macOS-only customizeUI.titleBar setting:
inline: places window controls in the sidebar or tab bar.
frameless: hides window controls.
Note that this setting requires that "window.titleBarStyle": "native" is also set.
Here's what the inline setting looks like:
Install the custom CSS extension.
Now in your custom stylesheet:
.container > .title {
display: none !important;
After, run the command "Enable custom css / js" (and restart).
I played around with suggested options from VSCode and found this to work
make sure that you have your Window Title Bar Style set to custom
open the settings.json file located in /Users/{your-username}/Library/Applcation\ Support/Code/User/settings.json
Append the following to the JSON object
"editor.titleBar.enabled": false
Another option could be to try setting this option in the settings file
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"titleBar.forground": "#00000000",
"titleBar.activeForeground": "#00000000",
"titleBar.background": "#00000000",
"titleBar.activeBackground": "#00000000",
This is my machine settings
here's a comprehensive list of options you can use to tweak the current the or even your own theme. no additional 3rd party extensions are needed, just tine in the saddle!
happy coding =)
I faced this issue today, so according to the screenshot you attached it looks like file path is showing with a title bar. So to hide this completely, you can remove this property called "workbench.editor.showTabs" if it's value is false from settings.json file situated in /Users/(user_name)/Library/Application Support/Code/User/settings.json
File → Preferences → Settings → Window → Title Bar Style
Now choose custom title bar.
How to show frequently used commands in toolbars under the menu bar in VScode?
In Visual Studio, frequently used commands are placed in some toolbars. We can click them easily with a mouse, not using keyboard shortcuts.
Is there a way to set up toolbars in VScode like Visual Studio?
No, this is currently not possible (VSCode doesn't have one built-in, and the extension API is rather limited when it comes to customizing UI). There was a feature request for this, but it was considered "out of scope":
Support a real toolbar below the window title with actions (#18042)
Note that the extension API does allow you to customize the buttons shown in the upper right of editors, so that could be a workaround in the meantime:
The contribution point is the editor/title mentioned here. This is how the built-in markdown extension adds the additional Open preview to the Side button for .md files:
The third-party Markdown Shortcuts extension takes this even further, adding controls for editing such as Toggle bold, Toggle italic etc:
I made the extension just for this purpose.. you can add buttons like beautify, list files, undo, redo, save all etc to the editor menu bar in the VSCode. checkout
Shortcut Menu Bar
I am currently setting up my MATLAB programming environment in windows. I am trying to remove the title bar at the very top of the screen while editing code. It is similar to the "Enter Full Screen" feature in IntellijIDEA based editors. I am well aware that this is possible MacOSX but did not find any feature supported in Windows. Thank you in advance for your help.
Matlab does not have a true full-screen option on Windows, but take a look at this help page: Optimize Desktop Layout for Limited Screen Space.
Title bars can be hidden by going to the Home tab > Environment section > Layout. Under Show, you can select or deselect "Panel Titles".
You can also hide the toolstrip by clicking the arrow in the upper right corner.
There appears to be no way to hide the Windows title bar and tabs at the very top, but combining these options should get you pretty close to the "full-screen" look you describe.