The function contour has different outputs in Scilab than in MATLAB? - matlab

I'm trying to convert this Matlab code to Scilab, but I have some problems.
clear all; clc;
c0 = 0.8;
c1 = 1.3;
c11 = -6.1;
c12 = -0.6;
c2 = 1.7;
c22 = -1.7;
g = 0.05;
d = 0.01;
x1 = -9;
x2 = 8;
k = 1;
kmax = 100;
x1trace = [x1];
x2trace = [x2];
i = 2;
while k < kmax
gr1 = c1 + c12*x2 + 2*c11*x1;
x1 = x1 + g*gr1
x1trace(i) = x1;
x2trace(i) = x2;
i = i + 1;
gr2 = c2 + c12*x1 + 2*c22*x2;
x2 = x2 + g*gr2
x1trace(i) = x1;
x2trace(i) = x2;
i = i + 1;
if sqrt(gr1^2 + gr2^2) <= d;
k = k + 1;
x = -10:0.1:10;
y = -10:0.1:10;
[X, Y] = meshgrid(x, y);
Z = c0 + c1*X + c2*Y + c12*X.*Y + c11*X.^2 + c22*Y.^2;
[C, h] = contour(X, Y, Z);
clabel(C, h);
hold on;
plot(x1trace, x2trace, '-');
text(x1trace(1) + 0.2, x2trace(1) + 0.5, 'M0');
text(x1 + 2, x2, ...
strvcat(['x1 = ' (num2str(x1))], ...
['x2 = ' (num2str(x2))], ...
['k = ' (num2str(k))]));
hold off;
I get an error for this line:
[C, h] = contour(X, Y, Z);
Wrong number of output arguments.
What should I change to fix it? Are there also any other errors in the code ?

You should have roughly the samed rendering with the following Scilab code. Scilab's contour needs (in the 4th argument) the number of level curves or the values themselves. In addition, you should use ndgrid instead of meshgrid:
clear clc;
c0 = 0.8;
c1 = 1.3;
c11 = -6.1;
c12 = -0.6;
c2 = 1.7;
c22 = -1.7;
g = 0.05;
d = 0.01;
x1 = -9;
x2 = 8;
k = 1;
kmax = 100;
x1trace = [x1];
x2trace = [x2];
i = 2;
while k < kmax
gr1 = c1 + c12*x2 + 2*c11*x1;
x1 = x1 + g*gr1
x1trace(i) = x1;
x2trace(i) = x2;
i = i + 1;
gr2 = c2 + c12*x1 + 2*c22*x2;
x2 = x2 + g*gr2
x1trace(i) = x1;
x2trace(i) = x2;
i = i + 1;
if sqrt(gr1^2 + gr2^2) <= d;
k = k + 1;
x = -10:0.1:10;
y = -10:0.1:10;
[X, Y] = ndgrid(x, y);
Z = c0 + c1*X + c2*Y + c12*X.*Y + c11*X.^2 + c22*Y.^2;
contour(x, y, Z,0:-100:-700);
plot(x1trace, x2trace, '-');
xstring(x1trace(1) + 0.2, x2trace(1) + 0.5, 'M0');
xstring(x1 + 2, x2, ...
['x1 = '+string(x1)
'x2 = '+string(x2)
'k = '+string(k)]);


the script works normally for few data but if it accepts a matrix with a lot of data it takes too long time

