Adding mongodb as target db postgress bucardo - mongodb

i'm trying to set up bucardo postgres mongo replication but an facing error below when adding target db.
bucardo add db mongot dbname=mongo type=mongo host=XXX.XXX.XX.XX
Connection to "datasubmission" (MongoDB) failed. You may force add it with the --force argument. Error was: Can't locate object method "new" via package "MongoDB::Connection" (perhaps you forgot to load "MongoDB::Connection"?) at /usr/local/bin/bucardo line 1914.
how can I go about it?


Is there any way to skip error while restoring database using mongorestore?

I'm trying to restore mongo database of about 2.6TB using mongorestore tool on Mongodb 6.0. The process fails at 73.1% with error
fs.chunks.bson: mongorestore cannot transform type bson.raw to a bson document. invalid key found. remaining bytes=[].
I would like to know if there is a way to skip this error or if there is any way to resolve the issue.
I tried to restore with different mongorestore flags obtained from internet and mongodb manual with no success. I even upgraded the mongoDb while trying to resolve this issues.

Can't add prisma to Existing database

I am connecting my existing database to Prisma. I am followed the documentation ( But the baseline step is throwing an error that is given below,
the command I tried is "npx prisma migrate resolve --applied 0_init". Anybody have the same issue?

You have specified a database that is not empty, please specify an empty database

I'm trying to connect to an RDS cluster in AWS that's an Aurora PostgreSQL database. It's a brand-new database that I created along with the instances that I have Jira deployed to. However, when I try to connect to the instance from the Jira configuration screen I get this error
You have specified a database that is not empty, please specify an empty database.
I haven't touched this database at all, why is it giving me this error? I have one read and one write database in my cluster and the "hostname" is the endpoint for my write database, which is what the docs say. Could this be an issue with the Jira version I'm using?
This is the download link I'm using in my user-data script to install Jira. I'm also using PostgreSQL version 12.11
I switched to a different PostgreSQL version and now it's working.
PostgreSQL version 12.11 was giving me the error and switching to version 13.7 works as expected.

DB2: FAILED: CDIPR2123I: Ensure that the database xmeta is empty

I am installing InfoSphere V1171 on Linux RHEL 7.
When I am trying to install InfoSphere but in the validation step I get the error:
FAILED: CDIPR2123I: Ensure that the database xmeta is empty
I have tried to drop the table using the below command and recreate the DB but the error reappears:
db2 drop database xmeta
How can I clear the DB?

How can we clean old DB postgres data from heroku?

I have an posgresql database in heroku and I am doing playframework migrations.
I've reseted this database using heroku pg:reset DATABASE and also dropped all tables and evolutions. However, when I delete all my files from /conf/evolutions/defaults and try to set everything again, some old data persists, giving messages like
ERROR: column "step_description" of relation "step" already exists [ERROR:0, SQLSTATE:42701]