PowerShell error variable loses the content - powershell

I have a quite big project with many functions in there.
Just 2 questions:
What would be here the "best practice" regarding Error-Handling? To use a local handling per Function, or use only one Error-Logging in the Main-Section?
The tricky part (!), let's have a look at the strange Error behaviour in the function F_XXX: only $_ delivers an error message, $Error[0] is here empty! Strange enough, when I start the function F_XXX separately (cut out from the module), it behaves as expected, it means: $Error[0] gives an error back. The code:
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Function F1
# do something
# 1. cascade Error to Main?
# throw $Error[0].InnerException
# or
# local Error-Logging?
write-MyErrorLogging -message $Error[0].InnerException
Function F2
# do something
# 1. cascade Error to Main?
# throw $Error[0].InnerException
# or
# local Error-Logging?
write-MyErrorLogging -message $Error[0].InnerException
Function F_XXXXXX
write-host "The install data is copied.."
$share = "\\my_wrong_path\sql_sources\"
Copy-Item $share -Destination $installDrive -Force -Recurse
$Error[0] #here is nothing!
$null -eq $Error[0] # here true
$_.Exception # only here the error-message: wrong path!
# here Main
write-MyErrorLogging -message $Error[0].InnerException

Inside a catch block, it's best to avoid $Error[0], given that the error at hand is reliably reflected in the automatic $_ variable.
If you do need access to previous errors via the automatic $Error variable, use $global:Error inside modules - see the bottom section for details.
Unless you need to perform additional actions when an error occurs, you can let a script-terminating (fatal) error (which your $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" statement turns all errors in your code into) bubble up the call stack until it is either caught by a try / catch statement or, in the absence of one, terminates the entire call stack (i.e., the scripts and its callers).
If you do need to perform additional actions, use try / catch, and place the actions inside the catch block (as well as potential cleanup actions in a finally block), followed by re-throwing the error simply by calling throw without an argument.
Thus, you can make do with a single try / catch statement in the top-level scope of your script:
# Turn all errors in this and descendant scopes into
# script-terminating (fatal) ones.
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
# ... other function definitions, without try / catch
# Top-level code that calls the other functions and catches
# any errors.
write-MyErrorLogging -message $_.InnerException
The automatic $Error variable in modules:
Strangely, up to at least PowerShell 7.2.3 (current as of this writing):
Errors occurring in modules - just like ones occurring outside modules - are recorded in the $Error variable that exists in the global scope.
However, a seemingly unused, module-local copy of $Error exists, which shadows the global variable.
The workaround is to use use $global:Error from inside modules.
The behavior suggests a bug, given that the module-local copy is seemingly never touched and serves no apparent purpose.


Powershell return value from function driving me crazy

I know, there are hundreds of pages that address the -in my opinion- strange way that Powershell handles return values from functions, and I must have visited about half of them ;=)
This particular one drives me nuts.
Consider the following:
I'm doing a call to a function with one parameter (call is not done from within another function):
$result = getVMinfo($vm)
The function getVMinfo looks like this :
function getVMinfo {
param (
try {
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_DiskDrive -Computername $vm -ErrorAction Stop
catch {
$ErrorReturn = $_.Exception.Message
if ($ErrorReturn) {
Write-Host "Error =" $ErrorReturn
return $ErrorReturn
Looks simple enough, and other functions do work when returning a value in this way.
Now, if I run the script, The write-Host bit in the catch does show me that $ErrorReturn is filled with a string (tested that with $ErrorReturn.GetType() ).
However, $result in the calling statement is always empty.
I have tried many suggestions, like creating an array, and use the .Add() to add the errorstring to the array, and then return the array. Nothing seems to work.
I am really at a loss here. Don't understand what I am doing wrong.
Please, help me !