That script(matlab) works normally and fast for few data but if it accepts a matrix with a lot of data it takes too long time >1hr it run with no error but very very slow. What is the reason and what i can do for that (what are the main factors that make a program slow)
clear;clc;close all;
pref=input('Please enter file prefix: ','s');
fn=[pref '.mhk'];
error = false;
t = fgetl(fr);
XTH = [];
Yed = [];
while ~feof(fr)
t = fgetl(fr);
if ~error
k = k + 1;
XTH(k) = temp(1);
Yed(k) = temp(2);
x = [XTH(1)];
y = [Yed(1)];
XTH=[x XTH];
Yed = transpose([y Yed]);
n = length(XTH);
l = 0;
k = 0;
Vmin = 100000000;
for u1 = 1:XTH(end)
l = l + 1;
if ismember(u1,XTH)==1
u1 = u1 + 0.1;
if u1>=XTH(1)+1 && u1< XTH(end)-1
for u2 = u1:XTH(end)
k = k + 1;
if u2 == u1
u2 = u2 + 1;
if ismember(u2,XTH)
u2 = u2 + 1;
XTH = [(XTH) u1 u2];
XTH = sort(XTH);
num1 = find(XTH==u1);
num2 = find(XTH==u2);
XTH = XTH(XTH~=u1);
XTH = XTH(XTH~=u2);
a11 = XTH(1:num1);
a12 = repelem(u1,length(XTH)-num1);
a1 = transpose([a11, a12]);
a2 = ones(n,1);
a31 = transpose(zeros(num1,1));
a32 = XTH(num1+1:num2-1)-u1;
a33 = repelem(u2-u1,length(XTH(num2:end)));
a3 = transpose([a31 a32 a33]);
a41 = transpose(zeros(num2-1,1));
a42 = XTH(num2:end)-u2;
a4 = transpose([a41 a42]);
A = [a1 a2 a3 a4];
AtA = transpose(A)*A;
B = Yed;
AtB = transpose(A)*B;
if det(AtA)==0
if det(AtA)<1e-3
solution = linsolve(AtA, AtB);
alpha1 = solution(1,1);
beta1 = solution(2,1);
alpha2 = solution(3,1);
alpha3 = solution(4,1);
beta2 = (alpha1*u1) + beta1 - (alpha2*u1);
beta3 = (alpha1*u1) + beta1 + alpha2*(u2-u1) - (alpha3*u2);
dy1 = 0;
dy2 = 0;
dy3 = 0;
Dx = XTH(end)-XTH(1);
width = 10;
for j = 1:num1
dy1 = dy1 + abs((Yed(j)-(alpha1*XTH(j)+beta1)));
for j = num1:num2-1
dy2 = dy2 + abs((Yed(j) - (alpha2*XTH(j)+beta2)));
for j = num2:n
dy3 = dy3 + abs((Yed(j) - (alpha2*XTH(j)+beta2)));
V(l+k) = Dx*width*(1/length(Yed))*(dy1+dy2+dy3);
if V(l+k) < Vmin && V(l+k)~=0
aa1 = alpha1;
aa2 = alpha2;
aa3 = alpha3;
bb1 = beta1;
bb2 = beta2;
bb3 = beta3;
U1 = u1;
U2 = u2;
Vmin = V(l+k);
plot(transpose(XTH), Yed, 'k')
% ax = gca;
% ax.XLim = [XTH(1) XTH(end)];
hold on;
grid on;
x11 = XTH(1);
x21 = U1;
y11 = aa1*x11 + bb1;
y21 = aa1*x21 + bb1;
plot([x11,x21],[y11,y21], 'r')
x21 = U1;
x22 = U2;
y21 = aa2*x21 + bb2;
y22 = aa2*x22 + bb2;
plot([x21,x22],[y21,y22], 'r')
x31 = U2;
x32 = XTH(end);
y31 = aa3*x31 + bb3;
y32 = aa3*x32 + bb3;
plot([x31,x32],[y31,y32], 'r')
%line(U1,aa1*U1 + bb1)
disp('Line equation 1:')
line1 = ['y = ', num2str(aa1),'*x + ',num2str(bb1)];
disp('Line equation 2:')
line2 = ['y = ', num2str(aa2),'*x + ',num2str(bb2)];
line3 = ['y = ', num2str(aa3),'*x + ',num2str(bb3)];
vol = [num2str(Vmin),' m^3'];
disp('Minimum volume achieved:')

