Adcolony count number of video viewed - adcolony

Adcolony have a mechanism to track views on a my server?
Currently, I want to count views per user when user watch a video from Adcolony and this point is stored on my server. Does Adcolony have a way to handle this, I don't want the client to call the api because it can be cheated by the user.
I have read the docs but haven't found a solution yet :(


Notification from Facebook for App - This account has enhanced targeting data set to off

I recently created an app on to learn OAuth using OpenFB. I got it working but from yesterday I've been getting a notification message written below in my facebook app account - to be frank I don't understand what they are trying to say. Can anyone please shed some light?
This account has enhanced targeting data set to off. We are removing the opt out setting, effective October 15. Note that data received through the use of our pixel and mobile app events has not been used for targeting to date, and we do not have plans to do so beyond small-scale tests. If we start using this data to improve ad targeting, we will ensure that this data makes up only a small percentage of the inputs into each targeting segment. You can also remove the Facebook pixel, app events and Social Plugins from your websites and apps before the effective date.
In essence, Facebook can collect data about what a user does on your app/site to build a more dynamic profile of that individual, and target them better.
This article does a good job of explaining what it is - note: the article is from when the advanced targeting data collection first started to roll out.

How to fetch data from website within the app?

I am developing an app for Lawyers to be used here in Brazil and one of the features of this app is to track the phase of the lawsuit as it develops through time.
It works like this: the user fill a form within the app with the info on the lawsuit and it is stored in a database. Whenever the user wants to know if the lawsuit has any new record, he'll push a button and will get the records ordered by date.
The website that the app will fetch is the problem is that I donĀ“t know how to code in order to get the app access that site, input the lawsuit number and get the reply displayed on an UIWebView.
So could anyone help me, or just give me a guide on where to find a solution for this?
You will need to asynchronously go to server(via that url) and parse data, then show the responses in UIWebView. But as far as i know you will need a PUSH Server and clerify which data you will show from that site.. This is a great source to get started with app development, you can find video lectures in i-Tunes too
I'm not sure what you really want to do, but one scenario could be that you build a URL, like
and load it in an UIWebView or if there is a webservice there you should use a lib like ASIHTTPRequest to manage your API calls.

iPhone HTML5 website on homescreen with jQuerymobile offline splash page?

How do I go about loading a splash to the user if they are offline? I want it to show after the initial loading image, I have a page called gone-offline.jsp but how to detect if user is offline on mobileinit?
I'm not using phone-gap
You need to decide what offline means to your business scnenario. This may sounds silly, but it depends on what your app wants to do. For example:
Does your app want to go offline when it is actually offline and can't reach other websites, or does it want be in offline status when it can't access your webservice.
Assuming you want to test that there is no connection to your webservice I would recommend the following:
1) Make an ajax call every x number of minutes to your webservice to check if it is still online
2) make a common method that handles time outs if your application thinks its online and is offline.
3) make it so that when your application is offline, it is trying to get back online in the background by doing a similar step to step 1.
To do ajax with JQuery see:
Note that if you require cross domain json (you may or may not) then you will need to investigate CORS/JSON-P/XSS with iframes.
it's very simple using javascript.
//online code here
//offline code here
(done with jQ mobile)

Hosting password protected videos for my iphone app

I am building a paid iphone application which
- shows some premium content videos to the user.
- app loads a page from my webserver in UIWebView
- but the videos are hosted at some other video hosting site.
I realize that, in order for me to be keep this app paid, I need to keep the video links protected/secure (else if the urls are leaked, no one is going to want to pay for it).
I can easily password protect the webpage (pointing to the actual video) and make the user name and password available to the iphone app to access this webpage. But when the user selects the video link, the app will load that url. If user sniffed the packets on the iphone at this time, they could get access to the url and just run it from there directly.
I dont believe mod_sec_download or mod_xsendfile can work in this scenario because the video link is external. Right?
Is Amazon S3 a possible solution?
Would appreciate any insight/solution.
Don't point directly to a video file. That'll make it trivial to steal. instead, point at a proxy script that can check the source of the request and verify that it's coming from a registered purchaser.
With appropriate one-time tokens, tracking of usage, etc... you can keep most people from sucking your site dry. And of course, the best practice is to embed a watermark into the video as it plays, so that even if it gets stolen, you can track it back to the first person to release it.
You might want to take a look at the OWASP Top 10 and in particular, number 8 about failure to restrict URL access. This is effectively your scenario: you have resources which need to be secured at the server level. You can't just do this from the device end, the location of resources requested by the device is easily discoverable.
So it comes down to access controls on the resources, in this case, your videos. How you do this will depend in part on your server stack. For example, IIS7 has an integrated pipeline which can apply access controls to resources of any type such as PDFs, images and videos (more on this in OWASP Top 10 for .NET developers part 8: Failure to Restrict URL Access). Alternatively, you'll need some form of application proxy which can take responsibility for the authentication then delivery of the video content.
This is really more of a webserver issue than an iPhone issue. Focus on getting the access controls right on the server then the iPhone end will be a much more straight forward process.

iphone + facebook, Data Store API

I'm doing a game that will connect to facebook
once conected the game uploads your score and shows you a table with the score of your friends.
I try to create an object to store data, but i couldn't do it.
then I read this on the Data Store API documentation:
Except for the User Preference API methods, all Data Store API methods have been disabled for desktop applications.
Is my game an desktop application?
if not, how can i do for store the points of the players in the facebook application?
I'm so sorry for mi english, I speak spanish.
If you want to store your game data, you have to create your own database and a webservice to connect your clients with that database. There's no way around it. But there're several helpful question on that topic on stackoverflow.
An alternative be would using online services like
Good Luck!