Explicit Return in Powershell

I can write the following code in javascript:
function sum(num1, num2) {
return num1 + num2;
and then get a value
var someNum = sum(2,5);
I would like to do the same thing in Powershell, but I read the following guide:
PowerShell also knows the return keyword; however, it follows a
different logic. In general, the purpose of return is to end the
execution of a code section and to give the control back to the parent
If you add a parameter to the return statement, the value will indeed
be returned to the calling subroutine. However, this also applies for
all other statements with an output. This means that any output
produced in the function will be stored in the variable together with
the return parameter.
I want to do this for the sake of having pure functions. However, it seems doing
var someNum = sum(2,5);
is entirely redundant, when I can just call the function above, define someNum inside of it, and it will be available in the global scope.
Am I missing something or is it possible to write pure functions in Powershell that don't return everything inside the function?
A bit tangential, but here is my actual code:
function GetPreviousKeyMD5Hashes() {
$query = "SELECT Name, MD5, executed FROM [AMagicDb].[dbo].cr_Scripts";
$command = New-Object System.Data.SQLClient.SQLCommand;
$command.Connection = $connection;
$command.CommandText = $query;
try {
$reader = $command.ExecuteReader();
while ($reader.Read()) {
$key = $reader.GetString(1)
$previousScripts.Add($key) | Out-Null
Write-Output "$(Get-Date) Finished querying previous scripts"
catch {
$exceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message;
Write-Output "$(Get-Date) Error running SQL at with exception $exceptionMessage"
and then:
$previousScripts = New-Object Collections.Generic.HashSet[string];
This code isn't clear to me at all - running GetPreviousKeyMD5Hashes does set $previousScripts, but this is entirely unclear to whoever modifies this after me. My only other alternative (afaik) is to have all this in line, which also isn't readable.
is entirely redundant, when I can just call the function above, define someNum inside of it, and it will be available in the global scope.
No: functions execute in a child scope (unless you dot-source them with .), so variables created or assigned to inside a function are local to it.
Am I missing something or is it possible to write pure functions in Powershell that don't return everything inside the function?
Yes: The implicit output behavior only applies to statements whose output is neither captured - $var = ... - nor redirected - ... > foo.txt
If there are statements that happen to produce output that you'd like to discard, use $null = ... or ... > $null
Note: ... | Out-Null works in principle too, but will generally perform worse, especially in earlier PowerShell versions - thanks, TheIncorrigible1.
If there are status messages that you'd like to write without their becoming part of the output, use Write-Host or, preferably Write-Verbose or, in PSv5+, Write-Information, though note that the latter two require opt-in for their output to be visible in the console.
Do NOT use Write-Output to write status messages, as it writes to the success output stream, whose purpose is to output data ("return values").
See this answer of mine for more information about PowerShell's output streams.
The equivalent of your JavaScript code is therefore:
function sum($num1, $num2) {
Write-Host "Adding $num1 and $num2..." # print status message to host (console)
$num1 + $num2 # perform the addition and implicitly output result
PS> $someNum = sum 1 2 # NOTE: arguments are whitespace-separated, without (...)
Adding 1 and 2... # Write-Host output was passed through to console
PS> $someNum # $someNum captured the success output stream of sum()
Am I missing something or is it possible to write pure functions in Powershell that don't return everything inside the function?
You can't have your cake and eat it too...
If you have no out put in your function, then it is "pure" like you desire. If you have output, that also becomes part of the return.
You can use [ref] params. See below for example.
function DoStuff([ref]$refObj)
Write-Output "DoStuff: Enter"
$refObj.Value += $(1 + 2)
$refObj.Value += "more strings"
Write-Output "DoStuff: Exit"
$refRet = #()
$allRet = DoStuff([ref]$refRet)
$allRet = DoStuff([ref]$refRet)
Note: Powershell doesn't need semicolons at the end of each statement; only for separating multiple statements on the same line.
Whenever possible, it's a good idea to avoid changing global state within a function. Pass input as parameters, and return the output, so you aren't tied to using the function in only one way. Your sample could look like this:
function sum
return $num1+$num2
$somenum=sum 2 5
Now, with Powershell, the return statement isn't needed. The result of every statement that isn't otherwise assigned, captured, redirected, or otherwise used, is just thrown in with the return value. So we could replace the return statement above with simply
You're already making use of this in your code with:
$previousScripts.Add($key) | Out-Null
where you are discarding the result of .Add(). Otherwise it would be included in the return value.
Personally, I find using return to explicitly mark the return value makes it easier to read. Powershell's way of putting all if the output in the return caused a lot of trouble for me as I was learning.
So, the only fixes to your code I would make are:
Move $previousScripts = New-Object Collections.Generic.HashSet[string] to inside the function, making it local.
Add return $previousScripts to the end of the function.