Confusion in MATLAB filter roll off

I have the following code in matlab:
L = 10000;
Power = -100;
A = 10^0.5;
Fs = 25e6;
fc1 = 100;
fc2 = 1e3;
fc3 = 10e3;
fc4 = 100e3;
fc5 = 1e6;
a1 = 2*pi*fc1/Fs;
a2 = 2*pi*fc2/Fs;
a3 = 2*pi*fc3/Fs;
a4 = 2*pi*fc4/Fs;
a5 = 2*pi*fc5/Fs;
x = wgn(1,L,Power);
y1 = zeros(1,L);
y2 = zeros(1,L);
y3 = zeros(1,L);
y4 = zeros(1,L);
y5 = zeros(1,L);
y = zeros(1,L);
for i = 2:L,
y1(i) = (1-a1)*y1(i-1) + a1*x(i);
y2(i) = (1-a2)*y2(i-1) + a2*x(i)/A;
y3(i) = (1-a2)*y3(i-1) + a3*x(i)/A^2;
y4(i) = (1-a2)*y4(i-1) + a4*x(i)/A^3;
y5(i) = (1-a2)*y5(i-1) + a5*x(i)/A^4;
y(i) = y1(i) + y2(i) + y3(i) + y4(i) + y5(i);
fft1 = fft(y);
fft1 = fft1(1:length(y)/2+1);
psd1 = (1/(Fs*length(y)))*abs(fft1).^2;
psd1(2:end-1) = 2*psd1(2:end-1);
freq = 0:Fs/length(y):Fs/2;
grid on
Ts = 40e-9;
z = tf('z',Ts);
H1 = a1/(1-(1-a1)*z^-1);
H2 = (a2/A)/(1-(1-a2)*z^-1);
H3 = (a3/A^2)/(1-(1-a3)*z^-1);
H4 = (a4/A^3)/(1-(1-a4)*z^-1);
H5 = (a5/A^4)/(1-(1-a5)*z^-1);
H = (H1 + H2 + H3 + H4 + H5);
The intent of this code is to model flicker noise, which has 10dB/dec of slope in its power spectral density.
To model that there is a filter whose output is y(i) and input x(i) which is white guassian noise in this case. In the bode plot of the filter (labelled as figure 5) I can see that it has 10dB/dec of roll-off as I intended.
But when I check the output noise (y(i) in this case) power spectral density (labelled as figure 3) I am seeing 20dB/dec of roll-off.
Could someone please explain what I did wrong and why I am not able to get the 10dB roll-off in power spectral density?
Your bode plot uses a transfer function which is the sum of 5 similar subfilters, each using a coefficient ai. In your implementation, you should similarly have 5 subfilters with a regular structure. Howerver, while copying each line you have left some of the coefficients for y3, y4 and y5 to use a2. You should get your expected result by simply substituting the respective a3, a4 and a5 like so:
for i = 2:L,
y1(i) = (1-a1)*y1(i-1) + a1*x(i);
y2(i) = (1-a2)*y2(i-1) + a2*x(i)/A;
y3(i) = (1-a3)*y3(i-1) + a3*x(i)/A^2;
y4(i) = (1-a4)*y4(i-1) + a4*x(i)/A^3;
y5(i) = (1-a5)*y5(i-1) + a5*x(i)/A^4;
y(i) = y1(i) + y2(i) + y3(i) + y4(i) + y5(i);

