Query to search over array elements inside jsonb PSQL - postgresql

I have a JSON node on which I have to write a PSQL query, My table schema name(String),tagValues(jsonb). Example tagValue data is given below
uid | name(String)| tagValues(jsonb)
1 | myName | { "tags": ["xyz","pqr","xyp"]}
I need a query that returns all rows for a search "pq" made on the tagValues of the table
select * from Name_TagsTable where tagValues->tags contains %pq%

You can use LIKE operator along with casting JSONB value to a string type such as
FROM Name_TagsTable
WHERE (tagValues->'tags')::TEXT LIKE '%pq%'

You need to unnest the elements, then you can use it in a WHERE condition that applies a LIKE condition.
select nt.*
from name_tagstable nt
where exists (select *
from jsonb_array_elements_text(tagvalue -> 'tags') as a(tag)
where a.tag like '%pg%');


Select rows in postgres table where an array field contains NULL

Our system uses postgres for its database.
We have queries that can select rows from a database table where an array field in the table contains a specific value, e.g.:
Find which employee manages the employee with ID 123.
staff_managed_ids is a postgres array field containing an array of the employees that THIS employee manages.
This query works as expected:
select *
from employees
where 123=any(staff_managed_ids)
We now need to query where an array field contains a postgres NULL. We tried the following query, but it doesn't work:
select *
from employees
where NULL=any(staff_managed_ids)
We know the staff_managed_ids array field contains NULLs from other queries.
Are we using NULL wrongly?
NULL can not be compared using =. The only operators that work with that are IS NULL and IS NOT NULL.
To check for nulls, you need to unnest the elements:
select e.*
from employees e
where exists (select *
from unnest(e.staff_managed_ids) as x(staff_id)
where x.staff_id is null);
if all your id values are positive, you could write something like this:
select *
from employees
where (-1 < all(staff_managed_ids)) is null;
how this works is that -1 should be less than all values, however comparison with null will make the whole array comparison expression null.

Build jsonb array from jsonb field

I have column options with type jsonb , in format {"names": ["name1", "name2"]} which was created with
UPDATE table1 t1 SET options = (SELECT jsonb_build_object('names', names) FROM table2 t2 WHERE t2.id= t1.id)
and where names have type jsonb array.
SELECT jsonb_typeof(names) FROM table2 give array
Now I want to extract value of names as jsonb array. But query
SELECT jsonb_build_array(options->>'names') FROM table
gave me ["[\"name1\", \"name2\"]"], while I expect ["name1", "name2"]
How can I get value in right format?
The ->> operator will return the value of the field (in your case, a JSON array) as a properly escaped text. What you are looking for is the -> operator instead.
However, note that using the jsonb_build_array on that will return an array containing your original array, which is probably not what you want either; simply using options->'names' should get you what you want.
Actually, you don't need to use jsonb_build_array() function.
Use select options -> 'names' from table; This will fix your issue.
jsonb_build_array() is for generating the array from jsonb object. You are following wrong way. That's why you are getting string like this ["[\"name1\", \"name2\"]"].
Try to execute this sample SQL script:
select j->'names'
from (
select '{"names": ["name1", "name2"]}'::JSONB as j
) as a;

Postgres select rows where ANY in a given array = ANY in column array

In Postgres, I need to select all rows where any value in an array (passed as variable) is equal to any value in the column (that is also an array). This means something like this:
from table
where ANY (value_in_an_array_variable) = ANY (value_in_a_column_array);
If there is no direct way what's the best alternative?
You are looking for the overlaps ("have elements in common") operator:
select *
from some_table
where array_column && array[1,2,3];

Parse jsonb field - PostgreSQL

I have a field that is of type jsonb in a PostgreSQL database.
{"timestamp":"2016-12-14T04:15:04.836Z","receiptResult":{"status":"successful","timestamp":"2016-12-14T04:15:04.739Z","notes":"Customer Accepted"}}
How can I only return the "notes" in a select statement, I've tried:
SELECT data::json->>'notes' as notes
But nothing is returned, if I use:
SELECT data::json->'receiptResult' as notes;
It returns:
{"status":"successful","timestamp":"2016-114T04:15:04.739Z","notes":"Customer Accepted"}
But I only need the text after "notes".
Inside key receiptResult has another JSON object, you cannot access it in top-level. Try this:
WITH sample AS (
SELECT '{"timestamp":"2016-12-14T04:15:04.836Z","receiptResult":{"status":"successful","timestamp":"2016-12-14T04:15:04.739Z","notes":"Customer Accepted"}}'::jsonb AS my_column
SELECT my_column->'receiptResult'->>'notes' FROM sample;
As you can see, -> operator returns value as a JSONB and ->> operator returns as a text.
More info here.

returning negative matches in Postgres

Let us say that I want to find rows that contain a match. For example:
select * from tableName where tableName.colName like '%abc%' limit 5;
This is going to give me rows that contain the substring abc within the column colName in the table tableName. Now, how do I get rows rows where the column colName does not contain the string abc. Is there some sort of a negation operator in Postgres?
Use not like:
select * from tableName where tableName.colName not like '%abc%' limit 5;