"zsh: command not found: $" // can't install anything on terminal - command

zsh: command not found: $
Every time I try to install anything or run anything on my terminal I get this message. I am using a MacBook air m1, macOS Monterey. Does anyone know how to fix?

The last time my commands got crazy I were changed my path and forgot to reassign the old value, thus, my commands did not run. Try:
echo $PATH
Possibly if you have any issue with your PATH variable you can see it.


Flutter command not working after running "flutter upgrade"

I recently tried running flutter upgrade and it seemed to run successfully. But after that the flutter command itself stopped working. Every time I try to run a flutter command it gives this error
'sysctl -n hw.optional.arm64' returned unexpected output: ''
I'm using a MacBook Pro with an Intel i7 processor.
I couldn't find anything on this error online. I also tried doing a git reset and a git pull on the flutter (core) directory. Nothing seems to help.
What could the issue be?
I managed to fix it. For some reason after upgrading flutter the path variable got messed up, at least in my .zshrc file. So I had to go and add the usr/sbin path to the PATH variable. That's where the sysctl program sits and that's why it was giving an error that the output is empty.
Hope this helps someone.

VSCodium terminal error message => error layer=debugger can't find build-id note on binary?

I have VSCodium v1.64.2 and have this error message in my integrated terminal window upon "Run/Start Debugging" command:
2022-02-14T17:14:16-06:00 error layer=debugger can't find build-id note on binary
This error message appears on all my programs inside the terminal window. I'm learning Golang (GO) and am new to the VSCodium (VSCode community) editor. My program runs fine with no errors in my Ubuntu terminal window as well as the integrated terminal in VSCodium.
Is there something I can do to correct the error? It's not interfering with my work, but I was curious. Thanks.
According to the issue of go-delve / delve (
#latestas delve#1.8.2of 2022/02/13), this problem is not addressed, so
install delve manually instead of installing with VS Code extension etc
# Install at tree head:
$ go install github.com/go-delve/delve/cmd/dlv#master
$ git clone https://github.com/go-delve/delve
$ cd delve
$ go install github.com/go-delve/delve/cmd/dlv
According to https://github.com/go-delve/delve/pull/2893, which has been merged, it should now just be a warning. You likely pulled delve before the merge, though, so updating should fix this.

cant open GHCi with ghci command in command prompt

I am about to learn Haskell, (maybe, if I can get the program to work) I am working along with the book,"Learn you a Haskell for great good". I did some DOS in 80's a few weeks of COBAL in the 90's, so absolute noob.
I have loaded chocolatey into powershell in windows 10 as an administrator, that worked, entered choco install haskell-dev haskell-stack. That worked. ran refreshenv, that worked. then rebooted computer, went to command prompt and entered ghci [return] and is says no file found. then tried installing -dev and -stack with --force command, and that worked in case didnt take the first time. went to command prompt ghci nothing. reboot, command prompt then ghci [return] cant find file. ugh. any ideas?
My Haskell notes say a fresh installation goes like this:
Install chocolatey as administrator. There should be no errors returned. Run 'choco' to ensure that the installation worked.
Install stack
choco install haskell-dev
On Windows, the new compiler is stored here: C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\ghc\tools\ghc-8.10.1\bin.
If it does not work as the default compiler, it could be masked by an earlier entry in the path list.
When you run which, PowerShell get-command what does it return? What is your path set to?
If no joy, you could search for an online Haskell REPL. Try this one:
https://replit.com/languages/haskell. You can enter code on the left hand side, and run it, or start the REPL with ghci on the right hand side. It's a bit clunky by comparison to a full IDE, but perhaps enough to get started with.

.zshrc: command not found: jenv

I recently followed the steps to install jENV and Corretto-8. Unfortunately now whenever I open a new terminal I see the following:
Last login: XXXXXXX
/Users/username/.zshrc: command not found: jenv
/Users/username/.zshrc: command not found: jenv
Does anyone know how to fix this? I am truly at a loss.
This problem is likely occurring because jenv has not been added to your PATH before jenv init runs. Look at your .zshrc file and ensure the jenv section looks like this
export PATH="$HOME/.jenv/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(jenv init -)"
Also, be sure that you don't have multiple jenv sections since the installation instructions for Zsh are not re-runnable. If you accidentally ran the instructions for Zsh twice, you will find two jenv sections at the end of your .zshrc file and you should delete one of them.
Today I was running into the same problem. I installed jenv via brew but it showed every time: "command not found".
The solution was, that jenv wasn't linked. So I run the following command and everything worked after that:
brew link jenv
You might have installed it using MacOS brew and did this as well:
$ echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.jenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
$ echo 'eval "$(jenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile
Now, you will have a duplicate command in your bash. Remove those two lines in your bash and you should be good.

Mac Terminal error '-bash: ./js: Permission denied'

I'm learning JavascriptMVC and I'm running the following command in the Terminal, which I got from here:
./js jquery/generate/app cookbook
I'm new to the command line. All of my Googling is coming up with nothing. I imagine I'm missing some kind of configuration or something?
That error likely means that 'js' isn't executable. If it's in the current directory, you can make it executable with chmod +x js.