Plot of two variables varied simultaneously, on x-axis

My following code generates a graph with a looping variable for the x-axis. Specifically, eta_22 varies from 0 to 1, with loop iteration size of 0.01.
The code below the line is the source function file.
My question is: How can I generate a graph with eta_1 varying from 0 to 1, with loop iteration size of 0.01 as well? (I want a plot of AA on the y-axis, and eta_1, eta_2 varying from 0 to 1.)
My attempts: I have tried to create nested "for" loops, but the plot itself is looping. I have tried to put the plot line outside of the "for" loops as well, but that did not work.
Thanks for any help.
global Lambda mu mu_A mu_T beta tau eta_1 eta_2 lambda_T rho_1 rho_2 gamma
alpha = 100;
TIME = 365;
eta_22 = zeros(1,alpha);
AA = zeros(1,alpha);
for m = 1:1:alpha
eta_2 = m./alpha;
eta_22(m) = m./alpha;
Lambda = 531062;
mu = (1/70)/365;
mu_A = 0.25/365;
mu_T = 0.2/365;
beta = 0.187/365;
tau = 4/365;
lambda_T = 0.1;
rho_1 = 1/60;
rho_2 = (rho_1)./(270.*rho_1-1);
gamma = 1e-3;
eta_1 = 0;
S0 = 191564208;
T0 = 131533276;
H0 = 2405659;
C0 = 1805024;
C10 = 1000000;
C20 = 1000000;
CT10 = 500000;
CT20 = 500000;
y0 = [S0, T0, H0, C0, C10, C20, CT10, CT20];
[t,y] = ode45('SimplifiedEqns',[0:1:TIME],y0);
S = y(:,1);
T = y(:,2);
H = y(:,3);
C = y(:,4);
C1 = y(:,5);
C2 = y(:,6);
CT1 = y(:,7);
CT2 = y(:,8);
N = S + T + H + C + C1 + C2 + CT1 + CT2;
AA(m) = HIVinf;
function ydot = SimplifiedEqns(t,y)
global Lambda mu mu_A mu_T beta tau eta_1 eta_2 lambda_T rho_1 rho_2 gamma
S = y(1);
T = y(2);
H = y(3);
C = y(4);
C1 = y(5);
C2 = y(6);
CT1 = y(7);
CT2 = y(8);
N = S + T + H + C + C1 + C2 + CT1 + CT2;
ydot = zeros(8,1);
The simplest way:
lsize=length(eta_1) % I assume eta_1 and eta_2 are of the same size
for i=1:lsize
%Update your AA(i) here

Interpolating data between two known functions matlab

I have two lines y1 = -a1*x1 + c1 for theta =30 and y1 = -a2*x1 + c2 for theta = 45
is it possible to interpolate a equation for y1 for theta between 30 and 45 in matlab ? The lines are almost parallel to each other. Anyone has an easy way of doing this?
You can interpolate the coeff a and c:
w = (theta - 30) / (45 - 30 ); % w = 0 for theta = 30 and w = 1 for theta = 45
aTheta = a2 * w + a1 * ( 1 - w );
cTheat = c2 * w + c1 * ( 1 - w );
yTheta = -aTheta * x + cTheta * y;
x = 1:10;
a30 = 1;
a45 = 1.1;
c30 = 0;
c45 = 3;
y30 = -a1*x + c1;
y45 = -a2*x + c2;
Now to find y40 we can just interpolate the curve parameters (i.e. slope (a) and offset (c))
a40 = interp1([30,45], [a30, a45], 40);
c40 = interp1([30,45], [c30, c45], 40);
And now our interpolated y40 is
y40 = -a40*x + c40;

