React Testing Library render leaking between tests - react-testing-library

I'm currently writing some tests and noticed that the rendered screen is being carried over between tests.
The following 3 tests are being affected:
describe('rolls', () => {
it('are ordered', async () => {
<Provider store={store}>
<RollGroup group={0} abilities={mockAbilities} />
await clickAllRollButtons();
for (const { rolls } of store.getState().rollGroups[0]) {
for (let i = 0; i < (rolls?.length as number) - 1; ++i) {
expect((rolls as number[])[i]).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(
(rolls as number[])[i + 1]
it('are between 1 and 6', async () => {
<Provider store={store}>
<RollGroup group={0} abilities={mockAbilities} />
await clickAllRollButtons();
for (const roll of store
(prev: number[], { rolls }) => prev.concat(rolls as number[]),
[] as number[]
)) {
it('removes selected options from options of other dropdowns', async () => {
<Provider store={store}>
<RollGroup group={0} abilities={mockAbilities} />
await clickAllRollButtons();
const dropdowns = screen.getAllByLabelText(/Select ability/i);
const selected = [];
await userEvent.selectOptions( as HTMLElement, 'CON');
const secondDropdown = as HTMLSelectElement;
for (const s of selected) {
await userEvent.selectOptions(secondDropdown, 'STR');
const thirdDropdown = as HTMLSelectElement;
for (const s of selected) {
await userEvent.selectOptions(thirdDropdown, 'DEX');
const fourthDropdown = as HTMLSelectElement;
for (const s of selected) {
await userEvent.selectOptions(fourthDropdown, 'INT');
const fifthDropDown = as HTMLSelectElement;
for (const s of selected) {
await userEvent.selectOptions(fifthDropDown, 'CHA');
const sixthDropdown = as HTMLSelectElement;
for (const s of selected) {
Also relevant to the issue is the clickAllRollButtons function:
const clickAllRollButtons = async () => {
for (const button of screen.getAllByText(/Roll/i)) {
When I try running the entire suite of tests, the tests fail with the following error:
TestingLibraryElementError: Unable to find an element with the text: /Roll/i. This could be because the text is broken up by multiple elements. In this case, you can provide a function for your text matcher to make your matcher more flexible.
I looked at the markup returned in the error message and it's the markup I expect to see after all the roll buttons are clicked and there are none left. However, when I run only one of the tests using it.only, I get a success.
At first, I thought it might be an issue with my redux store carrying state between tests. I tried replacing the use of store with a mock store that gets set before each tests like so:
beforeEach(() => {
mockStore = {};
This did not work. With that in mind, the only reason I can see this happening is that react testing library is keeping the same screen state between tests, possibly because they all use the same jsx. If I'm correct, is there a way to clear the screen between each test? If not, what can I do?
Update: I made a codesandbox to reproduce the issue.

It turns out the issue was with my redux store. Reusing the same store between tests caused the state to leak into other tests. I solved this by exporting a function getStore and calling that whenever I need the store instead of exporting store.


