I am doing some automated uninstalls of Autodesk software, and Autodesk has once again screwed the pooch with their uninstalls. Their uninstall is supposed to do reference counting on certain shared components, like their Single Signor Service, Autodesk Genuine Service, Licensing service, etc. The problem is, when you are uninstalling that last ADSK product, the uninstaller is too stupid to stop the service, so their uninstaller fails with a 1603 fatal error. Last year you could stop the services before you started the uninstall, but this year I am getting this error
Stop-Service : Service 'Autodesk Access Service Host (Autodesk Access Service Host)' cannot be stopped due to the following error: Cannot open Autodesk Access Service Host service on computer '.'.
When using this code
Get-Service -Name "Autodesk Access Service Host" | Stop-Service -Force -NoWait
I have verified with
(Get-Service -Name "Autodesk Access Service Host").CanStop
that service can be stopped. At least according to the property.
I also tried
Start-Process "$env:WINDIR\system32\sc.exe" \\.,stop,"Autodesk Access Service Host" -NoNewWindow -Wait
while ((Get-Service -ComputerName '.' -Name "Autodesk Access Service Host" |
Select -ExpandProperty Status) -ne 'Stopped') {
Write-Host "Waiting for service to stop..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
And that has run for 15 minutes with no results. Interestingly I CAN disable the service, but I really don't want that. I just want to stop it temporarily, so IF the Autodesk uninstall that is running is the last one with a dependency on this service will uninstall it correctly and returns the correct exit code of 0.
EDIT: I tried
sc stop "Autodesk Access Service Host"
from an elevated command prompt and that shows
so not really sure how to take STOP_PENDING along with NOT_STOPPABLE, nor why this would say NOT_STOPPABLE when the property above shows true.
I'm trying to install DFS on a Windows 2012R2 instance in GCP. The instance has a startup script, and in the startup script, it does this:
$code = '
Write-Host "Setting up DFS Replication for Assets"
Start-Sleep 5
Add-DfsrMember -GroupName "CMS" -ComputerName $env:ComputerName
Start-Sleep 5
Set-DfsrMembership -GroupName "CMS" -FolderName "Assets" -ComputerName $env:ComputerName -ContentPath "C:\web\Proof_web\Website\Assets" -ReadOnly 1 -Force
Start-Sleep 5
Add-DfsrConnection -GroupName "CMS" -SourceComputerName gcp-staging-app-1 -DestinationComputerName $env:ComputerName
dfsrdiag StaticRPC /port:49200 /Member:$env:ComputerName
Start-Sleep 5
Restart-Service "DFSR"
Start-Sleep 5
Dfsrdiag PollAD /Member:gcp-staging\$env:computername
echo $code
Write-Host "Running powershell to install and configure DFS"
Start-Process -FilePath powershell.exe -ArgumentList $code -verb RunAs -WorkingDirectory C:\installers
I can see in the serial output that all these things look to be happening. When I RDP onto the instance and run a "Get-DFSReplicationGroup", I see what I expect, BUT when I open DFS Management mmc, there's nothing there. The "Namespaces" and "Replication" headers are there, but there's nothing underneath them.
I can then take the same code, run it manually in Powershell ISE, and it all works as expected, after a service restart on the memeber and the source instance.
Somebody, please tell me what sort of idiot I am. Be gentle.
Updates: Gave up on the startup script approach, pretty sure it's permissions, am finding articles where MS advisors are saying that the user has to be a domain admin, which seems pretty whack. But i'm now trying to run the script from a scheduled task, and same issue, permissions. If I add the service account to delegated permissions in DFS, I get this error now; –
"Could not add the computer to the replication group. Computer: WEB-QZL Replication group: "CMS" Retrieving the COM class factory for remote component with CLSID {CEFE3B33-B60F-44FC-BFE4-D354A1CE39EE} from machine WEB-QZL.domain.local failed due to the following error: 80070005 WEB-QZL.domain.local." Why is this process so overally complicated! –
And just to clarify, if I add the svc account to domain admins in AD, it works. I don't want to have a svc account as a domain admin. Just tell me the specific permission MS! this is killing me
Spent a bit of time messing about with this now, went with a run-once scheduled task in the end, that calls the PS script, as can't get it to work on startup without passing credentials in the script which we didn't want to do, and I'm not aware if there's anyway to change the account the startup scripts run under in GCP.
So, for a domain user / service account to have the ability to do this via the script called from a scheduled task, had to give the service account permissions via GPO. The policy / right is called "Synchronize directory service data". Once this service account had that privilege, ran the scheduled task and the new member was added, directories targeted etc.
Thanks all for your help. Hope this helps someone else in the future.
All the best.