Integral Calculation

I would like to perform what follows:
The parameters shown in the latter figure can be obtained as follows:
%% Inizialization
time = 614.4; % Analysis Time
Uhub = 11;
HubHt = 90;
alpha = 0.14;
TI = 'A'; % Turbulent Intensity (A,B,C as in the IEC or Specific value)
N1 = 4096;
N2 = 32;
N3 = 32;
N = N1*N2*N3; % Total Number of Point
t = 0:(time/(N1-1)):time; % Sampled Time Vector
L1 = Uhub*time; % Box length along X
L2 = 150; % Box length along Y
L3 = 220; % Box length along Z
dx = L1/N1; % Grid Resolution along X-axis
dy = L2/N2; % Grid Resolution along Y-axis
dz = L3/N3; % Grid Resolution along Z-axis
V = L1*L2*L3; % Analysis Box Volume
gamma = 3.9; % Turbulent Eddies Distorsion Factor
c = 1.476;
b = 5.6;
if HubHt < 60
lambda1 = 0.7*HubHt;
lambda1 = 42;
L = 0.8*lambda1;
if isequal(TI,'A')
Iref = 0.16;
sigma1 = Iref*(0.75*Uhub + b);
elseif isequal(TI,'B')
Iref = 0.14;
sigma1 = Iref*(0.75*Uhub + b);
elseif isequal(TI,'C')
Iref = 0.12;
sigma1 = Iref*(0.75*Uhub + b);
sigma1 = str2num(TI)*Uhub/100;
sigma_iso = 0.55*sigma1;
sigma2 = 0.7*sigma1;
sigma3 = 0.5*sigma1;
%% Wave number vectors
ik1 = cat(2,(-N1/2:-1/2),(1/2:N1/2));
ik2 = -N2/2:N2/2-1;
ik3 = -N3/2:N3/2-1;
[x y z] = ndgrid(ik1,ik2,ik3);
k1 = reshape((2*pi*L/L1)*x,N1*N2*N3,1);
k2 = reshape((2*pi*L/L2)*y,N1*N2*N3,1);
k3 = reshape((2*pi*L/L3)*z,N1*N2*N3,1);
k = sqrt(k1.^2 + k2.^2 + k3.^2);
%% Calculation of beta by means of the Energy Spectrum Integration
E = #(k) (1.453*k.^4)./((1 + k.^2).^(17/6));
%//Independent integration on segments
Local_int = arrayfun(#(i)quad(E,i-1,i), 2:(N1*N2*N3));
%//integral additivity + cumulative removal of queues
E_int = 1.5 - [0 fliplr(cumsum(fliplr(Local_int)))]; %//To remove queues
E_int = reshape(E_int,N,1);
S = k.*sqrt(E_int);
beta = (c*gamma)./S;
%% Help Parameters
k30 = k3 + beta.*k1;
k0 = sqrt(k1.^2 + k2.^2 + k30.^2);
C1 = (beta.*k1.^2.*(k1.^2 + k2.^2 - k3.*k30))./(k.^2.*(k1.^2 + k2.^2));
C2 = (k2.*k0.^2./((k1.^2 + k2.^2).^(3/2))).*atan2((beta.*k1.*sqrt(k1.^2 + k2.^2)),(k0.^2 - k30.*k1.*beta));
xhsi1 = C1 - (k2./k1).*C2;
xhsi2 = (k2./k1).*C1 + C2;
E_k0 = (1.453*k0.^4)./((1 + k0.^2).^(17/6));
For instance, typing in
phi_33 = #(k2,k3) (E_k0./(4*pi.*k.^4)).*((k1.^2 + k2.^2));
F_33 = arrayfun(#(i) dblquad(phi_33,k3(i),k3(i+1),k2(i),k2(i+1)), 1:((N1*N2*N3)-1));
Matlab retrieves the following error msg:
Error using +
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in #(k2,k3)(E_k0./(4*pi.*k.^4)).*((k1.^2+k2.^2))
Do you have a clue how to overcome this issue?
I really look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
The error is easily explained:
First you define E_k0 then you try to call Ek0.
phi_11 = #(k1,k2,k3) (E_k0./4*pi.*kabs.^4).*(k0abs.^2 - k1.^2 - 2*k1.*k03.*xhsi1 + (k1.^2 + k2.^2).*xhsi1.^2);
I solved it this way:
Code a function for each of the PHI elements, such as (for PHI11)
function phi_11 = phi_11_new(k1,k2,k3,beta,i)
k = sqrt(k1(i).^2 + k2.^2 + k3.^2);
k30 = k3 + beta(i).*k1(i);
k0 = sqrt(k1(i).^2 + k2.^2 + k30.^2);
E_k0 = 1.453.*k0.^4./((1 + k0.^2).^(17/6));
C1 = (beta(i).k1(i).^2).(k1(i).^2 + k2.^2 - k3.k30)./(k.^2.(k1(i).^2 + k2.^2));
C2 = k2.*k0.^2./((k1(i).^2 + k2.^2).^(3/2)).*atan2((beta(i).*k1(i).*sqrt(k1(i).^2 + k2.^2)),(k0.^2 - k30.*k1(i).*beta(i)));
xhsi1 = C1 - k2./k1(i).*C2;
xhsi1_q = xhsi1.^2;
phi_11 = E_k0./(4.*pi.k0.^4).(k0.^2 - k1(i).^2 - 2.*k1(i).*k30.*xhsi1 + (k1(i).^2 + k2.^2).*xhsi1_q);
I recall this function within the main code as follows
for l = 1:numel(k1)
phi11 = #(k2,k3) phi_11(k1,k2,k3,l)
F11(l) = integral2(phi,-1000,1000,-1000,1000);
at it seems it works.