Hiding DOM elements with a chrome extension without causing a flicker

I am aware that there is a duplicate question out there. I am posting it again because it has no answers (and it's from 4 years ago).
General description of what I want:
I want to be able to hide a DOM-element (adding = "none") before the DOM is loaded into the view.
What I've tried:
Other posts point to using a MutationObserver and running it on the document element.
To ensure that we are able to hide an element before the DOM is loaded, we are to run the script containing the MutationObserver as a content_script with "run_at":"document_start".
I did all of this, and I still see a flicker (the elements appear when I load a page and then quickly disappear).
What I'm trying to do:
There's a ul which contains some li with some text on the page I inject my content_script.js into. I populate my popup.html with <text, checkbox> pairs. If the checkbox is checked, the li containing said text is visible, else it is hidden. I want it to persist between refreshes, hence the use of storage.
Things work - but there's a flicker whenever I refresh the page. The elements are there, then they're gone. I don't want them to show up in the first place!
My code:
When I detect that the DOM elements I may remove have loaded, I generate an Object that indicates whether I should hide or keep visible that specific DOM element.
I then set its to none or block accordingly.
"content_scripts": [
"matches": [
"js": [
"run_at": "document_start"
const mutationObserver = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
for (const { addedNodes } of mutations) {
for (const node of addedNodes) {
if (node.tagName) {
if (node.querySelector(potentially_hidden_element_selector)) {"courses", ({ courses }) => {{ "courses": generateCourseList(courses) }, () => {
const courseElements = Array.from(node.closest('ul').querySelectorAll('a[data-parent-key="mycourses"]'))
courseElements.forEach(courseElement => {
const courseName = getCourseName(courseElement)
const isVisible = courses[courseName]
updateCourseElementInSidebar(courseElement, isVisible)
// We found what we were looking for so stop searching
mutationObserver.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true })
My generateCourseList method depends on the DOM elements I may try to hide - so I can't call the method before the DOM has loaded I think.
When I refresh the page, a list of courses eventually populates the DOM.
I then populate the storage's courses object based on these course elements' innerText properties. I set each of these elements' visibility to true or false based on one of two factors: if this course is already defined in the courses object, keep its visibility status, if it isn't, set it to true (visible by default).
I can't make certain DOM elements visible/hidden if I don't have reference to them though. So if I try to call generateCourseList before those specific DOM elements have loaded, I end up trying to retrieve all the course elements (document.querySelectorAll('a[data-parent-key="mycourses"]')) and get returned nothing. I end up setting courses in to nothing because of this{ "courses": generateCourseList(courses) }....
Here is all of my code. I try to as soon as I can, and I try to not depend on the result of
I try to delete the elements as soon as I can, but I'm having difficulty doing so. This is because I have difficulty knowing when the content I want to access (the course elements) have fully loaded. Previously, I was detecting when one course element was visible, and when it was, I assumed all were. This was a mistake. I was able to access the one courselement the moment it popped up, but sometimes only 4 of the 6 course elements were actually loaded. I can't hardcode this number, because it changes from person to person. I can't just tackle them one by one, because then I wouldn't know when to disconnect the MutationObserver. I used the debugger and tried to find what element is loaded soon after all 6 course elements are loaded, and that is the header#page-header.row element. I still get a flicker, though less noticeable than before.
Anything I can do to make it even less noticeable?
function start_mutation_observer() {{ 'savedCourses': {} }, ({ savedCourses }) => {
const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
for (const { addedNodes } of mutations) {
for (const node of addedNodes) {
// The page header gets updated AFTER the courseList is updated - so once it's in the page, we know the courseElements are too
if (document.querySelector('header#page-header.row')) {
const generatedCourses = generateCourseList(savedCourses)
const courseElements = getCourseElements()
// Set visibility of course elements
courseElements.forEach(courseElement => {
const courseName = getCourseElementTextContent(courseElement);
const isShown = generatedCourses[courseName];
setCourseElementVisibility(courseElement, isShown);
});{ 'savedCourses': generatedCourses });
observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
// In case the content script has been injected when some of the DOM has already loaded
onMutation([{ addedNodes: [document.documentElement] }]);
function getCourseElements() {
const COURSE_ELEMENT_SELECTOR = 'ul > li > a[data-parent-key="mycourses"]'
return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(COURSE_ELEMENT_SELECTOR))
function getCourseElementTextContent(courseElement) {
const COURSE_ELEMENT_TEXT_CONTAINER_SELECTOR = 'a[data-parent-key="mycourses"] > div > div >'
return courseElement.querySelector(COURSE_ELEMENT_TEXT_CONTAINER_SELECTOR).textContent
function generateCourseList(savedCourses) {
// Turns [[a, b], [b,c]] into {a:b, b:c}
return Object.fromEntries(getCourseElements().map(courseElement => {
const courseName = getCourseElementTextContent(courseElement)
const isShown = savedCourses[courseName] ?? true
return [courseName, isShown]
function setCourseElementVisibility(courseElement, isShown) {
if (isShown) { = "block"
} else { = "none"
I think it's as good as can be now. I only refresh the visibility of the course elements that were just loaded into the DOM. There's essentially no flicker now (there is a slight one, but its' the same amount of flickering without my extension).
Here is the code for the MutationObserver
function start_mutation_observer() {
let handledCourseElements = new Set(){ 'savedCourses': {} }, ({ savedCourses }) => {
const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
for (const { addedNodes } of mutations) {
for (const node of addedNodes) {
const courseElements = getCourseElements()
const courseElementsAdded = courseElements.length > handledCourseElements.size
// If a courseElement was added, update visibility of those that weren't already processed
if (courseElementsAdded) {
const generatedCourses = generateCourseList(savedCourses)
.filter(courseElement => !handledCourseElements.has(courseElement))
.forEach(courseElement => {
const courseName = getCourseElementTextContent(courseElement)
const courseShouldBeVisible = generatedCourses[courseName];
setCourseElementVisibility(courseElement, courseShouldBeVisible);
// The page header gets updated AFTER the courseList is updated - so once it's in the page, we know the courseElements are too
if (document.querySelector('header#page-header.row')) {
observer.disconnect(){ 'savedCourses': generateCourseList(savedCourses) });
observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
// In case the content script has been injected when some of the DOM has already loaded
onMutation([{ addedNodes: [document.documentElement] }]);
Reading storage is slow and asynchronous, so you need to do it at the beginning:'courses', ({ courses }) => {{ 'courses': generateCourseList(courses) });
const observer = new MutationObserver(onMutation);
observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
onMutation([{addedNodes: [document.documentElement]}]);
function onMutation(mutations) {
for (const { addedNodes } of mutations) {
for (const node of addedNodes) {
if (node.tagName && node.querySelector(potentially_hidden_element_selector)) {
processNode(node, courses);
function processNode(node, courses) {
const courseElements = Array.from(
courseElements.forEach(courseElement => {
const courseName = getCourseName(courseElement);
const isVisible = courses[courseName];
updateCourseElementInSidebar(courseElement, isVisible);

