sdkmanager error (Warning: IO exception while downloading manifest) - flutter

when I try installing build tools using sdkmanager on window using this command below
C:\all-things-flutter\flutter-installation\android\cmdline-tools\bin>sdkmanager.bat "build-tools;30.0.0" --sdk_root=../
I keep getting this error
Warning: IO exception while downloading manifest
please this is not a duplicate question, cus I didn't find the answer I needed.
this has been bugging me for days so how can I get it right

So since I could not get an answer after 8 months, I have decided to share how I did it and other kinds of solutions people have suggested but not from here.
How i did it
I downloaded android studio (even tho i was not going to use it), then i use android studio to download the recommended SDK i will need, after that i added the SDK folder path to my system variable, that way i can continue the flutter installation and run flutter doctor, which did ditect my SDK path.
Other people Suggesttion
From my research online, I saw people saying that you need a much slower internet connection because if your internet connection is faster, it will skip some downloads, which can cause the SDK to not work well.
but my response to that is "yer good luck with that".


DevTools Lighthouse: Best Practices displays "..." as a Deprecation/Warning

I'm testing the performance of my website with Lighthouse DevTool but I can't score 100% in Best Practices because keeps showing this as a problem:
Does anybody know what this means? How could I solve it?
You can find the specific errors in the "Issues" tab where the "Console" output is.
Also getting this, so you're not alone. Wondering if it was a recent Chrome bug I tried here - and got the same useless error.
After a bit more digging, I found this closed issue on the lighthouse github repo.
So, it's been fixed, but only in version 10. Chrome 105 seems to be using lighthouse 9.6.2 and npm at the present time seems to install 9.6.7 (which has the same bug).
You can run the latest version by pulling the repo from github, building and running on the command line. See instructions here
Note, the build doesn't work on an M1 mac, due to i386 specific build tools. I had to dig out my old macbook to get this working.

How can i 'complete' my dart SDK rather than installing a separate version when using flutter?

I installed flutter by downloading and installing a release version.
It contains a partial dart SDK in its cache subfolder.
Namely, it's missing (amongst others executables) dart2native.
I realize I could just download and install a separate dart SDK from their website, then change all my paths to point to this newer, complete SDK. But that's exactly the problem - I do not wish to run 2 sdk version in parallel, it's confusing and likely will cause errors down the line (for example, my copy of android studio might be pointing at this or that SDK, and god knows what other tools might point towards it).
Question: is there a way to 'fill' my flutter dart SDK with the missing tools? Or am i doomed to run 2 version of dart SDK in parallel?
Answering my own question - after much googling, I found a repo maintainer stating that "For now, if you want to do to Dart development and use the Dart terminal commands (like dartfmt, pub, or dart2native), it's recommended that you download and install the Dart SDK. If you'd like you can also add it to path."
This is clearly sub-optimal. In fact just as I expected it seems to have led to a few people having faced issues, comment on if you'd like to see this addressed.

Unity Hololens project missing SDK (that is certainly installed)

I made a stackoveflow account just to post about this since it's been bothering me for 3 days time (tinkering after work so not much time every day). And this is my first post so please be forgiving if I break a few rules :)
My problem is that after I have installed and configured everything and I have followed the official guide I get these errors thrown by VS
I have researched as much as I can and still nothing. Things I have tried:
Reinstalling VS
Reinsatlling and manually installing the Windows 10 SDK
Adding all the sdk folders to the Path Env. Variable
Rebuilding the project
Building a new project
Changing the version of the UWP
Has anyone else had this issue or know a way to fix it? I really want to start developing for MR after doing a ~10 page documentation on why its the most promising technology...

how to fix this installation error on windows

I hit a problem very early on in the official tutorial for using Flutter. Specifically, when I run Flutter Doctor I get this error message:
X Downloaded executables cannot execute on the host.
See for more information
When I follow that link there is nothing there that looks relevant. (It is mostly about LINUX problems)
Can anyone advise me on what I should do?

failed to export application package

When I updated my android sdk it gave me an error that did not let me zip align my tool, then with the sdk manager android sdk tools rev 23 and now it gives me a wayyyy more generic error, "failed to export application package" how do I solve this error? Some people suggested to check for updates, but there were no updates! can somebody tell me what is going on?
Problem solved, I just re-installed eclipse, and used the same workspace, that seemed to work!