Context: I am building a map where train lines are displayed as polylines:
What I want to achieve is that on the left, where the two lanes are merging, only one polyline is displayed, and potentially with changing colours depending on the number of polylines.
Is there a way to do that beyond splitting the 2 polylines in 3 with one different poly where there are 2 ?
I am building a map and want to use the leaflet markercluster plugin to cluster any markers that intersect visibly (the icons overlap each other). I can't seem to figure out a way to check whether the markers icons intersect though.
I've examined the documentation and the Marker objects. The marker object has no "bounds" object and has no function to return the bounds of the icon.
Yes, it's possible.
This is implemented in some Leaflet plugins, like Leaflet.LayerGroup.Collision - the technique involves fetching the computed style of each icon's HTML element to get the actual size in CSS pixels, offset those numbers by the relative pixel position of the marker's LatLng, and using a rtree data structure to speed up the calculation of the overlaps. Do have a look at the complete source for LayerGroup.Collision plugin.
Note that this technique only takes into account the rectangular bounding boxes of the icons; while it would be possible to check for the individual transparent pixels, that would involve more complex data structures and a different technique to fetch the opacity of each pixel.
I'm trying to create custom markers, but add 2 map layers.
Essentially trying to combine this:
With this:
How do I specify my customized markers, but assign them to 2 layers?
Markers don't exist within the map's Style, so they don't live within Layers either. They sit on top of the map, effectively within a single "layer" (but not actually a Layer).
So if you're trying to find a way to hide or show groups of markers in a single action, you'll have to find another way to do that.
Alternatively, if you really want your markers within Layers, you should create Symbol Layers with icons, not markers.
When I generate filled map by zip code, I get these tiny dots. Besides cranking the opacity to 100% to mask them, is there a way to remove them from and only have a filled map?
It turns out the dots are caused by one of two scenarios:
1. Some zip code are too small and its only plotted as a location instead of a shaded region
2. Some buildings are large enough to have their own zip codes
The only way to remove the dots is to remove (filter) those entries.
I am using Mapbox to build a multiple choropleth map.
Something along the lines of this example,
I am using countries instead of US states however.
I've got the map working and I can switch between layers
I have an extra requirement however to add a marker in each country that displays how many projects are active in that country.
I found out how I can add custom markers to the map with this example,
The problem is I need to put a marker in the center of each country.
Does anybody know a way to put a marker in the middle of each country?
I tried to use the natural earth admin 0 label points data but that has multiple points per country. It looked like the 'scalerank=0' points were the middle of the countries but if I filter on these points, I still get multiple points for some countries (russia has 4 for instance, but Belgium has 4 as well).
If you plot all scalerank 0 points on a map you get the following result:
Does anybody know about a dataset that has one point per country or another way to put a marker in the center of each country with mapbox?
It seems it's hard to find a list of country points for the placing of markers.
So I took the mentioned admin labal 0 points and tried to sanitize it to have only one appropiate marker per country.
The result can be downloaded here in GEOJSON format:
If you want to have a visual representation of the points take a look at this map:
I needed this points for a proof of concept project so I haven't checked all markers meticulously, I also haven't taken account some of the more political sensitive country borders.
If you have a project in which this is of importance please check the file before using, but the points in this file can be easily edited to your own preferences.
How can I deal with overlapping lines in the Leaflet map library?
I download geoJSON from the server sid and draw it right onto the map. If there are two identical entries, Leaflet draws them twice. This could be fixed by finding exact duplicated on the server side.
That however doesn't work for different datasets sharing some of the same space. As a result parts of both are drawn onto the same spot.
It appears that the lines are being rendered with the default Leaflet Polyline opacity of 0.5. If you were instantiating the Polylines yourself in code, you could override the opacity to make the lines opaque in this manner:
var myPolyLine = new L.Polyline( myPoints, { opacity: 1 } );
The line that would appear on top would then be the line that you added to the map last (one or the other is going to be on top, unless you make them both opaque and the same color). But this may be moot if you are loading in geoJSON directly and don't have control over how Leaflet renders it.