Multiple Select in DropdownButton in flutter

I know that there is many ways / package to implement multi select in dropdownbutton in flutter like --> this one
But with my little knowledge, I want to reinvent the wheel for basic building!!!
My scenario ->
I have a list of location's in json format like this -->
[{id: 928, location: Amtoli}, {id: 905, location: Ashok Tala}, {id: 899, location: Badur Tola}]
and two List -->
List _location = new List(); // this comes from API;
List _multiSelectLoc = new List();
And in DropDownButton's onChanged property -->
onChanged: (newValue) {
setState(() {
_location.forEach((e) {
if (e["id"] == newValue.toString()) {
(e) => e['id'] == newValue.toString());
I am curious to know why my code was not working, why I can't remove data from List _location, and and add to List _multiSelectLoc
I already simulated such condition in dartpad and it's just woking fine!
I guess I found the problem,
rewritten code -->
onChanged: (newValue) {
_location.forEach((e) {
if (e['id'].toString() == newValue.toString()) {
// print(_multiSelectLoc);
(e) => e['id'].toString() == newValue.toString());
setState(() {
// print(_location);
I think the problem was, I was using a dynamic type to compare with string type, when I added .toString() the code started to giving me the results!

Extract function to standalone custom React component in react-leaflet

My primary goal is to call fitBounds whenever a FeatureGroup is rendered in react-leaflet on initial load.
This renders correctly -
function getLayers(featureGroups: MyFeatureGroup[]){
const showOnLoad = true;
return MyFeatureGroup) => {
const groupRef = createRef<FeatureGroup>();
const { id, name, } = group;
return (
<LayersControl.Overlay checked={showOnLoad} key={id} name={name}>
<FeatureGroup ref={groupRef}>
<Layer {} />
However, because it is using a function instead of React component, I don't have access to using React hooks.
The alternative that I tried does not work, even though it is the same code wrapped in a React component -
...same as above...
return MyFeatureGroup) => (
<ControlledGroup {} showOnLoad={showOnLoad} /> ///----- > ADDED THIS HERE
const ControlledGroup: React.FC<ControlledGroupProps> = (props) => {
const groupRef = createRef<FeatureGroup>();
const { map } = useLeaflet();
/// -----> map is correctly defined here - injecting to all of the layers (LayersControl, FeatureGroup) does not solve the problem
const { showOnLoad, } = props;
useEffect(() => fitBounds(map, groupRef)); ///-----> Primary Goal of what I am trying to accomplish
return (
<FeatureGroup ref={groupRef}>
<Layer map={map} {} />
I am a bit stumped, since this is the same code. The getLayers function returns a ReactNode in both cases. However, when moving to a standalone ControlledGroup component, it throws an error on render -
addOverlay is not a function
I tried creating a custom class component for react-leaflet, but the difficulty that I ran into there is that createLeafletElement returns a Leaflet.Element, whereas I am simply looking to return a ReactNode. That is, all of these are valid react-leaflet components already.
My questions - why does one work and the other does not? What is the correct/recommended way to convert this function to a renderable stand-alone React component?
Further, if there is an alternative pattern to calling fitBounds, that would be helpful as well.
Any insight would be appreciated.
Since the Layers share an inheritance with Layers.Overlay, the solution to the render error is to keep the Layers together and move the feature group to a standalone component.
This works as expected and allows me to call useEffect on the groupRef -
function getLayers(groups: MyFeatureGroup[]){
return MyFeatureGroup) => {
const { id, name, } = group;
return (
///---> Keep the Overlay in the function here and extract just the FeatureGroup out
<LayersControl.Overlay checked={showOnLoad} key={id} name={name}>
<ControlledGroup {}></ControlledGroup>