Handling exceptions when working with classes

What options are available for handling exceptions from class methods?
i.e. with advanced functions we can do this:
function Test-Error {
throw "Error!"
"1. Error's about to happen"
Test-Error -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
"1. Error just happenned (you didn't see it)"
"2. Error's about to happen"
Test-Error -ErrorAction Stop
"2. Error just happened (you saw it; but you won't see this)"
To get the same behaviour when calling a class method, I could do this:
class ErrorTest
TestError(){ throw "Error!" }
[ErrorTest]$e = [ErrorTest]::new()
"1. Error's about to happen"
$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
"1. Error just happened (you didn't see it)"
"2. Error's about to happen"
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
"2. Error just happened (you saw it; but you won't see this)"
However I don't like changing ErrorActionPreference. Is there a better solution / a standard way of dealing with such scenarios?
Per TheIncorrigible1's comment, also tried using this method of throwing exceptions:
function Test-Error {
$badObject = 'whatever object caused the issue'
$actualException = [System.NotSupportedException]::new('I take exception to your use of this function')
$errorRecord = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new($actualException, 'ExampleException1', [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidData, $badObject)

Need example for try-catch-finally where finally is a must

I need an example that use try..catch..finally clause where the finally is NECESSARY vs try..catch clause where finally is optional. The example below only demonstrated that finally is optional because with or without it, it won't make any different to my output.
My Example (note: $ErrorActionPreference is Continue):
try {
$value = 5 / 0
} catch {
Write-Output "illegal operation"
$t = Get-Date
Write-Output ("operation is done at " + "$t")
The reason is I need to know where finally clause become necessary vs just put finally clause no matter what.
A finally clause is just a logical construct saying "this statement or group of statements should always be run at the end of the try block, regardless of whether there was an error or not". It tells people reading the code that there is a logical connection between the code in the try and finally blocks (e.g. opening and closing a database connection). However, beyond that there is no essential difference between
try {
5 / 0
} catch {
'illegal operation'
try {
5 / 0
} catch {
'illegal operation'
} finally {
You can find some discussion of the subject here.
I think the only way it would make a difference is if you return or exit in the try block:
try {
'foo' # <-- displayed
} finally {
'bar' # <-- displayed
'baz' # <-- not displayed
but maybe something like that is just bad design.

Run code on powershell script termination to close files?

I've got a script that's chewing through a lot of objects, and sometimes I want to kill it in the middle of the run because I see something going south. Unfortunately, I'm writing to a log file using System.IO.StreamWriter, and whenever I send a Ctrl-C, my log files are stuck open.
Is there any way I can define some kind of handler or exiting function that allows me to gracefully close filehandles and connections that I have open?
Might try using Try/Catch/Finally, putting your close() commands in the Finally block.
With PowerShell 2.0 and up, you can define a Trap which will fire when a terminating error occurs. You can define multiple traps to capture different exceptions. This could result in much cleaner code than try/catch littered everywhere, or wrapping the entire script in one big try/catch.
To terminate a script, use exit .If an exception is thrown, use try/catch/finally with close() commands in finally. If it's just an if-test, try something like this:
function Close-Script {
#If stream1 is created
if($stream1) {
#Terminate script
$stream1 = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter filename.txt
If(a test that detects your error) {
If the amounts of streamwriters varies from time to time, you can collect them to an array and close them. Ex:
function Close-Script {
#Close streams
$writers | % { $_.Close() }
#Terminate script
$writers = #()
$stream1 = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter filename.txt
$writers += $stream1
$stream2 = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter filename2.txt
$writers += $stream2
If(a test that detects your error) {