Firebase console audience creation - firebase-console

I want to create a very simple audience, yet I can't get my head around it: how do I create an audience including all users who haven't signed in for 30 days?
I currently have an audience including all users, permanently excluding all users who don't have the "sign_up" event. I've set the membership duration to 30 days.
Is this correct?
extra question: audiences only "collect" users from the moment the audience was created. How come that I have 23k users in the Summary?


Check custom audience email list

I am using facebook/php-ads-sdk: 2.5.*
I created new custom audience using SDK.
Then manually added user by emails.
Then I check my custom audience list
And checked Audience History
which seems fine to me
My recent audience history
That shows me Audience is not available
which suggest me that
Audiences must include at least 20 people to be used for ads.
So I added 20 user manually
Still Facebook showing me this list is not available for same reason.
How can I check the list of user?
What did I miss?
When I use graph api explorer it shows me
(#10) You do not have sufficient permissions to perform this action
And by using php sdk I can read only approximate count which is 20 already.
It's likely that the audience does not have more than 20 people in it, as not 100% of your email addresses matched users. Unfortunately you cannot know which ones did and did not match.
You can check the approximate count in the audience by doing:
$audience = new CustomAudience($id);
echo $audience->{CustomAudienceFields::APPROXIMATE_COUNT};

Facebook APIs using checkins as an entry to raffle

I've been exploring ways that it might be possible to promote the business of a friend of mine. One of these ways is by encouraging users to check in to his business, the incentive for this being that they go into the draw to win some kind of prize.
I've been trying to find if the code for this already exists but I might be looking in the wrong places. If it doesn't what would be the best way to do it using the graph APIs.
You can use Facebook app to check-in to your page/business.
All page check-ins can be fetched using following request by your code
If you want to get only specific time period check-ins use since and until params in query.
You have to parse the json response and store in an array and randomly select the winner.
you can contact the winner using their facebook id and send them a message.
You will have to write the code yourself, but it would essentially work like this:
Get the user to allow access to the "Raffle" application and get their email address and permissions to look at their check-ins. Email is required to contact the winner.
Use a scheduled script (cronjob) to periodically check if the user has checked-in anywhere (in particular, the business you want to promote).
Award a raffle ticket for each unique check-in within a 24 hour period.
Hold a draw between all the users who checked in on that day or week and award the prize to someone randomly.
Pretty simple flow, but complex code.

How to stop spam accounts

I have a web site using Facebook Connect where people have a strong incentive to create fake Facebook accounts and login multiple times in order to get more "votes" in my singing competition.
Anyways, I've come up with a strategy to identify these fake accounts and not let them use my site. (Haven't done the programming yet)
If their earliest wall post is more than 30 days old, then validate them.
If they have more than 20 friends, then validate them.
If their first profile picture is more than 30 days old, then validate them.
If their account has been phone verified, then validate them.
Number 4 is the one I'm having trouble with. One post I read says the GRAPH API has a verified field, but suggests that shows if the email has been verified (but not phone). This has proven a tough thing to search for. So I'm still unsure if this is possible.
Any comments on my strategy or help with #4 would be appreciated.
Actually the verified field should be what you are looking for. From the docs:
A user is considered verified if she takes any of the following
Registers for mobile
Confirms her account via SMS
Enters a valid credit card
We use verified and friend count to limit people. We even put those requirements into our legal terms so there's no misunderstanding.

How do I determine my total app users from a specific country?

I want to find out how many app users I have from a specific country. I know insights will show me how many users I have in each of my top twenty countries, but does anyone know how to find out your total number of app users from a country that is not in your application's top twenty?
Your options are basically:
Check the user's current IP with something like GeoIP
... I did some testing with GeoIP in the past, but the results didn't really convince me
Implement analytics code (I'm currently using Google Analytics)
If, and only IF this information is absolutely critical then you should look into the "user_location" and "user_hometown" permissions.
PS: Remember to update your Privacy Policy if you are going to do anything with the user's IP

Get User Count for a Google Apps Domain

How do you get the total number of users in a Google Apps Domain? I'm aware of the "Retrieve All Users in Domain" call using the Google Provisioning API, but I'd rather not execute such an intensive call just to count up all the users. Is there a simpler way to do this?
I found a solution that isn't as resource-heavy as retrieving all users: The Google Reporting API can be used to get the total number of accounts in a Google Apps domain.
The Google Apps Admin Settings API allows you to retrieve both the current and maximum number of users in the domain:
this would be preferable to the reports API as it's both lower in traffic and it's closer to real time (reports are only updated every 24 hours so it won't take into account users recently added).
You could try "Retrieve All Nicknames in Domain" which could save some bandwidth as it hopefully really only retrieves the nicknames, although I think this won't get you the exact count because "Retrieve All Nicknames for a User" seems to imply that a user can have multiple nicknames.
If you've got some test domain, also assure that retrieving all users really is too much overhead and keep in mind that depending on what you want to do, you can perhaps build some kind of cache around it that only does a full request after the cache is older than X.