My code currently is:
$Workstationlist=get-adcomputer -filter * -searchbase 'OU=Workstations, DC=example, DC=com' -SearchScope 2 | foreach {$_.Name}
foreach($workstation in $Workstationlist){
get-service -ComputerName $workstation -name wauaserv
It seems to pulling service statuses from the array that is being parsed by the foreach method, but after a few values are returned it will spit this error message in between which seems to point at the location I saved the script
Running wuauserv Windows Update
Stopped wuauserv Windows Update
Running wuauserv Windows Update
Stopped wuauserv Windows Update
get-service : Cannot find any service with service name 'wuauserv'. At
The idea is that I will stop the wauaserv service on all workstations in the domain, I was then going to add lines to delete everything from the \windowsdistrobution\ folder. And then restart the service. This effectively kills any downloading pending install update. I can drop $workstation into a ls snippet easy enough but pulling services doesn't seem to work quite as clean. Not sure why it is point the get-service to the location that I saved the script.
Any ideas and explanations as to how to accomplish what I'm shooting for a bit more cleanly or at least hide the erroneous output since the command IS running against the array.
I hope this made sense to someone out there.
I'm trying to Start a service using Powershell and using the code below
function CheckServiceStatus {
$getservice = Get-Service -Name $winupdate
if($getservice.Status -ne $running){
stop-service $winupdate
Start-Service $winupdate
Write-output "Starting" $winupdate "service"|out-file "C:\Users\Mani\Desktop\abc.txt"
Add-Content C:\Users\Mani\Desktop\abc.txt $getservice.Status
Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to exit"
$winupdate = 'vsoagent.192.Shalem'
$running = 'Running'
CheckServiceStatus $winupdate
I got the following error:
Service 'ABC' cannot be stopped due to the following error: Cannot
open ABC service on computer '.'
I found some link here on our forum but couldn't resolve. Please suggest
If you want to start/stop/etc services, you need elevated privileges (run as Admin). You can still get information about the service, but that's it. If you want to include a more verbose error, include this:
$isadmin = [bool](([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).groups -match "S-1-5-32-544")
Write-Error "You need elevated privileges to run this script"
Rest of your code
Or even better, if you're running Powershell 4.0 or higher (You can get it by checking $PSVersionTable), you can include
#Requires -RunAsAdministrator
At the top of your file, and you won't be able to run it without admin privilages.
I had this issue while running the command on PowerShell ISE. All I did was start the PowerShell ISE as an administrator.
Look into Event Viewer and find more details. In my case, I have found relevant info in Administrative Events, then Service Control Manager. The error was related to insufficient privileges given for the account. The service was creating a new file and this task failed. Of course, your error's details are probabably different, but that is the tip.
Before anyone says anything about access rights...
I have full access to services and can manually stop both the Avecto Defendpoint Service and the Avecto Defendpoint ePO Interface. And, all users who will be using this application will also have admin rights.
Im trying to find a way to stop the Avecto Defendpoint service through PowerShell. I've tried...
Right-click on PowerShell (Run as admin)
Stop-Service -Name "Avecto Defendpoint Service"
With this as a response...
Stop-Service : Service 'Avecto Defendpoint Service (Avecto Defendpoint
Service)' cannot be stopped due to the following error: Cannot open Avecto
Defendpoint Service service on computer '.'.
I've also tried using the -Force parameter with the same result. If I manually disable Avecto prior to running the PowerShell I can manually start the service back up again and THEN I can kill it as intended from the PowerShell; but this defeats the purpose of embedding the functionality into the program.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
You can use the following to stop Defendpoint from working:
Stop-Service -InputObject "Avecto Defendpoint Service" -Force
Once you are finished and need to re-enable it, use this:
Start-Service -InputObject "Avecto Defendpoint Service"
I have three servers, let's call them Deploy1, Deploy2, Target.
All servers are running Windows Server 2008R2, fully updated.
A domain user, admin1, is configured as administrator on all servers, and this is the user I'm running all the commands with.
The following command works on Deploy1:
Get-Service "MyService" -ComputerName Target | Stop-Service
When running the same command on Deploy2, the command fails with the following message:
Cannot find any service with service name 'MyService'.
On Deploy2, the following command works, and displays the service and its status.
Get-Service "MyService" -ComputerName Target
Now, I know there are other ways to stop/start services via PowerShell, but I like this one as it automatically waits for the server to actually stop/start.
So what could be wrong with Deploy2?
Powershell v2.0 has a bug (feature?) in how the object returned by Get-Service is implemented. It does not actually set the ComputerName property correctly. Because of this, it can only affect local services. If you upgrade to Windows Management Framework 3.0 (and consequently Powershell v3) the bug is fixed and will work correctly.
Does this work? If not, is there an error produced?
(Get-Service "MyService" -ComputerName Target).Stop()