Draftail mention plugin for wagtail

I would like to customise the draftail editor in wagtail in order to have "mentions" functionality (I am using the draft js plugin)
Because my react skills are extremely poor and my knowledge of draftail/draftjs very limited, I am using as a starting point (without knowing much about what it does) and trying to muddle through the task
I have managed to get it so the mention functionality appears in wagtail. The problem is that it appears in a "sub" editor in the toolbar
enter image description here
How can I avoid creating a sub editor and have it work in the body of the existing editor? Below are the two main JS files in my "wagtail-plugin-base"
import AutoComplete from './AutoComplete/AutoComplete.js';
import React, { Component } from '../../node_modules/react';
import createMentionPlugin, { defaultSuggestionsFilter } from '../../node_modules/draft-js-mention-plugin';
import editorStyles from './editorStyles.css';
import { mentions } from './mentions'
import { DraftailEditor, BLOCK_TYPE, INLINE_STYLE, createEditorState } from "draftail"
const mentionPlugin = createMentionPlugin();
const AutoComplete = class SimpleMentionEditor extends Component {
state = {
editorState: createEditorState,
suggestions: mentions,
onChange = (editorState) => {
onSearchChange = ({ value }) => {
suggestions: defaultSuggestionsFilter(value, mentions),
onAddMention = () => {
// get the mention object selected
focus = () => {
render() {
const { MentionSuggestions } = mentionPlugin
return (
ref={(element) => { this.editor = element; }}
export default AutoComplete;
Any pointers much appreciated!

