How to upgrade AG Grid 25.3.0 to latest version? - upgrade

How can I upgrade to AG-GRID latest version?
I'm using AG Grid Enterprise Multiple Applications, and the version is '25.3.0'
I couldn't find some documents about the upgrade.


Primevue upgrade from 2 to 3 versions

I am using Vue 2 with composition api at the moment with Primevue2. I want to do Vue3 upgrade to my application and I want to upgrade Primevue version to 3 from 2 along with Vue upgrade. I have been noticing there are different class names for responsiveness in the latest Primevue release. Is there any commands or tools that I can update those changes with Primevue upgrade? Appreciate if anyone could help on this

Do I need to upgrade my ag-grid to newer version if there's any version upgrade for angular?

If I upgrade the angular version of my project to the latest one, do I need to upgrade my ag-grid version also to the latest one to make it work? Or, my ag-grid will work without any change?
Generally, an old version will work without change.
I'm currently using version 20.2.0 with Angular 8 (the current ag-grid version is 23.1.0).
I'm not sure what will happen if you try to use an older version with Angular 9, using the Ivy Renderer. I expect that it will work ok, but I haven't tried it yet.

Upgrade to another version

Can I upgrade my SuiteCRM instance to any version or I must respect the order of upgrades, for example to upgrade from 7.4.3 to 7.7.9
Do I have to upgrade first from 7.4.3 to 7.6.10 then from 7.6.10 to 7.7.9 or I can upgrade directly from 7.4.3 to 7.7.9 ?
Thank you very much.
The SuiteCRM Downloads page has a list of upgrade version options, currently this lists:
If your on a version previous to any of those listed, you will need to upgrade to one of the previous upgrade packs also listed, then upgrade from there to current.
So for example you want to go from 7.2 to 7.8.3, you will need follow the following upgrade process:

Grafana - How to upgrade

I use grafana 2.1 and created multiple dashboards, templates etc.
I would like to upgrade to grafana 2.6. Is there any way to upgrade to 2.6 without affecting the existing dashboards?
There are no breaking changes between 2.1 and 2.6. In theory upgrading should be a simple matter of installing the new packages. I personally have upgraded from 2.1.3 to 2.5 to 2.6 with no issues.
For windows version, I just had to copy the data/grafana.db and the data/plugins directory from the old installation to the new installation directory. Just make sure the newer version does not have any breaking changes.
You can upgrade Grafana to higher versions for better features and also import your previous dashboard to the new version without any problem by using Import/Export feature.

How do i upgrade osCommerce v2.2 to v2.3.1?

How do i upgrade osCommerce v2.2 to v2.3.1? Is there a upgrade script available for that?
Do I have to upgrade it to v2.3.0 before upgrading to v2.3.1?
Download and unzip the latest version of osCommerce v2.3.1. Inside the folder you will find an upgrade_guide.pdf - open it. On the very first page, it tells you how to go about upgrading.
On page 2 you'll see a reddish shaded box and it says the following:
This upgrade guide only provides the minimum required changes in the form of security updates and bug fixes. These changes will not upgrade your store to a complete v2.3 version. Please continue to use v2.2 add-ons and do not install v2.3 optimized add-ons as the may not function with your installation. If you wish to upgrade to a full v2.3 version, perform only (SQL) Database Changes and use the database with a new v2.3 installation.