Settings.json keeps opening in Visual Studio Vode - visual-studio-code

I have this weird issue in Visual Studio Code (v1.67.0 (Universal) on Mac) where the editor keeps opening Settings.json
It says something has changed in the file, however I can't figure out what it is. After saving again and closing the file reopens itself after a while and says it has been modified.
When comparing, no changes in the file are visible. I tried deleting the cache as mention in this Stack Overflow topic however that didn't make a difference.
Anyone else experiencing the same issue?


Randomly the Save menu item greyed out when editing files in VS Code

I encounter the "Save" and "Save As" menu items greyed out randomly and regularly while editing files in VS Code. Been happening for a few years. Most of the time it's while I'm editing Golang code but it has happened for other file types. If I click on the x to the right of the file name tab for the open file, I then get the option to save the file. Ditto if I try and close VS Code.
So VS Code knows there are unsaved changes. Closing VS Code completely and restarting it "fixes" the issue until the next time. Did a search and I don't see any "recent" issues like this that others have experienced. Running on macOS. Happened under Big Sur, Monterey and now on Ventura. Currently running VS Code 1.72.2. I tried to narrow it down by disabling some extensions but it still happens.
Tried removing extensions. Still happens. Uninstalled and re-installed VS Code.

Visual Studio Code Destroyed all my files

I have been using visual studio code for about a year now. Recently I went to save one of my files and visual studio code gave me the error message this file conflict with a previous version. I clicked on the error and it presented me with a screen show the differences. I turned out I had added a line at the top importing defining a new constant. When I clicked override visual studio code presented me with a blank file. I went to look at my files and found that every file I have every worked on in the program has been changed to a blank file. Now whenever I try to save a file nothing happens, and I can't close tabs. I use a macbook if that helps in any way. Does anyone know how I could retrieve my files and how to prevent this prom happening again.
Edit: this applies to all my files not just ones associated with this project.

trouble in vscode File seems to be binary and cannot be opened as text

while i do something changes in setting of vs code then File seems to be binary and cannot be opened as text error occurs and not able to do any changes in vs code also not working the setting changes.

Visual Studio Code Save All button issue

Visual Studio Code Save All button is always enabled even without any file changes. How can we solve this issue? Ideally it should be grayed Out if no file changes are there in the workspace.
It's an intentional feature, just in case someone is not sure if they saved their files, VS Code will always show it to prevent closing without saving (besides the exit prompt).
Now, if for some reason they decided to change this, it would we worse, as people are used to the always blue button.

vscode "applying code action organize Imports"

Currently got an annoying issue with VS and saving ts files.
every time I save a ts file I get a little popup in the bottom right telling me its "applying code action organize Imports".
I've tried uninstalled VSCode, removing all extensions, deleting the code folder in Roaming. As far as I can tell all my user settings are blank and it should be back to a clean install of VSCode. I've tried looking in the settings for something similar, even adding this to my settings.
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"source.organizeImports": false
However, I'm still getting the same message on save and its restructuring the imports.
I've got vs code installed on another 2 machines and don't get the same issue.
Any ideas?
Turns out the folder I was opening had its own custom .vscode folder with its own settings.json which had the organizeImports setting enabled. So no matter what I did to my local settings file this one was always overriding it and nothing was showing up within VS directly.
I had forgotten to select a Python interpreter in vscode. Once I did this, the pop up on bottom right telling saying its "applying code action organize Imports" stopped appearing. This solved it for me.