Mapbox GL JS: Style is not done loading

I have a map wher we can classically switch from one style to another, streets to satellite for example.
I want to be informed that the style is loaded to then add a layer.
According to the doc, I tried to wait that the style being loaded to add a layer based on a GEOJson dataset.
That works perfectly when the page is loaded which fires map.on('load') but I get an error when I just change the style, so when adding layer from map.on('styledataloading'), and I even get memory problems in Firefox.
My code is:
mapboxgl.accessToken = 'pk.token';
var map = new mapboxgl.Map({
container: 'map',
style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v10',
center: [5,45.5],
zoom: 7
map.on('load', function () {
map.on('styledataloading', function (styledata) {
if (map.isStyleLoaded()) {
$('#typeMap').on('click', function switchLayer(layer) {
var layerId =;
switch (layerId) {
case 'streets':
map.setStyle('mapbox://styles/mapbox/' + layerId + '-v10');
case 'satellite':
function loadJSON(callback) {
var xobj = new XMLHttpRequest();
xobj.overrideMimeType("application/json");'GET', 'regions.json', true);
xobj.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xobj.readyState == 4 && xobj.status == "200") {
function loadRegionMask() {
loadJSON(function(response) {
var geoPoints_JSON = JSON.parse(response);
map.addSource("region-boundaries", {
'type': 'geojson',
'data': geoPoints_JSON,
'id': 'region-fill',
'type': 'fill',
'source': "region-boundaries",
'layout': {},
'paint': {
'fill-color': '#C4633F',
'fill-opacity': 0.5
"filter": ["==", "$type", "Polygon"]
And the error is:
Uncaught Error: Style is not done loading
at t._checkLoaded (mapbox-gl.js:308)
at t.addSource (mapbox-gl.js:308)
at e.addSource (mapbox-gl.js:390)
at map.js:92 (map.addSource("region-boundaries",...)
at XMLHttpRequest.xobj.onreadystatechange (map.js:63)
Why do I get this error whereas I call loadRegionMask() after testing that the style is loaded?
1. Listen styledata event to solve your problem
You may need to listen styledata event in your project, since this is the only standard event mentioned in mapbox-gl-js documents, see
You can use it in this way:
map.on('styledata', function() {
2. Reasons why you shouldn't use other methods mentioned above
setTimeout may work but is not a recommend way to solve the problem, and you would got unexpected result if your render work is heavy;
style.load is a private event in mapbox, as discussed in issue, so we shouldn't listen to it apparently;
.isStyleLoaded() works but can't be called all the time until style is full loaded, you need a listener rather than a judgement method;
Ok, this mapbox issue sucks, but I have a solution
myMap.on('styledata', () => {
const waiting = () => {
if (!myMap.isStyleLoaded()) {
setTimeout(waiting, 200);
} else {
I mix both solutions.
I was facing a similar issue and ended up with this solution:
I created a small function that would check if the style was done loading:
// Check if the Mapbox-GL style is loaded.
function checkIfMapboxStyleIsLoaded() {
if (map.isStyleLoaded()) {
return true; // When it is safe to manipulate layers
} else {
return false; // When it is not safe to manipulate layers
Then whenever I swap or otherwise modify layers in the app I use the function like this:
function swapLayer() {
var check = checkIfMapboxStyleIsLoaded();
if (!check) {
// It's not safe to manipulate layers yet, so wait 200ms and then check again
setTimeout(function() {
}, 200);
// Whew, now it's safe to manipulate layers!
the rest of the swapLayer logic goes here...
Use the style.load event. It will trigger once each time a new style loads.
map.on('style.load', function() {
My working example:
when I change style
I get error Uncaught Error: Style is not done loading
This solved my problem
Do not use map.on("load", loadTiles);
instead use
map.on('styledata', function() {
when you change style, map.setStyle(), you must wait for setStyle() finished, then to add other layers.
so far map.setStyle('xxx', callback) Does not allowed. To wait until callback, work around is use map.on("styledata"
map.on("load" not work, if you change map.setStyle(). you will get error: Uncaught Error: Style is not done loading
The current style event structure is broken (at least as of Mapbox GL v1.3.0). If you check map.isStyleLoaded() in the styledata event handler, it always resolves to false:
map.on('styledata', function (e) {
if (map.isStyleLoaded()){
// This never happens...
My solution is to create a new event called "style_finally_loaded" that gets fired only once, and only when the style has actually loaded:
var checking_style_status = false;
map.on('styledata', function (e) {
if (checking_style_status){
// If already checking style status, bail out
// (important because styledata event may fire multiple times)
} else {
checking_style_status = true;
function check_style_status() {
if (map.isStyleLoaded()) {
checking_style_status = false;
} else {
// If not yet loaded, repeat check after delay:
setTimeout(function() {check_style_status();}, 200);
I had the same problem, when adding real estate markers to the map. For the first time addding the markers I wait till the map turns idle. After it was added once I save this in realEstateWasInitialLoaded and just add it afterwards without any waiting. But make sure to reset realEstateWasInitialLoaded to false when changing the base map or something similar.
checkIfRealEstateLayerCanBeAddedAndAdd() {
/* The map must exist and real estates must be ready */
if ( && this.realEstates) {'idle', () => {
if (!this.realEstateWasInitialLoaded) {
this.realEstateWasInitialLoaded = true
if(this.realEstateWasInitialLoaded) {
I ended up with :
map.once("idle", ()=>{ ... some function here});
In case you have a bunch of stuff you want to do , i would do something like this =>
add them to an array which looks like [{func: function, param: params}], then you have another function which does this:
executeActions(actions) {
actions.forEach((action) => {
And at the end you have"idle", () => {
I have created simple solution. Give 1 second for mapbox to load the style after you set the style and you can draw the layer
reDrawMapSourceAndLayer(); /// your function layer
}, 1000);
when you use map.on('styledataloading') it will trigger couple of time when you changes the style
map.on('styledataloading', () => {
const waiting = () => {
if (!myMap.isStyleLoaded()) {
setTimeout(waiting, 200);
} else {