Show Facebook user profile image to other users - facebook

I managed to implement Facebook login into my android app and it displays the public profile picture when I provide the access token in the link:{userId}/picture?type=large&access_token={ACCESS_TOKEN}
But what about the other users? It's a social media application and I want other users to see the profile picture as well.
Is this even possible after the changes Facebook made in September 2020?
I saw that Zynga Poker has exactly what I want, you sign up with Facebook and everyone else can see your profile picutre as well.
Can I somehow request from the user to give me the permission to use the profile picture piblicly?


Page Albums App

I've got an developper account, and a page with photo albums that I want to display on a website.
I'm trying to use Facebook Album Browser. The doc of this plugin says that I should create my on app to get an access token.
If I've understand correctly, I need a Page Access Token. But that's where I'm defently lost...
How to obtain it? There is no login action with this plugin, and I'll be the only one using this app. If I'm following the Facebook Dev Doc, it says that :
You do not need to submit your app if it will only be used by you or by a reduced number of people. Any account listed in the Roles tab in your App Dashboard, such as admins, developers and testers, can access all permissions and generate a user or page access token.
I'm the admin for this app and the admin for the page.
Can someone help me?
Thanks in advance.

How to get user_photo permission app approval on facebook?

I can't seem to get my app approved on facebook for photo approval. The problem is that Facebook says I haven't demonstrated how my app use photos so they can't approve that permission. However I can't show them how my app uses photos because its not approved for users to give that permission! Its a catch-22.
I need to give facebook an account that they can use to connect to my app and see how I pull in user photos. The website is already built using the PHP SDK and its configured to redirect the user to facebook's oauth page where they are prompted for permission. However at this point any username except mine (the developer) sees this:
The following permissions have not been approved for use and are not being shown to people using your app: user_photos.
Submit them for review or learn more.
So therefore the account cannot grant photo permissions and the app doesn't work right. So facebook won't approve it. How do you get around this catch-22? Things I've tried:
Creating a facebook test user through their dashboard, it still doesn't have permission to grant photo access
Creating a real facebook account, uploading photos, and then making that user an "administrator" of my app. Still cannot grant photo access.
This is very frusterating, anyone have any ideas?
Your App must be created before 30 April 2014 then use it in facebook
Like your AppName Huus then it is created before 30 April 2014 in facebook
This all means you haven't created a test user correctly. If you create a test user from{your-app-id}/roles/test-users/ (App Settings > Roles > Test Users), the user will have access to any and every permission, even if they've not been approved by Facebook.
When asking for permission, I got no error or warning about unapproved permissions.
I was able to create a test user for my app, logged in and was able to access unapproved permissions. Screenshot is proof.

Facebook: Social Plugins - do I need access to client's FB profile?

I'm creating a website for a local business and they also happen to have a Facebook page. I wanted to embed some of their facebook stuff on the business website. Here's an example of some of the things I want to do (see below). But, do I need access to the business's FB profile or can I create this without login information? Thanks!
that is called "like box":
you only need to create an app, and you can do it under your profile - so no need to ask for business's credentials.

Getting facebook profile while signup with facebook in liferay

I am trying to use the liferay inbuild facebook signin feature. By default facebook connect only stores first name,lastname,email and gender.
I want to get the profile picture of user from facebook and store in the database as userpotrait of a user when he sign up with facebook. How can do it in liferay?
You make the url for the profile picture of the user as -<USERID>/picture?type=normal
Try below URL to get facebook profile image.{your user name}/picture
You can easily get api for get this profile image for facebook also below link might help you.
Facebook API - How do I get a Facebook user's profile image through the Facebook API (without requiring the user to "Allow" the application)
For Store the image you will need to convert as a byte steam and store it using below Util class
UserServiceUtil.updatePortrait(long userId, byte[] bytes)
Hope this helps !

Facebook page app

I`m an admin on a facebook fan page. The problem is that when I try to create an app for facebook fan page, facebook redirects me to my profile, and thus I will be creating an app for myself and not the facebook fan page.
Is there a way to do this?
I need to do this so I would get app ID and app Secret for facebook fan page.
Kalvin Klien, please don't fall over getting out of bed, but you will need to use a user profile to create apps, not a page profile. It is documented here:
Create new app from Business account
Create a Facebook APP goes in circles back my page
Can company page accounts create apps?
If you want facebook to tell you, please
1) Log into your facebook account
2) Switch to using your facebook page (aka business page)
3) Go to:
4) Read error message that says:
To access this page, you'll need to switch from using Facebook as your
page to using Facebook as yourself.